You lose all your weapons

>you lose all your weapons
the worst shit that any game can pull

Other urls found in this thread:

That never happens

GTA San Andreas?

Final Fantasy XV chapter 13

doesn't gta do this if you get busted by the cops

Tomb Raider I

>it happens multiple times in the same game
Silent Hill: Downpour. Right after I got the gold pistol, too.

Half Life 1 and 2.

it also happens after green sabre mission

Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, Half Life, Metroid Prime 2.

Castlemania Symphony of the Night.


resident evil 7

Id rather have that then be forced to replay the first 3 chapters again because the devs were too lazy to add more original chapters

>you lose all your money
>you lose an unwinnable battle

why do those things always leave a bad taste long after it happend

>san andreas cargo ship attack
>damn i lost all my weapons in the helicopter crash, except for this knife i never had

>Final Fantasy XV chapter 13

>you lose an unwinnable battle
The biggest sin Dark Souls 1 committed.

half life 2 did it in a good way

Meh, Demons Souls did it also.

Things that are objectively bad and always make the game worse:
>controls fuckery
>jump scares
>balancing with tedium
>RNG before you start the game (in chargen)
>unskippable cutscenes
>camera that rotates to look at the character (rather than looking from behind, or above at fixed angle)

underage b&

>You don't get to bring your god tier party to fight the last boss
>You lose all your weapons in a cutscene
>You dominate the boss eithout taking a hit but you end up losing the fight ina a cutscene
>Your party member has godtier abilities and powers before joining your party - regular useless lvl 1 goon when he joins your party

>>you lose an unwinnable battle
There was a Yu Yu Haku Show fighting game I played wheb I was a kid, for PS2 I think.
Very first battle was unwinnable. I tried tried beat it so many times even though I figured out you weren't supposed to.
Haunts me to this day.

>game takes all your weapons and armor
>you get them back
>whole inventory is fucked

>play eft
>lose all your wepaons if you fuck up
>just buy a cheap shotgun get back in there
>come out with weapon worth 2x the price of the lost one
pretty good senpai

Neverwinter Nights- Hordes of the Underdark.

>would rather have both

A true masochist

Desann in Jedi Knight 2. Fucker raped Katarn so hard he had to go to the Jedi Valley and take the laser club.

why does Mega Man always starts with no previously adquired weapons?

>Mega Man classic
Doctor Light probably erases the weapon data

same shit as classic, maybe

Zero re-learns his sword skills but adds different elemental attributes

Aile kept her biometals in the sequel

>battle network
I don't know

for 1 and 2 the power source disappears near the end of the game.

this is the best one.

Yeah, but when it doesn't happen it also feels weird.

>Playing a game
>You get captured and thrown in prison/dungeon
>Somehow still retain all your equips and items


Kill yourself you waste of space.

stalker clear sky, and damn was i pissed