GHOST RECON WILDLANDS - New Cinematic Trailer

Ghost Recon Wildlands will be available very soon. What do you think about the game?

Looks like shit.

Did you play the closed Beta?

well I guess it's still less painful than reading his books

Yes, don't bother with it.

At best a mediocre game that will almost immediately die and be forgotten.

I really wonder why they bothered to associate this wannabe GTA: Operator with the Ghost Recon. I remember having to carefully navigate around corners and checking my map to see if there are no enemies on rooftops every couple of minutes. Not driving my jeep into enemy camps and mowing everyone down with the minigun.

The Open Beta starts next week.
I´m gonna try it... couldn´t play the closed beta.

Some players said the game gets much better if you turn up the difficulty.

Only a little bit. The AI is still dumb as bricks and it doesn't change the fact that every mission is basically the same: infiltratie base > kill enemies > done.

I recently played through Far Cry Primal and that game is technically the same "infiltratie base > kill enemies > done" , but I had Fun for 3 days and the Story wasnt too bad.
the World in Wildlands is huge... maybe the full game has some awesome secrets (gameplay)

Well that was a dull trailer.

After the closed beta I can say it's going to be another painfully mediocre game from Ubishit.

Go away, Ubi marketer.

wow... rude

I think you should fuck off with the shilling.

Since I heard they're making a Division movie, I wonder if they still plan to make that Ghost Recon movie. Then again, maybe not. It's been, what, two years?

What was Division's story anyway?

It's a very modest game but it gets very fun if you play with friends and roleplay it.

But since Sup Forumsermins have no friends and suffer from ADHD so they can't play in a specific way they will call it shit.

>Meme Memecon: Memelands

Looks Anthony Burch-tier.

Isn´t there a Amazon Ghost Recon Series coming up?

its shit

>What was Division's story anyway?
"Something something, virus. something New York. something something we are the division."

I smell marketers

Wow it looks like a fucking starcraft 2 scene from half a decade ago

And to think I was looking forward to this. Serves me right for having even the slimmest of hopes.

Same here, buddy. Ubisoft really surprised me. I thought Ghost Recon was going to be fun and For Honor was going to suck dick, turns out it was the other way around.