What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys?

What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys?


I love how they constantly get buttfucked by Game Freak not caring about the balance and spawning more broken shit each gen.

Lugia > Ho-Oh

i like being able to use shitmons without being totally outclassed

But then again its not like Gamefreak is any better.

Better than VGC but it could still be a lot better.

>What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys?
Necessary evil, but it's funny when they get bootybothered by /vp/showderp's shenanigans



if game freak was serious about cleaning up their game they would have done so a decade ago

>that smogon asshurt when Mega Fug became a thing

it was a glorious week

patrician taste

it's like i'm on the SSBM board on gamefaqs in 2001 again
tiers exist, you're not going to love that caterpie into being stronger than 90% of the rest of the pokemon

nobody is stopping you from laddering in ou with a weedle user

women in gaming thread?


If they banned on actual use rates, they would be fookin' great.

As it is, with the cult of personality bullshit that goes on, the blatant disregard of usage in favor of sets that don't "feel" right, and bans that don't include clauses to protect shitmons from using a tool that makes them less shit, they're just pathetic.

Maximum autism.

They're fighting a losing battle with the rate Gamefreak is making broken shit.

>tfw reading my edgy posts on smogon from 2005

>Australian CSGO Players
>Australian FEMALE CSGO Players
Holy fucking christ who thought that was a good idea

A necessary evil to make a completely non-competitive game actually playable against other humans.

They've become more autistic over time though and their ability/will to balance properly is starting to degrade. Even people on the site see this and complain about it sometimes. For example, it's been almost five months since SM started and there's only been two suspects - and one was for something obviously broken that should've just been QB'd, and the other is for Dugtrio even though Arena Trap is the problem. Meanwhile there has never once been a Stealth Rock suspect and the BP clause is still fucked beyond all belief. At this rate the next game will come out before the meta is even balanced, partly because GF breaks the game more with each gen and partly because Smogon sits on its hands way too much.

If only this would apply on VGC i could agree with you but just look at the preview teams of the latest tournaments.

Smogon might be assholes to hell and back but I prefer their format to the literal copy-paste teams that VGC has become.

They're fine doing their own thing.
The real evil is that so many faggots just steal the movesets from them and use them online ingame instead of showdown.

what the fuck

>no armor
>on match point

This. Based user.

smogonfags BTFO

Good concept, god awful execution. What should've been a way for anyone to have fun with any pokemon became an elitist circlejerk and idiots that take their house rules outside of Showdown and literally only follow tiers without a shred of actual thought really ruin it. It really doesn't help that they make really ridiculous decisions and their bans hurt a lot more then they help.

Butterfree is actually pretty decent now, to be fair.

Pokemon "competitive" is riddled by a mafia of self-enabling cheaters that make it pretty much impossible to compete legit by changing their EVs and sometimes moveset in the middle of a tournament because the judges don't check shit

Smogon tiers is for showdown ladder users and you should not give a shit about them if you're not a secondary that only play showdowns and instead play the actual games

how will smogonfags ever recover

>Ability capsule

Holy fuck, this.

they weren't really asshurt, they just correctly identified what was the single most broken pokemon since gen 1 mewtwo before everyone else did and took appropriate action


It's just a common case of the faggots. Every online community has them.

People give them a lot of shit but they've honestly done a great job regulating the singles meta.

I tried too many times to get in competitive Pokémon but the game is so fucking shit.
>fucking 0 balance from Gamefreak
>fucking RNG everywhere
>the playerbase is literal 12 years old faggots
Teambuilding is the only good thing about competitive Pokémon

>lurking takes up RAM
>not even a normal stupid kid but an adult

I refuse to believe this isn't just a ruse

Post your most hated Pokémon to fight.

lugia is for fucking

Delusional fucks who are trying too hard to make a game series with zero balance competitive.

What point is there hating something I have to fight in every. Single. Fuckdamn. BATTLE?

>Electric type Gym
>NPC keeps telling you to bring Ground type pokemons because they're super effective
>Get one
>Lose because the last Electric type is immune to Ground type

Why do you faghots keep complaining about stealth rocks? It's not a fucking issue.




Lugia is fat.

>use a Delibird in OU specifically because it's a decent spikes lead
>one shots Landorus lead without even trying
>opponent sends out another pokemon
>Destiny Bond
>they're down 2 pokemon
>they ragequit immediately

>competitive pokemon
>ban half the mons and not even allowed to use double team
It's a leapster game for babies you spergs nothing competitive about it.

>not even allowed to use double team
"how can we improve this competitive game?"
"I know, lets have games come down to RNG!"
"good idea!"

