Post your favorite meme games, Sup Forums. I'll start.
Post your favorite meme games, Sup Forums. I'll start
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>meme meme meme meme meme
Stop that fucking bullshit, what does that even mean? I bet my left arm that you can't explain what it means.
Goddman fucking kids stop posting
It means that the game is a meme.
memetics user.
Just kids repeating shit other kids said in here. No one that lurks 4chins a considerable amount of time would ever use meme like that.
>meming, memegame, memecard
Are all non words that don't mean anything whatsoever. You could as well say speulunkywhich, makes just as much sense.
t. Overmeme player
google memetics you sperg.
That's you
this is me giving a fuck, if you can't even use google to find out what a word means for yourself after being handed the answer you are literally retarded.
>t. Overmeme player
Perfect example of some fucking ass kid that doesn't belong here.
No 4channer would've ever write like this
I got no idea where you fucknugget come from but gtfo.
And then there is the assumption idiocy you kids fall back to whenever anything about your post is questioned. To clarify, I don't give a fuck about Overwatch, I want you sorry ass out of here.
>doesnt even know what a meme is
>talks like a true scholar and a gentleman
I wasn't asking about the word I was pointing out the idiocy of combining it with everything else like "memegame" you insane uber idiot.
This started not too long ago, as has the t. bullshit.
This is literally what I think everytime I see meme misused.
>spent 40$ on cosmetics so far
>going to get my ex to buy me another 20$ of them
thats literally how memetics works though, an iconic part of something becomes well known, parroted until everyone hates it, and proceeds to become irrelevant.
how new are you?
>It means that the game is a meme.
Explain how that makes sense in your pea-brain.
Enlighten us what does that actually mean?
>de-de-detotaded Waaam
But nobody's going to see them
real shame
they're pretty, for cosmetics
>Calling other people kids
>Posting a picture of a cuck
kys faggot
>how new are you?
More like how new are You little man, I'm lurking Sup Forums since it was nothing but 2 pages loli pics, in and out since then and when I say new it has to be in recent years considering that around 08 nobody would've ever seen this on the face of the internets. And nobody said shit like memegame, because it doesn't make sense. Or every single game that was ever posted in here more than once would be a "memegame". It's some neo-internet bullshit that could've only originated from some fucking dumbass kid that got something terribly wrong and everyone just went with it to not feel excluded.
>Spending money on cosmetics
>Playing Battleborn
Pathetic people like you make me feel better about myself. Thanks man
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm like 90% "meme game" means that the game in its entirety is one big joke. The characters, the gameplay, the marketing, the fanbase - just a joke that puts everything that makes it an actual game on the backburner. So as the name implies a "meme game" is a meme first and a game second.
I feel your pain.....
Meant for
>d-de-dedotaded waaaam
Same but only because it appeals to my cute brown girl fetish.
I thought that a "meme game" is either what said or just a popular game that's very easy to shitpost about for whatever reasons
A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme
A game can never be a meme, except it was explicitly made for the purpose of being a meme.
No one gives a fuck about your precious little ego, young man.
Is also some new shit are you literally too lazy to write kill yourself you piece of shit?
An hero, young man. Which is a perfect example of an actual meme :3
To clarify,
is a meme
is not
this thread is a meme
Fallout: NV
Vampire Masquerade
Basically any Obsidian game
Did I miss any? Can't remember all the games you faggots sperg over because they aren't popular even though they are shit.
tl;dr, i've been here since Sup Forums was guro, and you get triggered way too much to be an oldfag.
ITT: kids learn they were faggots all along.
t. was fucking recent, newfag
Show me 1 screencap with it pre 2015
>I wanna be stupid in peace why can't I just fling my shit around: the post.
Learn it and move on.
>poor mans muslim samus
>anything but shit
c'mon boy
>has tattoo praising a god from another religion
>no hijab
>implying they would let women in the army when they stone them to death for going out to the street without a man
Too bad she's such weak sauce with a Rocket-launcher with the least utility in the history of arena-fps while being her only weapon.
Game design from hell
If it wasn't for S76 and Widowmaker she would dominate every single match without any opposition, and even with those, she's still a very viable pick.
She's probably the most balanced character.
Are you saying OW is an arena fps
Good thing OW is not an arena shooter.
Why even ask such things if you clearely have no use for any possible answer?
