



Hes rigth


Is this a strip making fun of the Wii? There must be some "What did he mean by this" that I'm not getting.





It's hilarious that Sup Forums has this fascination with "web comics are easy to make" yet all their edits are terrible and if it's so easy to make money off web comics why aren't you all doing it?


I actually own a very successful webcomic



i find shitty half-assed edits funnier


which one



I have several questions





... can't be...

is that a....

>knuckles the echinacea

What questions?



Of course he's not going to tell you, you retard.



It's just the latest One Piece chapter. Look, there's a pirate right there.



I want to fuck them all


thanks captain obvious, now fuck off




Last chapter I read is the end of the money one with Joshuu. How far behind am I?





What's wrong with you

Unexpected kek


You've got a few chapters to catch up on.

i was born in 1994 so someone regale me with what games were supposed to look realistic back in the mid 90s and early 00's?

these are just awful. wish they put as much work into jokes as they did the art


shit taste


Girl on girl is hot
There nothing wrong to be attracted to the yuri




There is if there eating shit.

>When did Link dye his hair?
>Mario's not from Brooklyn anymore?
Why does this autistic fuck cling to shit from the fucking non-canon American TV shows!?


But Cloud wasn't really emo at all

Also liking Transformers doesn't really have anything to do with being a car enthusiast

I'm also fairly certain Dobson doesn't know anything about the periodic table


>mfw I used to get into forum debates with this fat fuck

I should've spent that time playing video games.

Who the fuck was looking at an Atari game in 1982 thinking it looked real?


>They brought this up in the crash 2 playthrough on OneyPlays

Just lazy, shit writing on the Dobgoblins part, probably meant impressive, not realistic.



>all comics must be self-congratulatory strawmen or 2006 memes

Don't understand why he's so disliked.


I remember playing Battle Arena Toshinden and thinking it looked like action figures coming to life before my eyes on the screen

We need some non-shit yuri in this thread




Does Dobson ever get tired of repeating the same points?

I know this will be hard for you, but really, kids always thought games were the best ever and each new generation was "as best as it's gonna get, this is so cool"

I'm pretty sure people only started calling graphics realistic with the PS2/Dreamcast era consoles.


T-thats not okay man.

My brother born in 1980 literally shat his pants when he saw Spider-man vs Kingpin on Genesis.he thought it looked almost like real life


>needing a thesaurus to understand "Life is like a dying apple in red wine..."


it's "th-thats", say it outloud




>mfw i thought that the photoshopped dwarf version was the real one.
