There is no good games coming out this year.

You are all responsible for this

>Persona 5
>new Zelda
It fucking stops after April though. A whole bunch of absolutely fucking nothing.


>Nier Automata
>no good games this year

Obvious Bait.

>skip a ton of games in the past decade
>play those

currently playing new vegas

Already had a hell of a Q1
>Persona 5 (JP)
>Resident Evil 7
>For Honor
>Yakuza 0
>A whole new console with a new 3d Zelda

Not our fault if you just don't like vidya.

Persona 5
Dragon Quest XI
Ni No Kuni 2
Shenmue 3
God of War
Nier: Automata
Sonic Mania
Yooka Laylee
Xenoblade 2
Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

This year is insane, if you don't think even one of these games looks good then yeah maybe you should kill yourself.

>haha le im so cool and jaded!! Xd

Watch OP be a faggot and respond to every post ITT with "that game is shit"

>Only Jap games

Come off it, Prey, Red Dead and...

Legit went searching for other games and wouldn't back any other Western games coming out this year. FML.

Original sin 2
Mount n blade butterlord

Tekken 7
Here's your (You).

Western AAA, I should say


all those games
are shit.

Forgot Red Dead Redemption 2, Fire Emblem Echoes, Tekken 7, Horizon, Mass Effect, Sea of Thieves, South Park

>anons hype up a game they actually have no interest in

I only wish no games were coming out this year. 2016 was packed. I have like 5 full titles leftover I haven't touched yet -

Xcom 2
Xenoverse 2
Witcher DLC
Fallout 4 DLC and Survival mode

>partakes in nu-gaming
>complains that he gets burned
play Dota 2 instead

Don't blame your shit taste on us user.


I'm finally making a start on my backlog. Just finished RE4, what a hoot.

Borderlands 3 is coming out this year faggot.

persona 5, nioh, yakuza, zelda, gow, rdr2, gr2, ys 8, ff7 remake, nier, das 3 dlc etc etc

mountingblade bonerlord and rs2 are supposed to come out this year, tho

Well to be fair it's half of the FF7 remake

congrats! you won the award for "shittiest taste ITT"
your price is 1 internetz :D

Dota 3 is shit, when are they reverting the map?

I thought release day is mid/end of 2017?

They split it into episodes

Are you nuts? There's been tons of great games already.

WHAT IS State of Decay 2? Is this gonna happen this year?

when you stop sucking your father's cock faggot.

Doko roko anyone?

>Nobody mentioned Ace Combat 7

I fucking hate you all

>watch op respond to my post calling everything shit
like clockwork. KYS my main man.

>trusting an Ace Combat after Assault Horizon.
I'm just waiting for reviews and fan opinion. Could suck. VR might be cool but I ain't dropping 400 USD for that.

nah, only platformers I'm looking forward to are crash and yooka laylee desu

They're never going back to how AH was with that shitty DFM. Infinity was good except for the fuel system