Is Pillars of Eternity a good entry-point for someone who wants to try out these isometric RPGs?
Is Pillars of Eternity a good entry-point for someone who wants to try out these isometric RPGs?
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Sure but i would always tell people to first try kotor or dragon age if they haven't done that already.
i would play dragon age origin first to get into the gen.
>"I don't know what isometric means."
Yes, OP. It's a pretty good game, too.
I saw some user on a cRPG thread who got into the genre with that game and he was very pleased.
I'm pretty new to the genre as well, my entry point was Shadowrun Dragonfall.
>"I dont know what genre they are talking about."
Was thinking about replaying Kotor 1 and 2. Has it aged pretty well?
Are you fucking retarded?
Isometric RPGs have been a casual level term since the first Diablo and some of you people still have no idea what the fuck it means.
OP, Pillars of Eternity is one of the better iso RPGs I've played, and that even includes the memed out classics like Planescape Torment. It gets a little draggy at points but as a whole it's a really solid game.
I'd suggest Fallout 2 as a perfect entry-point. Game aged really well and is incredibly cheap on GOG (also piss easy to pirate)
Learn to play the D&D tabletop game first
fuck rpg codex
Yes, while the setting is a bit bland it still had great role playing. I would say go back and play the old cRPGs but I know how dated they can seem.
dragon age is gay
isometric is not a genre
No, but you are.
not usually an elitist about this shit but iso rpgs are awesome and you have no clue what you're talking about. here's hoping you're same fagging and that we don't have a group of actual retards here
>isoemtric is not a genre
I didn't say it was. It's a style, and KOTOR and Dragon Age are definitively not isometric, which is specifically what OP asked about.
kotor and dragon age 1 are like isometric crpg´s just with 3d graphics.
Technically Fallout 1 and 2 aren't true isometric games.
Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Diablo, Pillars of Eternity, Vox - isometric viewpoints
KOTOR, Dragon Age - not isometric
It really, really shouldn't be this hard for you
>took out potential love interest interactions because it might trigger people
Not supporting a ball-less dev like Obsidian.
just do it
it's not a meaningful gameplay thing to care about
Hi there, technically Fallout 1 and 2 aren't true isometric games.
Yeah, you're right. Take it up with OP, who started the thread specifically asking for isometric RPGs and not "RPGs with D&D characteristics"
KOTOR is the best introduction to D&D styled games.
Nah, get Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.
Many games that are refered to as isometric don't use a true isometric view. If the game isn't from the early 90's or before it's probably not a true isometric view.
Is there just one samefagging retard who stubbornly doesn't know what isometric means or is this legitimately an epidemic?
No that guy but I think having a fixed "up in the sky" view that follows your character around and keeps him centered is fare for isometric even if it angers engineers to use that term
I think anyone who isn't completely stupid though can agree that a camera that floats around and spins as it follows your character is not isometric
not op, tell me what class to play in pillars
Seems perfectly sensible to me to tell someone who is thinking about getting into isometric rpgs to first check out non-isometric rpgs if he haven't already since they are a much better entry point for the genre as a whole.
KotOR might work as an entry point since it's incredibly simplistic but the Star Wars skin is enough to keep you interested. Dragon Age is just pure garbage though and would almost certainly turn people off playing other, better games.
They are.
>I'll happily stretch the definition to meet my own criteria for "isometric"
>but not enough for what other people call "isometric"
Do you burn a lot of calories moving goalposts?
>Game aged really well
not really
its the clunkiest of them all to play today
According to the creator of Fallout, Tim Cain, they are not.
really ?
its a game I bought at release I was like 15 so didnt really know what I was doing, probably played on easy and skipped a lot of things, but I'm in love with pillars and bg2 nowadays so I should really play it again.
A better advice would be to stay far away from this pile of shit game.
>Isometric point of view
This is not a subjective matter and if he denies this maybe he should go through elementary school again.
>completely unintuitive BAB mechanics that aren't explained anywhere
>Most skills are completely useless
You know, you might be right.
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It's an RPG played from an isometric perspective.
I don't give a fuck about what him or you have to say about this fact.
Factually incorrect. Fallout 1 and 2 play far better than any cRPGs based on D&D, both IE crap and NWNs.
This thread is a goldmine