Who would win?

Who would win?

generic weaboo game #2

Amamaa = Girl with two faces, but no vagina.
Migagami = Girl with two vaginas, but no face.

Both lose.

>Girl with two vaginas, but no face.

I fail to see the problem

hows the translation going?

It should be done around sometime during the 21st century

also any chances of seeing vita version translated?

Isn't it just a straight port anyway? Aside from the widescreen support

Amama's single tiny leg would instantly snap, unable to support the weight of her extra large upper body and two heads. She would likely bleed out and die as two hearts pump the blood out extra hard.

Migagami meanwhile can easily pin down both of Amama's arms with her two legs and use her extra large middle leg to beat her to death, and still have two hands and her almighty Jacket left to fight with. It's basically a complete blowout.

i dont know, ive only played the partial translated version, thats why im asking you

Who would win?

You seem to be forgetting the fact that Migagami is completely blind and deaf. And brainless for the matter, whereas Amamaa has the brainpower of two and could easily outsmart that retard.

The water.

anime must die!

The slut

pedo like you would


Whats will all the Amagami posts lately?

Why is this allowed?

Seiren anime is currently airing, although I have no clue why they would be starting right now rather than six weeks ago.

Worst girl would win because both of them have claim to the title

Two heads cause discord.

A headless body has become one with its being, gaining absolute equilibrium.

All four die off though, since YHVH can't compute retardism

I am aware of seriren, but I dont understand why these threads are not on Sup Forums.

They are, regularly 2-3 threads on Sup Forums. It's just that the company makes video games as well, so people are inclined to talk about them as well.

Two heads are better than none.

Kyouko will win the Shouichi bowl

2 mouths, 2 cunts, hard choice.

second one wins because there are 4 holes you can fuck and no complaining from the head