Using accuracy moves is nigger-tier.

you realize you could just use moves that don't miss right?
Who am I kidding actually using your brain to think of counters is too difficult for smogon kiddies

>user why don't you use these weakass 60 BP moves? they never miss haha
>unsheathes sheer cold
>pssh nothign personell, kid

While I agree with you double team just leads me to more luck based shit but Pokemon is mostly luck anyway, if you get hit by an unlucky crit or get fucked by a status effect and then continue to get fucked by the coin toss you're pretty boned. I've seen plenty of people play perfectly and then just get screwed over by luck.

Luck management is part of the game, true, but there is no reason why purely luck-based moves shouldn't be banned.

>mfw once had Thunder miss 7 times in a row
Less than 100 accuracy moves, never again.

Stay salty nigs I'll keep using my defense double team stall. Hope you enjoy 20 minute matches

They're so weak you could easily have a setup that will never die.

Lugia is the best legendary.

ho-oh is pretty sick

lugiamanages to look both boring and retarded in one

Don't give a shit about Ho-Oh. Lugia's okay I guess. I prefer Zapdos if we're talking about legendary birds or Celebi if we're talking gen 2 legendaries. That all said my favorite legendary by far is Jirachi, to the point where it's probably my third favorite pokemon overall.


>why don't you purposefully use weaker moves???? diversity lol xD
>moooooom I can't come to dinner I'm LOSING on showdown again!!!

>stats still fixed
>can't train my Caterpie till it's able to one-shot a lvl 100 Steelix
And that's why I don't play these games.

>some nig tries to double team me
>all my attacks hit anyways


I like that they give good insight on how to use shitmons I'm too dumb to figure out how to use on my own

I used to be a fan, but banning Baton Pass is retarted, and restricts the actual game way too much. They also have no principles anymore, every decision just feels random and disconnected from each other.

I'm a firm believer that any "competitive" scene that is built on banning half the goddamn game is just made up of dipshits.

I mean, I get that sometimes shit is broken. That'll happen in any game. But there's a difference between say "this character is busted, he's banned." and "this character is busted, so these six stages, this character, and these moves these four characters can do are all banned."

all this thread is doing is reminding me that showderp exist, and that I need to go there right now.

Love me some meme smogon.

thing is if baton pass isn't regulated every single team is a baton pass team
its simply that good

Snips forever a best

well pokemon has over 800 characters
banning 40 characters is exactly the same as a 20 slot fighting game banning 1 character

no its not
if it were itd be easy to justify slotting in things like roar and red card, but the fact is that it wouldnt be popular even if it were allowed which forces you to run "suboptimal" bullshit to cover a niche strategy that will run over your ass should you not prepare for it
thats why they banned it, because they literally dont want to think about it when teambuilding

Sometimes dipshits are needed to fix a game made by complete retards.
People at GF were surprised that players were using Aegislash, a Pokemon with 150 Special Attack, as a Special Attacker.

iirc the only viable strategy if there's no regulations on anything, is a baton chain team ending with espeon

how can one man be so wrong

He's a lot cuter that's for sure


The Baton Pass ban makes sense just because some incredible startegy autist was able to develop teams based around it that were incredibly difficult to beat, and any dumbass could copy paste the team and get up to 1700 on the ladder, and suddenly the meta was filled with tons of that team

smogon isn't too bad, you can still have fun. VGC on the other hand

>hm yes all my legendary pokemon have perfect stats, proper natures and happen to be shiny, what a great chance of luck! :^)

You forget to add:

>They are all caught in the most difficult to catch pokeball available, I totally didn't cheat this in guys!

S&M Pokemon are pretty fucking retarded but the girls are top tier.

>caring about hacking when you have the same tools available and it doesn't actually produce anything that's impossible

Baton Pass itself isn't banned. Baton Passing speed with another stat is however

Hope you are not saying shit about my gf.

Just because it can produce something that is not impossible does not mean the production of it is wrong.

Manipulating the rng isn't that hard guys, I was doing it since gen iv with the calculators they came up with on the smogon forums, and it's only gotten easier since. Say what you want about smogon, but their contributors came up with some awesome tools to take advantage of the game mechanics.

statistically speaking the chance of obtaining such a pokemon in its ''perfect'' form is so small that it is impossible. I actually don't care about what people do in VGC anyway, it's just the ''legal, not legit'' mantra is a bit silly

That thing literally has the digimon mouth.

It's a competition, people are going to do everything in their power to get a competitive edge. They're not getting anything you can't.

>bottle caps

Fuck you, mang. She is cute and i love her.

>Competitive pokemon

So do people "play" this ironically or...

Game Freak has never really cared about balance. I'm pretty sure Pokemon has the highest number of "shit" characters on a roster.

>tryhard kawaii waifushit

Jesus Christ. This is what pokemon look like now?

Digimon literally look better then this.

>VGC was only introduced in S/M

XY has better 'mons

I'd honestly argue Gen 6, pokemon design-wise, is right up there with my personal favorite gen 3

That said 7 has some good stuff for sure, I just can't think of any that especially stand out is all