How does one have fun in this game, exactly?

How does one have fun in this game, exactly?

>video games

do you realize where the fuck you are faggot?

I want to rub my dick on her back.

If you're a high time preference guy or just want to let of steam without thinking about anything intense, then it is fun.

I played GTAO during its time of release until I got bored of it. I'd imagine it's changed a bit since the multitude of updates, but I highly doubt that the core of what made it enjoyable for me has altered in any way

and that pretty much amounted to fucking players up with the multitude of resources I got from obtaining $$$ from all the exploits that were available at the time

How is the game on PS4 now? Is the online playable at all?

>How does one have fun in this game?

Click here to buy shark cards and I'll tell you all about it!

Play with friends, custom game modes/races are pretty fun

it's only fun if you're black and aspire to be a gangsta, i.e. if you're a subhuman piece of shit.

By selling it and getting watch dogs 2


Also Teenage wiggers love this game.

Enable first person mode.
Play the story.
DO NOT open online.

just driving around doing stunt jumps is pretty good for me

by having friends

and then playing with them

Even then it really isnt very fun. Its for people who play hiphop down their mic thinking everyone wants to hear how cool they are

except it is though. i play it pretty much every other day with at least 3 other friends. killing people, destroying their car, drug, package deliveries is always fun.

Kid above me is autistic and doesn't deserve (YOU)


Do you have lower than average intelligence?

You sound morbidly retarded

>stop liking what I don't like

Are you going to tell us how much better 4 was again, you OCD faggot?

fighting thugs

oh wait

Get a 4 star wanted level and try to outrun the cops on foot or on the freeway. Literally the most fun I got out of both 5 and 4.

Play it.
Stop being such a hard to please nob.
Stop hating things just to please people you don't know on a Vietnamese coin collecting forum.

collect cash to get good weapons/cars, either playing online or off.
play with friends, either online or off, plenty of fun or funny stuff will happen
play custom maps online
get to a high wanted level and outrun the cops
or turn on superjump/exploding bullets and just fuck some shit up while jumping to safety
Those are pretty much your choices

Act like an idiot psychopath. Some people enjoy doing that with other people making noise at them, too, instead of playing the campaign.

The fun comes by not being a friendless faggot and not sticking to Rockstars given "game modes"

>Meet up with some pals
>Find whichever of you has a bulletproof car
>Bully people

>Arrange wacky races between you and your friends
>Dirtbike races through the city with grenades
>Truck races cross country
>Boat races down rivers with waterfalls
>All book taxis to the same spot from the same spot, tell them to hurry, fastest cab wins

>Camp outside *that* autoshop
>Snipe everyone that drives out
>Fill the carpark with custom cars

>Find someone who takes it too seriously
>Block them in a shop

>Find the train
>Try to jump onto it with bikes/cars
>See who can stay on the longest while you try to knock each other off

GTA 5 is unironically one of the most fun multiplayer experiences in recent times. The potential for sheer bants is nigh unlimited.

It's only bad if you are, as I said, a friendless faggot.

bring friends


Whats the most fun you guys do, if your playing alone and not online?

>buy shitloads of weapons
>go to that nigga neighbourhood
>at night
>provoke a few
>they start shooting and chimping out
>go behind the building
>climb up
>see them spezzing down
>kill one of them
>police comes
>police and niggas having a shootout
>watch and eat my doritos

Forever alone manlet loner detected

by being underage

It's def Candice Swanepoel

>shit all money left
>just want to buy and customise a reasonably okay car
>have to play races to do so
>everyone has better shit

Either trade race wins or just level up

I think Rockstar did a great job making the online fun just to fuck around in. There's always some cool challenge about to start and a job on every corner, it's a lot more fun than IVs online.


I'm over half way through this game and it's no fun.

This is my first GTA game and don't think I'll be checking in with the rest of the series.

>halfway through
>a sandbox game
you're playing it wrong

driving planes and motorcycles and riding the train

You're not supposed to have fun, just like Battlefield games, they're sold as tech demos. That's the reason the city looks "good" but you can't do anything there other than cut your hair.

that feel when negative win ratio for races, didn't know about win trading for upgrades till later

playing with friends and not being depressed

You don't. It's literally the most overrated game ever

You don't.
My fps suddenly start tanking to 15-10 until I pressed alt-tab, they will become stable for a while and then tank again.
I had to repeat that process until I decided it was enough.
Shit did me a fucking favor really.

Pretty much sums it up.

The only people who don't like GTAO are the people who get butthurt over stuff like this.

Back when GTAO first came out stealing jets from the military was the funnest shit

>Steal jet
>Take off under fire
>Deal with pursuit jets
>Fly around looking for people getting into fights
>Provide CAS
>Have max wanted level
>Suddenly robbing a gas station gets the military on your ass
>Chaos everywhere

And then everyone got SAMs to pull out of their ass.

By playing it as living the life that you will never have.

Online was fun in last gen due to glitches and exploits that honestly you had to do to get past a point and be able to stand up for yourself against hackers and other people, but there wasn't much things to spend your money on, and it was hard as fuck to get cash because missions were seldom and low pay, but it was basically you and your friends living broke as fuck on a GTA world that felt new, doing petty jobs and blowing shit up.

Then the fucking updates introducing the latest weapons, cars and things that gave you a noticable upper hand in everything, the problem was that that stuff costed millions and sharkcards cost between 20 and 100 dollars (a.k.a. too much real fucking money)

I'm glad to say I've never bought one cause I made so much money from glitches in last gen I don't even need to play anymore.

GTA Online is now just a bad parody of himself, game tries to be Saints Row sometimes and forgets what was doing all along.

GTA V is cool but now it feels really short and small, guess I got used to it from playing a bit too much, on release it blew my mind, I felt it was bigger than IV, SA, and VC combined, now it feels like going back to a kids playground.

Play with a group of friends. No matter what you do though, the primary game mode (free roam) actively punishes you for doing anything fun in it. Causing chaos GTA style is a money sink built in to drain people so they'll be forced to either grind missions or buy shark cards for new shit.

Me and my friends got tired of the same rutine everytime:
>new update
>oh shit friend is showing off his new shit to all of us
>blow his new stuff up just to laugh
>go on a killing spree
>fight cops till we lose them
>go to the beach
>then the airport
>then fort zancudo
>then mount chiliad
>then chill at one of our safehouses
>nah we already did them
>ok bye
>log off

I haven't even bought a psplus subscription for almost a year and a half, online games aren't fun for me anymore, I always end up wishing we were playing some local multiplayer game instead of talking to compressed audio of my pals.

Of course, we have been doing that instead, but with past gens games, why does this gen hates local multiplayer?

Because "gamers" are usually lonely faggots.

play online in a private lobby with some friends

Are there any good roleplay servers for 5?
You can stil find some good ones on SA but you would think it would be a lot better on 5 with all the new stuff and what not.

Like this.

Play with friends

Unofficial servers are non-existent.

Mod the shit out of it.

>What is GTAV RP
>What is GTA Network

Don't talk if you don't know whats up

>disable hud
>disable crosshair
>kill a person or two
>evade cops

It's not that hard user