It's so beautiful

it's so beautiful

Shame the in game graphics are, well, you've seen them.



which one would you fug?

>tfw Europe

you can't be more wrong. only german games use their own rating system - USK

>clearly rushed

why would anyone buy this

you mean g*rmany right?

anyone else freaked out that the pins are exposed that much

because it's fun

Support Bombo before Konami makes him die with panchiko.

What's supposed to be beautiful about paying 50$ for a game I can literally play in my browser for free?

They can double up, we get PEGI and USK on games

you can't play super bomberman r in your browser

>the last Bomberman ever made will be exclusive to a fucking tablet
It's not fair, why can't they release a proper 1080p60fps version on a system people actually own like the PS4?

Most Europe uses PEGI. Only Germany uses USK

>tfw have several games imported from germany
>USK rating takes literally 1/4th of the cover

as for the most aesthetic - CERO is pretty great

Its not our responsibility whether a game is successful or not

PS4 bros looking for games hungrily as per usual.

Not really, it's going to be in the system most of the time or in a plastic case. Corrosion shouldn't be a problem.

that is an exception. multiple logos appear ONLY on special edition games. because they are the same for all european countries. that's why we have PEGI for all non-retarded countries and also USK logo for german retards

Bomberman should always stay in pixel, like sonic

>box even bigger than dvd case
>small card in it

because fuck nature

ps4 can't even do 1080p60fps with its own games. bomberman has a longer history with nintendo, sonyggers don't even appreciate their own games like bloodborne and nioh, that's why they sell 2 million tops and garbage like call of duty and uncharted sell more. comparing the ps4 to a console that isn't even out yet isn't very fair is it. why do you assume this is the last game? it's a handheld games console not a tablet

>lying on the internet

Right. Way worse than the 3 games Wii U got and the one game Bitch will have this year.


WiiU cases are bigger than dvd/bd ones you tard

It's the perfect size for boxart, that's the only reason why they stay that big I swear.

also, contacts are usually coated with gold, it is one of the least reactive materials (which also is pretty conductive) - so it will not rust or corrode.

The only thing I'm afraid of is scratches - if the cartridges will be swapped often enough, then the contacts may get scratched and carts may not get recognized after a while, happened to me before with several DS / 3DS games and one for Vita.

it's not bigger than a dvd case though lol. having a tiny box looks pathetic, you need a certain size to be eye catching and to display the art well and the name of the game. otherwise they would look crap on shelves. and aren't they required a minimum size anyway?

It's PSP size. For crying out loud, it's just barely taller than a Vita case.

who cares you fucking pussy

still more games than ps4
go cry about losing exclusives to pc

I would love to play it, but I don't think 50 bucks is fair for it. I'd do 30.

>lying on the internet

it's the same size 190 x 135 x 14mm

>paying $50 for a mini game

they're literally the same size

>The only thing I'm afraid of is scratches
Scratches can't ruin the contacts


what's the point of having both rating labels printed on when they're nearly identical anyhow

Yeah, that only happens with small prints that are supposed to be sold in both Germany *and* other Euro countries, so they have to slap both ratings on the box. Typically happens with special editions.

now show the price in non-monopoly money

Another stolen Switch item

Australia, numbnuts.

>It's okay when Sony does it!

stolen from who

Convict descendants stealing.

Colour me fucking surprised.

what are you talking about?
vita cases are the smallest ever

I don't know why people hate on the graphics so much. I think it actually looks quite charming.

Why should Sonic always stay in pixelated form?

Japanese version.
I need to reorganize my fucking Bomberman folder.

Say it with me








>western box is better
are we in a new timeline?

I like Con-ami video slots. A bomberman themed machine would be kino.

>have a blast

are you kidding?

Such a casual-looking cover.

what the fuck do you want? the case to be just slightly bigger than the cardrigde?
that's fucking retarded, imagine that shit on the shelves

It looks like a magazine advertisment for norms who don't know what the fuck a bummerman is.

it's just the inside case

What difference does that make? Looks tacky as fuck.

He's right.
Japanese looks awful.

you look tacky as fuck

It's like they said "let's just reuse an ad as the inside cover art to save shekels".

Knowing konami it's probably true.

Any of you wagecucks know when will shit out the Switch pre orders?

march 6

the game itself looks like shit. ugliest bomberman ever

Wii U is the same as DVD, bigger than Blu Ray.

Is that a 33rd Anniversary sticker?

But why though

Bomberman for the NES first published 33 years ago.

But Bomberman was never fun. I'd rather support a fun series Konami owns. Which is why I'm buying Survive day 1.

Yes, but why 33rd? Are they trying to make a statement that a 25th anniversary or any other is no more significant than the artificial value we place on it? Do you think Konami is that deep?

>What are DS and 3DS cases

because it releases on 3/3

A third of a century.

Check their fucking dubs

It releases on 3/3.

Selling. Unlike the Vita ones.

Can and will. I've had IA/VT since release, played it every day, inserted and removed cart multiple times a day. Now the scratches on contacts are visible to the naked eye, and sometimes after inserting the cart does not get recognized (instead of the game icon, Vita shows empty blank space on cart icon in status bar). Usually reinserting the cart removes the problem but it's getting more and more common lately.


Ya blew it

30 FUCKINS FPS in a bomberman


they were thinking damn we can't get this 3D game to run with 8 players on screen
that's why the lighting and effects are toned down for multiplayer too

Because they probably gave it some retarded budget and handed it to the new guy to develop.

Why would they put an ad about the game inside though? Only people about to play the game will see this. EUR box is better

it was made by former hudson devs though

Even Saturn bomberman was 60 fps and it had 10 players, no excuse.

It looks like Nintendo will use Super + yellow background for the anniversary games

that was a 2D sprite based game though

I have this

Yeah, because Saturn wouldn't handle 3D in such way.
So why can't they optimize the one for switch?

who knows

Is this game gonna be like bomberman 64? I loved that game.

I'm not defending the games FPS, I don't even plan to get a Switch at all, but I gotta ask

Why would Bomberman of all games require 60fps in the first place? It's not exactly fast-paced frame-perfect action, it's slow moving grid-based shit. Which I guess makes it even more confusing that it isn't 60fps because it wouldn't exactly be a strain on resources, but I really don't see how its a necessity.

I'd fug u

no it's a classic bomberman game. but they did say they took inspiration from bomberman 64 and super bomberman 3

people only see it as a game with simple graphics so it should perform well. but will 8 player it's easy to see the switch might struggle

This case has me kinda hyped. I want this game but I need to focus on BOTW all month.

What the fuck hahaha
>1 game
Objectively wrong

Uh.. that's the Australian version.

>not having botw for yourself and taking a break with a fun multiplayer game with your friends and family