How come not a single developer tried to make a game similar to Messiah?

How come not a single developer tried to make a game similar to Messiah?

Why the hell did they make it about a little cherub thing? Why not be a cool alien parasite or something?

Same reason we've not had a proper oldschool survival horror game, a real collectathon game, barely any RTS games, etc, for well over a decade: They are not "trendy" enough anymore, and would require time, effort and even taking risks-

because not everyone is edgy emo.

Because the feeling of the game would be entirely lost.

nobody is happy with making niche games anymore, gotta appeal to everyone and spend hundreds of millions on marketing.

Because it sold like 30 copies.

Indie games are 90% survival horror. And there are 3D platformers (note: "collectathon" is not a genre, like "metroidvania" it is an insult), see Sly 4, Gravity Rush, Hover, That indie one with the girl I can't remember, and upcoming games like Yooka Laylee, Spooky Poo, Hat in Time, and Snake Pass.

>Indie games are 90% survival horror.
No. Indie games are 90% open world crafting sandboxes with zombies. That's not RE / SH style, proper survival horror; you know, actual plot, puzzles, limited supplies...?

Sounds to me that you think "survival horror" means "resident evil clones", which is your problem. There's Alien Isolation, Outlast, Power Drill Massacre, others I can't find because Steam keeps giving me multiplayer and action games and I can't filter those tags so I gave up okay. Also Resident Evil barely had any puzzles, most of the "puzzles" are "put red jewel in red jewel shaped hole".

what was this game actually like? just remember a lot ads of it when I was a babb

You are the one with problems here.
Resident Evil COINED the term "survival horror", and thus any game even claiming to belong to said SUB-genre pretty much is required to share some similarities.

All these modern "hide or run" horror games are not survival horror even in theory.

Also you really should go play RE games again. Especially RE1 / REmake were like Adventure games with guns & monsters as extra flavor. It does not matter how mentally challenging some of them were - they are still fucking puzzles, required challenges you need to deal with in order to move on.

And it only actually worked for 2 people.

>You are the one with problems here.

Evil Dead did, kiddo


i remember seeing this game on store shelves and being like "no thanks i don't want to be a diaper baby"

No, it didn't.
Go back to preschool.

Evil Dead was 1981. Genuinely wasn't aware that Resident Evil came out before then.

Resident Evil is a pretty lame adventure game.
>examine piano: If only I had sheet music
>examine sheet music: If only I had piano

Evil Dead did not coin a single thing, mate.
Resident Evil literally used the term "survival horror", within the game itself, for the first time in video game history, and also in the known history.

by that logic, every single Adventure game was pretty lame in general, and "only" boiled down to poking everything in your inventory at everything in the environment.

Because AA games died in the west, you either have dumbed down AAA garbage or tiny-in-scope-never-finished-early-access indie garbage.

Messiah was awesome as fuck

For some of the game you are platforming around with your wings in a cyberpunk world, for the rest you possess neutrals and hostiles, use their abilities to fight etc, it was super involved and amazing for fucking 2000.
Also you could possess hookers.

>AA games died in the west
uh what? Abzu, No Man's Sky, Shovel Knight, Mighty No. 9, Inside, Rocket League, Outlast, Life is Strange, lots more.

Wouldn't it sort of be like a Hitman game but instead of costume swapping you're just stealing bodies?

I still can't pass a certain area on the 4th level.

Not a single one of those is an AA title.

Fuck, I remember seeing this game in stores as a kid and wondering what the fuck it is was about.

Nobody actually uses the term AA, even in film. How about Umbrella Corps?

Not really, both games are entirely different.

Most of those are indie titles, and they have the shortcomings of indie titles, too small scope, or you end up with bullshit like NMS.

Clearly define what you think is an AA, please.