I have a theory that antidepressants (probably Zoloft) drove cosmo insane...

I have a theory that antidepressants (probably Zoloft) drove cosmo insane. Just look how dialated his eyes are in a bright lit environment. My doctors put me on that shit and after taking about three of the pills I got put in the hospital and ultimately the mental hospital for a couple days. Even now after never taking that shit again I'm still not 100% the person I used to be. Either that or he got put on resperdol for his autism, which nonjokingly, he probably has. Got sudogynocomastia and then said fuck it and bought hormones to fully develop his new womanly body

>be 3/10
>get btfo so hard that you think about turning into a woman
>pay thousands of dollars to mutilate yourself
>still be a dude and a 1/10 "girl"
>spend the rest of your life wondering where everything went wrong

I cannot imagine how it is to be this guy, it makes me so glad that to be who i am

Did he have the surgery?!



You can see he's always been fucked up

No he's just a nintendo fan with mild autism like 50% of Sup Forums who got depressed when he got dumped and decided to become a girl when he couldn't handle being a fucking man because it was too hard for him

and if you don't realize that you will be next friend

He has a nice eye color I'll give him that

>next gdq
>we dedicate this run to the memory of narcissa...

I took that shit for a while, it did absolutely fucking nothing. Eventually moved on to better antidepressants.

why are mods deleting cosmo threads?


Drugs are a crutch, user. They will only hold you back unless you desperately need them for a traumatic injury

I tried to get over my depression for around 7 years user, I even joined the army, thinking that drastic change of scenery and harsh conditions would help me appreciate the life better, but after I served my time I came back home and everything went exactly as before. The drugs are indeed the last resort, but I already tried everything else.

why whenever i hear someone suffering from this i think they are bullshitting and trying to find an excuse to not fix their life?

No matter what someone says, depression stems from something you wish you could fix in life that's got you stagnating. Sometimes it's something your lazy ass is too stupid to fix, sometimes it's over something out of your hands. most cases, myself included, are the former; counselors love to make it feel like this isn't the case so they can load you up on pills

Depression brings to the point where you have no will to live. Eventually you start rationalising suicide with thoughts that go like that
>I'm a piece of shit and I fail at everything I do, so trying to fix anything is pointless, especially since I don't want and don't enjoy anything anyway
>I bring nothing but suffering to people around me
>therefore it would be better for me and everyone around me if I killed myself - I'd feel no more suffering and wouldn't be a burden for people around me
It's not really about being lazy, it's about seeing no way to "fix" things because you don't enjoy anything any more and process of living itself feels like a tiring chore.

Because all of modern human society is built on the back of ideas like personal responsibility and free will. Despite all of the evidence pointing to the fact that stuff like clinical depression is very real, it's a tough pill for most people to swallow whether they suffer from it or not, because it effectively runs contrary to the very core values we live on. Accepting the reality that mental illness is real and can affect anybody basically destroys the illusion that we - our "souls", if you like - are the ones in charge of our thoughts and not the chemicals in our brains. It kills the idea of free will, if the one domain we had left to ourselves, the mind, is actually just as frail, just a prone to breaking down and just as out-of-our-control as everything else in the body. "They're not on the verge of suicide because of a mental illness, it's because they didn't work hard enough, they didn't do X, or Y, or Z", people will say.

This is one of the great hurdles of science and philosophy that haven't yet been overcome.

In hindsight I was depressed in HS/College as all the things I want now - close friends, girls, free time - I had back then, and back then those things were always in the background, with my self loathing in the front.But I agree it's used an excuse, at some age """Depression""" is used so haphazardly by some people that just can't express or understand a period of down time.

>Cosmo's a tranny
>Miles's a tranny
>Tranny count at gdqs slowly increasing
Who's next?

it was Soylent. that shit boosts your estrogen levels

Well one of the guys you quoted did a pretty big thing compared to most "depressed" shitheads, so it is safe to conclude that he is not bullshitting since nothing changed for him apparently.

please for the love of god anyone but tompa i need my red blanket guy to keep being comfy

can you post the original so i can rate your shop?

>Drugs are a crutch, user. They will only hold you back unless you desperately need them for a traumatic injury
Yeah I can't tell you how powerful of a person I've gotten from allowing my entire body to become hives from not taking my skin drugs.

Probably because you've never had it. It's fucking hell on earth.

I hope the numbers keep growing, specially in cases like Cosmo, it will show that acceptance it's not more important than logic and common sense, and trans start getting treated like they really are, a mentally ill individuals.

The bitter truth does less harm that the sweetest lie.

You're half right, just not in the way you meant. It's usually a cry for help, not attention or pity.

Do they actually feminize/stunt growth if you take them growing up?
I started taking them when I was 14 years old, continued taking them until I was 19 or 20.

Would you fuck Cosmo?

zoloft is some of the weakest shit ever.

With a rake.

People have different reactions to medication, you dumb fuck. Just because you were too much of a bitch for even something like Zoloft doesn't mean shit about your theory.

>bloodshot eyes
>huge pupils
See what happens to you when you smoke weed.
You become an insane tranny.



Nah the dicks still there, NarCosmo is pretty open about it. Even tells people to suck him "Feminine penis"

>play games all day
>get brain damage

You can have a wonderful life and still be depressed as fuck. I have my dream job job, a cute girlfriend that shares my hobbies, I earn enough money to live comfortably, and on top of that I live in one of the safest, most beautiful country in the world.

But it doesn't stop me from spending 90% of my freetime in bed, having no will to come out of it. Can't play vidya because i get bored after 10 minutes, can't go outside because I constantly remind myself that staying in bed would have been nicer.
That's what depression does to you. And I don't even fucking know how to fix it.


Yeah Zoloft fucks with your brain. It makes you smell a weird smell, it dulls are your emotions and gives you fucked up thoughts.

At least on the dose I was on. Plus I was mixing it with Wellbutrin per doctors orders so I dunno. Worst thing I ever was on though was some weird shit I was on after a groin injury that gave me new fears and made me think I was dying(and I was now afraid of death). It also made me feel like I was about a foot taller and floating around.

get a competent therapist. they may help you with finding out why you are depressed and can give tips on how to fix it.

Don't use anti-psychotics or anti-depressants unless you are sucidial. Get prescibed stimulants, fix diet and exercise.

You need to be brain damaged in the first place to become a speedrunner.

Every school shooter was also on anti-depressants

they make you absolutely crazy

Try to get out of bed at least. Lying down too much can cause stomach problems, the stomach and brain are more connected than people think. You should also force yourself outside because you need shit like sunlight and wind in your face.

Death anxiety is a very common early side effect when taking anti-depressants.

Is there any picture where this dude doesn't look like a crazy person?

>A well studied SSRI turned me into a crazy bitch because I'm weak
>Anti depressants are scary and permanently change people!

How to tell someone's never been depressed.

It's "real" BUT everyone uses it now just because they feel sad or some shit


"wow, thanks Dickrider42 for the sub"


It's like gluten allergies, a select few people do have it, but now every single person is apparently is gluten intolerant all of a sudden.


Yeah, like how people claim they have social anxiety because they're awkward at parties.

its real but everyone abuses the system, like if you don't want cheese in your burger but tell McD's you're lactose intolerant so they get the order right.

...theres your food analogy.


I do all this shit and I'm not depressed.

Is it social anxiety if you can't think of nothing but the party the moment you are invented and for about a week you feel a constant force pushing down on your chest, along with severe stomach issues that will last until the moment you enter the party and is replaced by entirely new forms of nervousness?

Can't you just order without cheese?