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Cool, so you can finally play RDR for free instead buying a copy for $5.

I was more thinking like MGS Collection but it works too

I think you mean Folklore/Vanquish/hardtofindgame, funposter.

>games you can literally still find sealed on amazon
>hard to find

Yeah Vanquish is great.

Is it possible to crack a PS3 slim yet?

>console gaming in 2017

let me know when I can use this to play a patched verstion of tales of vesperia

this desu. Gen 7 games are all dirt cheap anyway, brand new, and easy to get off Amazon.

what are the risks? can your console be banned for playing online? does sony even give a shit anymore about the ps3?

>Peace walker in HD

all of my yes

Who plays PSN anymore?
Had it as a gift.


Do you mean I can finally inject Scott Pilgrim the game into an unhacked PS3?

Try it.

but what about Outrun Online Arcade

So... what are some good games I couldn't play on an unhacked PS3, aside from translated Vesperia and JoJo HD?

Persona 5

JoJo HD. Your PSP, PS1, PS2 games, censored games uncensored, and most importantly, JoJo HD.

>Restore backup method

I'll come back when i don't need to lose my progress every time.

>he doesn't have a TB external drive
What year is this, 2010?

What censored games? Can't think of any

>Peace walker in HD

PC version fucking when?

I know, never ever.

>11 Year old Console
We sure showed them!

But I had CFW on my PS3 since the first USB method became available

Its time to move on you lazy hackers.

I bought a hacked one ages ago. Alongside my regular one.


I skipped the PS3 as a whole since my lil' brother bought himself a 360, but I missed out on pretty dope exclusives that absolutely did exist I swear, and now I was thinking about getting one for myself. Does this mean I can get games hassle-free with this method?

Getting an actually CFWd one would be more hassle free.

I know absolutely nothing about soldering and overall hardware mod chucklefuckery. Last time I checked the PS3 needed those so I'd rather use this method

you just need a ps3 with a low FW version

the very first method only needed an USB key, right now theres even less needed if you have the correct machine, and you can just buy one already modded

Whats easier - hacking a machine once and just downloading/copying shit on it and playing it, or "hacking" each game you want to play one by one?

>backup hacking
>two different methods and neither is guaranteed to work
This sounds painful.

>he thinks europe and us versions of games are the good versions
Less power usage is good in my opinion.

There's a solder free downgrader.

I just don't know what to look for on craigslist / ebay. Are there different CFWs? What are the differences between models? Which one plays PS2? Are the ones that can hackable? If a CFW is already in place can I install a new one without a hardmod? I need some hand holding to get anything simpler than adding 2+2 going

>Less power usage is good in my opinion.

Stupidest thing I've heard all day.

the best CFW is Rebug.
Early fat models have full PS2 support. Later fat models have partial PS2 support. Some fat models and all other models have no inherent PS2 support but you can emulate with CFW.
If a CFW is installed you can just update to a new one, no problems.

it's not hd it looks exactly the same as the psp one

>the best CFW is Rebug
I couldn't pass the PS1 segment in MGS4 in rebug

You need to disable Cobra for that to work.

FFS people not everyone lives in their mom's basements.
I care about my bills.

unfortunately craigslist only got me a single result and the price seems a tad high


and yeah I know >a fucking leaf

>tfw console ID banned
>can't be bothered to buy a new one from shady vendors

>celebrating that a last generation console has been hacked

>The 190W PSU uses half the power of the original PS3, which besides being one of the largest game consoles in history also has a massive 380W PSU. You won’t see a major difference in your electric bill if you own the PS3 Slim. Depending on which model, the Slim already thinned out with either a 250W, 230W, or 200W PSU.

Yeah, I followed all of the online tutorials but simply couldn't get it to work

You may have more luck if you're searching for a 3.55 OFW console.

Can't you steal one from a PSP?

I'm dumb.
I have a super slim PS3.
I'm dumb.
This is will work on my PS3?
I'm dumb
Yeah i'm dumb

PS3 got hacked 7 years ago, keep up.

it should but it's probably not worth it

PS3 has been hacked since 3.55. Where the fuck have you guys been?

Also where the fuck is PS4 CFW?

It is literally HD, neither textures, lighting nor meshes change much, there are a few improvements, but it's minor really.

10W per person, let's say 1 million people. 10 million Watts. Think about the planet, you idiot.

