Nintendo has gimmicks, rehashes, and overpriced baby games

>Nintendo has gimmicks, rehashes, and overpriced baby games
>Sony has cinematic shit, sjw, rehashes, and mediocre shit
>PC has the same shit Sony has, but with shinier turd textures and more irredeemable indie shovelware
>Xbox has jack shit
>VR is complete garbage just like it was in the early nineties
>Phones have pay2win and shovelware up the ass
>Handhelds have shit screens and shit games
>Old games are boring and unrefined, besides I already played all the good ones during childhood, emulation is inconsistent and buggy

Who /needanewhobby/ here?

get into electronics

>all that buzzwords and autism


>shit, shit, shit

You convinced me with those hot adult opinions

>too dumb to get into a brainiac hobby like electronics

>realization that I got into video games because I'm dumb and autistic as fuck to begin with, but now I'm too socially retarded to turn my life around

>still has not realized that video games is a shit tier hobby

Man, I really miss being a child.

If games are shit why are you posting here? I don't know your age but you act like underage for sure.

>I miss being a child
>mature tastes for mature people like me

Then why are you here?


Oh, nvm.

you averse to anime? that doesn't require thought.

play Dota 2

>>PC has the same shit Sony has, but with shinier turd textures and more irredeemable indie shovelware
you're not looking hard enough buddy

You have shit taste

>Sony has cinematic shit, sjw, rehashes, and mediocre shit


But what new hobby? There aren't that many out there for couch potatoes, and they're not doing any better at the moment.

There are good games among the various consoles. But most are shit, I'm inclined to agree.
VR is vastly improved since the 90's, to say otherwise is just untruthful. I think where we are now is pretty limited by tech, but could be interested if implemented in the right way. Not truly VR anyways, but its a start.
Phones a shit as ever.
Handhelds have fine screens some good games. Not really much improvement in the handheld industry in a while.
Old games are not boring and unrefined, in some ways inferior to today's games but still enjoyable and certainly playable. There are many old games that vastly outpace modern games. I've been delving into old games and one's I'd never played and am pleasantly surprised by the breadth of all I'd missed.
You sound like a defeatist faggot. I figure this whole thread is bait, but there are people who think like this out there so maybe not. Go play some games you fag. Also, if gaming is your only hobby you're probably autistic and should kill yourself.
Finally, if there are really no games you can enjoy at this point, either fuck off or make something you could enjoy. Make your own game.

pessimistic shithead

>stay on PC.
>figure out what you expect from games and what you don't like in them
>make a thread asking for the specific characteristic of ideal game (keep it realistic)
>get a game from the answers
>play it.
>repeat as much as you'd like.

Dude, electronics are easy as fuck. If you can understand that electricity flows neg to pos, understand what volts, amps, watts and ohms are, it's pretty easy.

You have to start off easy though. Follow somone elses DIY first (maybe with your own twist) and go from there.

It's what I'm doing with a gameboy color. Gonna try and turn it into a pi boy.

>Horizon zero dawn
>N-sane trilogy


The ultimate question.