Are healers the most fun class to play in any game?

Are healers the most fun class to play in any game?

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Healslut is not a legend...

>solo DPS
>queue time: 10 minutes


shit colouring job

it's still being developed and has lots of problems.


I seriously hope you weren't born as a fucking healer.

>tfw healer

I just want to wrap my head around what kind of sad fucking permavirgin would sit down and write something this pathetic?

Where the fuck did someone go so wrong in their life?

Writing erotica has been around for centuries.

>throws a lick towards my throbbing tank shaft while my usual healer works on the balls
>throbbing tank shaft

fuck, my sides

Healslut it is.

>10 minutes


try 30

This thinks I'm a healer, but I always play tank.

>want to be healer, in tune with my nature
>forced into other jobs because my team is usually shit

Now post the other image.

>i'm actually sad beta

>delusional tankfags

I've always joked about how heavy objects seem to be attracted to my head, guess I know why now.


>be pisces
>play healer


I'm a Sagittarius so am I a healer, tank or dps? This piece of shit is unclear and unreadable. Whoever made this is a huge faggot.

Healers are for faggots and girls user, everyone knows this.

>ranged dps
I love it when this shit works.

Also for manly men.
Manly men pick healers because DPS are for faggots and tanks are for bottoms. Someone has to top.

I am gemini and I can play all of these, but mostly melee dps

What about medics in Battlefield?

>is a Sagittarius
>is fucking retarded
>is a melee dps

every time

> sagittarius
> not ranged
Shit pic

>Ranged DPS
Aquarius. Sounds about right. That was the only way we would win whenever I played with my friends.

Virgo, mostly play Tank or Melee dps.

You tend to be retarded when you wake up early in he morning, but I get it, I'm on red. It fits too since I play a lot of scout.

I'm Gemini but I almost play tank exclusively and if I dps I Melee.
Your chart sucks

>born healer
I don't even give a fuck. If anyone tried to pull their bullshit 'huur, you're a healer suck my tank dick' bullshit, I'd kick them and find another eager tank to replace them. Dom healer or gtfo, fagbois.
guild wars monk a best

>play support/healer
>Carry the shit out of the game because only bad players and girls play support

The true alpha role is to make your team rely on you and then be better than the enemy healslut to make the game into a 6v4

Kids can't drop their egos and need to KDA whore to feel good about themselves

>Tfw born healer
>Not an attention-seeking healslut Jus like playing support

Why did neckbeards taint support roles

>Have been a marksman/ADC in every moba except Dota because it's garbage turn rates

>>play support/healer
>>Carry the shit out of the game
this is what healslut bitchbois seriously believe

You wouldn't last 30 seconds without support so keep your mouth shut.

>Melee dps
>i unironically like healing people

>Used to play tank
>Started playing healer recently

I just find it relaxing to fill hp bars and not die. Tbh i like it more when it's more specialized kind of supports, like scholars in ro but you don't see that kind of classes to often anymore.

>pick Lucio on HoTS
>have the ability to heal the entire team if they stay inside my AoE
>every person goes to a different direction when they need healing.

Well I seem to be one of those guys that can actually aim in an FPS so this doesn't really surprise me.
>tfw you can see an enemy visibly realize from past experience that you aren't going to miss from your scope

Healer is fun

in ragnarok online

M-maybe I can cure the cancer with my. Healing powers...

>Ranged DPS
Wew, I don't even like bows. Better be guns in the game.


Literally anything other than that.

and yet I still hope someday someone surprises me and puts it somewhere else shame on me I guess

>mfw aquarius and i do in fact play ranged dps
What wizardry is this?!

>Enjoys playing tank while dating a healsult

>your soulmate waifus are scorpio and pisces
>but they hate your ass, just like everyone else

I'm a healer, but I've never played a healing class. What gives?

Why is he a nigger now? Did tumblr get ahold of this image?

>This is probably in the context of being a stereotypical MMO healslut instead of an aggressive offensive healer
MMO healers were a mistake.

Why are these always correct

Are there fucking sorcerers on Sup Forums

>that feel I always play tanks
I'm a a crossdresser

>2 hours

>guild wars monk a best
Ritualist was here, Monk a OK dudes

What's an "aggressive offensive" healer?

>Melee DPS
>Suck at carries and only feel comfortable playing tanky bruisers in League

>Pisces and like healing and find the healslut concept hot

>offensive healer
I don't miss oathbreaker poison medic
I miss Pain Gun

A healer that could attack and deal damage while supporting their team. Think of most healers from class-based shooters like TF2 or OW.

I gave it my best attempt, how is it?

im capricorn and i play ranged dps in every game i can wtf

pretty bad

I managed to masturbate to it so it was good enough for me

what is that brown thing?
it looks like a giant hand with a dislocated finger