It really is tho, as is TF2. You'd be hard pressed to find a peprfect definition, because theoretically CS is one too. I for myself made the difference that you respawn during the game as a defining feature, and so CS doesn't fit anymore.
>TF2 is an arena shooter
What the fuck am I reading.
And McCree, and the rest of the cast with hitscan or semi-hitscan weapons.
Her utility is awful, the splash damage is almost non existent, there is as good as no pop-up whatsoever to balance out the hitscan and rocket jumps are also non viable.
Don't pretend you know shit about shit.
>I for myself made the difference
Yeah and suprise it's bullshit.
Mcree is can't do shit, and nobody picks him anymore.
>Her utility is awful, the splash damage is almost non existent
Wow, it requieres you to aim, that's so bad.
What is TF2? Saying "nuh uh" is not a valid argument.
A class based shooter.
Like Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
>Wow, it requieres you to aim
Except that unless you are talking close range direct hits with a slow moving projectile is nothing but luck.
Again, don't pretend you know shit about shit.
So a class based shooter can't be an arena shooter?
I remember everyone calling Team Fortress Classic an arena shooter tbqh fampai. Class based was just a different "branch" if you will.
Exactly how is it an arena shooter?
If you are incapable of doing stuff with Pharah then it's your lack of skills.
She's one of the easiest heroes in the game to play if you know what you are doing.
>don't pretend you know shit about shit.
Please, don't talk like a nigger.
It's part of skill-gap compression, they don't want Quake pros to shit on the shitters, so no pop-up, no rocket-jumps and only direct hits do damage.
Funnily enough even then they had to nerf the shit out Pharah since the beta because it still wasn't enough.
All that just lead to the gameplay getting even more boring. There is just no depth, it's almost like a smartphone game.
There's no such thing as an FPS with depth.
>Those other videos
Alright that's enough internet for today.
Well there you go, what defines an arena shooter? An FPS on a map? That's all of them. An FPS with pickups on the map, that's a lot of them but it narrows things down. An FPS with pickups and respawns? That's what I would say.
What would you say, and don't ask me again ask yourself.
Nice opinions there little man, tell your mommy you need a spanking.
A shooter with a big emphasis on verticality and fast movement with weapon pickups.
Neither TF2 nor OW fit that definition.
>not realizing its a sjw game
>not realizing this cheap samus rip off is pictured this way because islam is a religion of peace
low iq detected.
Enjoy fapping to deviantart OC-tier samus clone done in this horrendous dreamworks artstyle.
20 years Quake 3 and every other arena fps on the planet and Pharah has exactly the "problems" I've stated, that give her noutlity, depth or anything one could be getting good at. I mastered here before I installed the game, son.
And still if you play against actual good people on most maps she is a horrible pick. That's just a fact.
>A shooter with a big emphasis on verticality
That seems like a weird description what would you call a big emphasis, is Pharah not very vertical? What about junkrat jumps? Or Widow hook? What is enough verticality to call it an arena FPS?
Exactly what makes you think she's muslim?
>What is enough verticality to call it an arena FPS?
An arena FPS is made up of the combination of that stuff, not just of one of those.
If verticality alone made an arena shooter, then Battlefield is one.
Pharah is unrelated to arena shooters, literally everything in TF2 and OW is unrelated to arena shooters.
It's Blender.
>not realizing this cheap samus rip off is pictured this way because islam is a religion of peace
Funny that they would represent the religion of peace with a soldier that makes things blow up.
what did he mean by this?
>sand people
>not muslim
pick one(1)
I wasn't the one that said verticality makes an arena FPS you mong.
But then again you are in no position to talk down on anyone with that vague ass bullshit
>Pharah is unrelated to arena shooters, literally everything in TF2 and OW is unrelated to arena shooters.
Again define why that is the case...
read, learn, stop being a faggot
Because an arena shooter is made up of a an emphasis on speed, verticality and weapon pick ups.
Do the games have this?
No, they don't.
Thus, they are not arena shooters.
Facts don't give a shit about your feelings young man.
So, muslims stone women to death for the simple fact that they don't wear hijab or are along with a man on the street, but Pharah is muslim despite not wearing a hijab, having a tattoo of god from another religion and being in the army?
There's literally not a single reference to any religion in the entire game.
