Webm Thread? Webm Thread

Webm Thread? Webm Thread.








Here's an old webm I made





Really makes me think



I dont understand whats going on here. Yet I feel a strange sense of smug satisfaction.











Can you still do this in the final game?


wtf is this movie shit





he's fast!

yup i had to panic dodge that shit

Sick stuff. I can't play Nioh for shit.


That fucking autist walk




I should have bought this game.





Wait, does dodging cost almost no stamina or something? What the fuck?


Not in low stance.


This is just Super Meat Boy


What game is this?

super mario rpg

but worse


Oh ok I think I get it
So the ink stays in place after you die and you learn the level more with every death, right?

What game is this and is it on pc?

modded skyrim


Never mind. It's Subnautica.

EDF 4.1 and yes, its great.

is this Max Payne 1 or 2?


Why do you faggots like these shit games again?

Thank you, I remember seeing clips of it before, it looks fun af

whoever made that webm is stylish as fuck. got anymore stylish as hell max payne footage?

that's the idea, yes

This is why you fuckers have no friends.


Looks like super meat boy


Good lord man, you're either from facebook or a woman
What kind of a dumb fucking post is that? Also, lurk moar

the only good hack and slash is the first devil maycry and maybe metal gear rising, souls games are for casuals


you don't know me, user :^)

all hack and slash is for casuals.

What is this? Survival Horror Racing?


exact same thing happened to me


Is this Scape from "tarkikoskia"?

Why would you buy this game when battlefield exists?

I made a point to not buy any FPS without enviormental destruction ever since playing battlefield, then you have a game with MECS WITH NO FUCKING DESTRUCTION, I mean...why?

Why can't I see the fun in this game, Sup Forums? I want nothing to do with it and I can't understand why.

Damn I really want to start playing Yakuza but I'm not sure about my options.
Is the first one playable on pcsx2? I hate that mess of an emulator but sometimes it works.

Wow you can parry from that far away in DS3? IIRC in 1 you had to hug your opponent

do you guys not get tired of posting/seeing the same webms in every thread? whats going on in your brain

>the fucking phantom range on longswords
Thanks for reminding me why I hate DaS3 PvP.

cause i dont like battlefield....? environmental destruction doesnt make a good fps

Metal Gear Rising, my man

That some Chow Yun-Fat/John Woo shit right there, good show.

Uh it does when I giant robot can't go through a fence

typical Sup Forums, one small thing ruins a whole game

lighten up

first two games are playable on pcsx2 but 2 has gloomy cutscenes, not a big problem though

Not him, but what's the point of big mechs if you can't break fences?

Nice shoulder spam, you did beat a weeb but you're still cancer.

Except it's the whole feel of the game, you have giant robots fighting, they should be smashing through buildings instead soldiers can fucking run into an house and they're suddenly untouchable by the giant robot carrying missile and an autocannon right next to them.

Fighting, I assume

just dodge you salt miner

Why not just make a bigger mech than the enemy. Then they stand no chance.