Just look for the model and downgrade it yourself. Fat is not worth it by the way.


>aproximately C$170
I hate being on a budget

why not? I wanna play PS2 games and my PC is a massive hunka junk so emulation is out of question

Dumb treehugger


Fats break down too easily and are too power hungry. You might get one now and suffer from YLOD within months.

If you're only interested in PS2 games, get a PS2 and a FMCB memory card.

Can I throw TS2 onto one and play it?

I'm interested in PS2 as well as PS3 games user, I'm not retarded enough to buy a PS3 for PS2 games alone

well shit. what are the limitations on models further down the line? also what's the price range I'm looking for here?

>Peace walker is the last playstation exclusive metal gear game
after sixth generation a lot of third party exclusive series went multiplatform.

but why?

You know PSP emulation has been spectacular for ages, right?

I bought Folklore recently for $7. Keep trying to justify yourself.

Yeah, but the originals controls are garbage. The PS360 version was much better on that front.

later models are shit for PS2 games

why is thicc ps3 is cheaper than the slimmer models?

nigga the series has been multiplat since Metal Gear

>Oh cool, let's try this!
>See step 1
I'll do this when I have tons of time on my hands.

if my PS2 is anything to go by the slim models are prone to be a bloody nuisance that break down ever so often

Anything that came from factory beyond 3.50 can't be downgraded. Only PS3s with PS2 Mode HW have backwards compatibility, the rest is emulation. The ones that say no have emulation too, just not from discs.


Look into E3 Flasher for downgrading, haven't used it but I keep reading it's solderless. Can't tell you about prices, but it's not worth getting ripped off for CFW.

Flimsy, hotter and that one is not a model with PS2 hardware.

Huge, sucks power like a vacuum cleaner, prone to failing unexpectedly and the matte black finish absorbs dust and fingerprints from the air itself.

Slims are more reliable than fats.
Both PS3 and PS2. And PS1.

Hate to break it to you, but PS3 has been hacked 8 years ago

i was banned after 3 monts last year,sony doesnt caree

So more people could buy the games. Game development became a lot more expensive in the 7th gen

It literally says NEW method

You fucking retard

So, I have a 4.80 slim not hacked.

What's the best way to get free games ?

Can someone spoonfeed me some easy tutorial ?

This is nearly the same shit as the Russian method discovered months ago. It sucks ass. You have to backup and format your PS3 and wait a long ass time for your PS3 to recover from your backup.

After all that effort, the game may not even work. You will get a black screen crash, sent back to the XMB with a error, or the game loads and then crashes in-game. Compatibility is very iffy and it's not worth the time and effort when you could just get CFW and guarantee that ALL games will work.

Pay someone to downgrade your slim for you online so you can CFW if yours can go below 3.56

acid is psp only isnt it?

Yes but PS3 can let you play PSP games on it if you hack it. Sony has a built in PSP emulator that's only used for certain games and you can inject other PSP games into it.

Can I play naruto ultimate ninja storm? That was my favourite game when I was a 16 year old weaboo

good to know.

New method? I thought that the PS3 had been fully cracked years ago.

I remember playing backups on my PS3 back in 2009 through a program on my Ti-84 calculator

This is just a shitty method for people that missed the CFW boat.

Can anyone here confirm that this actually works? There was a similar method for 4.71 and it was completely unreliable and time consuming

Is it finally doable without buying shit or soldering things to it / flashing it!?


It's the same shit as the russian transfer method. Compatibility only works for games that nobody cares about like Crysis 2, The Last of Us, and normie AAA games.

Don't expect to play weeb or obscure shit with this method, it will crash on you.

No there isn't.

>tfw have an old thiqque ps3 with cfw installed but it has huge FPS drops and even crashes sometimes due to overheating even though I replaced the thermal paste and sent it to repair
Can I finally upgrade to super slim?

Well gonna try shit with megaman 9.

E3 flasher is solder free. All you do is attach a clip onto your PS3s Nor chip with tape or a clamp.

>he got rid of EVERY SINGLE PIECE of gaming hardware except his PC, his entire library of games and all their save data, just to be a master race

So you're saying it's possible to downgrade any FW version to one that's possible to install CFW on now?

clip method

yes, but only if your console is old enough

Lmao, People still haven't hacked their ps3?
Holy fucking shit

Where can I buy an E3 flasher in Bongland? I've been looking on and off for a few months, but they all seem like they come from China.