>I wasn't the one that said
You didn't say anything at all, you started saying that Overwatch and TF2 are arena shootes without giving any explanation whatsoever.
heroes never die so apply hero and off yourself under a train
>So, muslims stone women to death for the simple fact that they don't wear hijab or are along with a man on the street
>what's sunni
>what's shiite
American education, everybody.
>what's sunni
>what's shiite
Replacements for when ISIS falls?
>an emphasis on speed, verticality
emphasis on speed and verticality is more than just a questionable definition..and the same thing you said in the last post..
One could argue that's exactly the case in Overwatch.
>weapon pick ups
So Clan Arena/Rocket-Arena gametypes are not arena shooters anymore because they got no weapon pickups? Or are you just throwing that in because OW and TF2 don't have weapon pickups?
Who are you trying to fool here, us or yourself?
>One could argue that's exactly the case in Overwatch.
No it's not.
Overwatch is not fast at all, in fact the presence of chokepoints slows down the game to a crawl, and there's no fast movement heroes either.
Verticality is also incredibly limited, Pharah for example slides off a lot of surfaces.
Now, I already said enough, I want you to give a definition of what you think arena shooters are.
You know, give an argument, for once.
Radical moslems want to cut off your head and moderate moslems want radical moslems to cut off your head.
Everything else is irrelevant.
Minorities within the muslim community.
But hey, if we can take minorities into a count, then there must be no problem with Pharah being part of that 10% of Egyptian population who is not muslim.
Even then, she's still a blatant and bad rip off of Samus' design, and is still done in this godawful artstyle. Just about everything about this diverse and tolerant heap of shit that redditors like you call their waifu is shameful.
You explanation is laughable, and I'm pretty sure you know that too by now.
I already gave my "definition" and my reasons for that. It's hard to define is my standpoint, your was no it's easy here look. And you explanation is pretty much "emphasis on speed and verticality", which is downright retarded and I pointed that out twice already. And weapon pickups is obvious idiocy which I also explained.
The problem here is that you are a huge fuckingfaggot that can't admit to himself that he really doesn't know the definition because there is no real perfect definition. And now you're trying to weasel yourself out of the argument, but you can fuck right off with that, son.
Bruh, the core premise of arena shooter is everyone is the same in regards to movement and speed (barring skill of like knowing how to navigate) but there's weapon pickups on the map as well as other stuff. Sure there's different modes and mods but the CORE GAMEPLAY that it was DESIGNED AROUND is that. Overwatch is not that. It takes some inspiration from it but that doesn't make it an arena shooter.
>Overwatch is not an arena shooter
>this is what makes a shooter an arena shooter
This is what you have said.
You have literally said nothing at all during the entire time.
Overwatch is not an arena shooter, absolutely no aspect of it plays like games like Quake 3.
>The problem here is that you are a huge fuckingfaggot that can't admit to himself that he really doesn't know the definition
Big words for someone who has yet to say something about what makes a shooter an arena shooter.
Seriously, what's the point of all this?
Why are you even replying to me when you have literally nothing of value to say?
But we do agree that she's not muslim, right?
>Seriously, what's the point of all this?
>Why are you even replying to me when you have literally nothing of value to say?
I'm trying to help you little man, you may not realize it but it's just for you :3
Let me just quote that again, maybe quantity is the key here. It's like holding a mirror in your face and you look sideways ^^
>Because an arena shooter is made up of a an emphasis on speed, verticality and weapon pick ups
Error 404: argument not found.
I'll try again.
What makes a shooter an arena shooter, in your opinion?
Actually that's not true kid
looky here
>An FPS with pickups and respawns? That's what I would say.
Battlefield 1 and Battlefront have respawns and pickups.
Are they arena shooters?
No, we do not. This is just your silly little head-canon.
>Even then
Yes you did, you gave up, which means you have no argument.
>silly little
Please, stop talking like a Tumblrina.
Leave him be, he just heard someone call the original team fortress an arena shooter and takes it as fact since.
He might even have a point in that it was just some mod back then and people won't coin a term over that but it has become a whole genre since then.
Typical behaviour of a retard that stopped in his development the moment his balls dropped.
And there is the problem. It's a stupid term. If you want to put your verticality into battlefield you get a match too, theres airplane combat, doesn't get more vertical than that.
So basically, arena shooter is a meaningless term, yet you criticize Pharah because she doesn't fit the sandbox of arena shooters?