Wtf i love gta online now

wtf i love gta online now

>first time climbing a hill with rocket voltic

this kills the battlebots

more useless supercars for babby to buy with his dads credit card

They're not useless if you have fun and i never paid any real money apart from buying the actual game.

>dads credit card
at this point i wouldn't be surprised it at least 80% of the community has hacked in some money.
i've got so much money i can't buy any more cars because they don't let you have more than 5 garages

Are you on deadgen or something? You can have 120 cars and 10 motorcycles now

U can have like 120 cars with last update

Deadgame general? Deadgame general.

Is GTA Online or is it not the worst GTA "title" in the entire series? It's a complete shitfest.

I bought GTAV two days ago; within six hours of play I encountered a hacker who forcibly teleported us all to the airport and made money bags appear.

I stopped playing GTA online ages ago

why didn't they just make new heists every month or two?

heists were great

you can only drive around in kurumas or other shit and randomly shoot shit for so long before it gets old

GTA online had it's largest playerbase last decemeber.

did rockstar stop making updates? I barely see any GTA online threads on Sup Forums anymore

i cheated millions for myself and had some fun, but you wanna guess why they're still updating gta online? kids spending real money on cars and apartments. not that i mind updates, but i'd rather have a nice and balanced online experience with some thought put into it rather than the pointless moneysink shitfest they made.

Rockstar can say whatever they want in the newswire

No? The last major update was in december and they're still releasing new cars and gamemodes almost every week.

Actually you rarely see kurumas outside of heists and occasional contact missions now, everyone has 100% armored supercars with tiny rear windows now anyway.

This. I just fly around in my ETR1 and never die.

But why? How are you enjoying that for so long?

All those cuh-rayzee fast and the furious cars are behind ridiculously steep CEO paywall bullshit. If you run into someone with the KITT car you're basically fucked, it's fairly anti-fun.

>want the pick up truck that can float on water
>need to pay $1,000,000 for a specific type of apartment, then a further $1,000,000 for the vehicle itself
>this right after they put the yachts on sale for half off so I ended up spending the entire $4,000,000 I had built up since the games original release
I don't know which I should feel worse for, the fact I fell for the really obvious "WE'RE TOTALLY NOT TRYING TO DRAIN YOUR EXCESS CASH BEFORE WE RELEASE ACTUALLY COOL SHIT" or the fact that even though I really want those aquatic vehicles I still can't make paying for the microtransactions worth it so my only option would be to grind.

Why do people keep playing Overwatch or literally any other online game?

>tfw unironically miss GTA4 online and it's simplicity (and the fact I could use any in-game car without having to spend £ or grind for hours)

You can at least play ranked mode there, in GTA Online you just fuck around with no goal. It's fun, but the kind of fun that only lasts a month or two.

And it's physics, damage model, ragdolls and AI. GTA V is so dumbed down it's not even funny anymore.

Says you.

>ranked mode is different

Literally just server-hop until you spot people asking for cash in chat. It takes surprisingly little time to find a trainerfag raining bags of money.

I really enjoy fucking with people
Like when they go shopping they park their supercar that they spent their daddys credit card money on, I just take a hammer and start smahing it until they come out
It's not fun until half the server wants to kill you for being an annoying shit

What if they don't actually give a shit because they don't see the damage you do to their cars.

put a sticky bomb inside the car, or under it, so they can't see it easily
follow them then spray them a bit with some peashooter, after they start trying to get you to fuck off, detonate

>blow up other people's cars
>get banned

>some fucker is cruising around in a rhino
>attach c4 to a Panto and rear-end him while setting it off.
You've all seen that drone footage of ISIS car bombs being driven into apcs in Syria. Will never not be fun reinacting that.

How the fuck do you attach C4 to the underside of a car then? Also those things bleep loudly.

>If you run into someone with the KITT car you're basically fucked, it's fairly anti-fun
If you run into someone with the kitt car you get out of your car so he can't lock on to you and shove his 4 million dollars worth of wasted money into the toilet with an explosive

lol what pussy region do you play on?

this is truly the most mind-boggling thing ever, seriously. it's like rockstar forgot this is a GTA game, not a hugbox dress-up game where you pretend to be a billionaire and drive your fancy supercars around.
i'm not too optimistic about GTA 6 at this point.

drown out the beeping with the sound of bullets

it's not like you get banned, but every time you kill a player or blow up their car, you either risk becoming bad sport or paying 30k of insurance.

>What's the point of sandbox games!

Is this real?
Like everyone talking shit and being mean not getting banned, while playing the game get you banned...

If you blow up a lot of cars (an I mean an absolute shitload, you'd probably have to exclusively use a fighter jet and target player cars for a long time) you get thrown into a "bad sport" lobby where you'll be stuck for a while with other bad sport shitters. Also you get a dunce cap

>hey lets make a game with fun multiplayer
>hey lets also make the game require you to grind out the money required to have fun

Yeah, they declare you as a "bad sport" (only play with other bad sports such as hackers etc. from now on) if you blow up too many cars of other people.



Just to clarify and it's only other players' cars

What was your worst buy, Sup Forums?
Mine I think it was the savage.

i memed my levels and money with cheatengine and the car sales.

got caught and banned for a month, but eyy i still sit with all my shit

The game itself.


I got banned this month cause I had a single player trainer on. Was mid heist too

How is this shit allowed to exist

can't lose money if you dont have any money

People usually only get banned for cheating, not destroying other people's cars. At worst you'll be put in lobbies with shitters like yourself so the adults can play in peace

I dunno I think it's pretty well thought out.

can't get banned if you don't play
oh wait...

you really have to destroy an abnormally large amount of cars
talking highway of death amount

I meant the double spacing.

it wasn't a permanent ban in my case for the cheatengine money stuff.

just a month notice and removal of all my ingame money.

still got all my cars and meme things like buzzard, savage, the tank and all the "call in" vehicles

GTA online is very shallow, and they have taken steps since back then to permanently ban offenders.

i got lucky i only received a 30 day ban, and not get shitted into the bad sport lobbies.
you can get bad lobbies regardless tough, if you're in a large community / crew like IGN you'll almost exclusively get put in lobbies with same crews.

>Buying yacht
Literally why? It server absolutely no purpose and it's expensive as fuck.
The only reason I bought it was beacuse I cheated money so for me it was literally clicking a button once but I can't even imagine any reason why would anyone waste so much money considering how slow you gain it in game if you don't farm.

>truck that can float on water
I haven't played since the Tron bikes gamemode which was the most fun shit I did in game besides /gtag/ meetups, what else did they add?

Did they ever fix the loading times?
I quitted the game because out of 300 hours i played about 50 were loading times.

CEO update a couple months ago added a few unique vehicles.

The stunt-ramp-car you see in OP pic, a buggy and a pick up truck that can be float on water, a super car with a rocket engine on the back that makes it go stupid fast, and a car with a jump function, parachutes and machine guns and missiles.

>a super car with a rocket engine on the back that makes it go stupid fast, and a car with a jump function, parachutes and machine guns and missiles.
And also stupid expensive

A ramp buggy that send cars flying, a truck with a wedge on the front that sends cars flying, a UPS van with a wedge on the front and a machine gun on top that sends cars flying, a voltic with a rocket engine on its back that sends itself flying, a ruiner that can jump, parachute, machine gun and fire rockets that can send itself flying, a technical with floatation devices that works like a motorboat in water, a quadbike that transforms into a jetski with machine guns attached and some more I'm probably forgetting

It's worth it though

Well, it's end-game content.

Is there a mod that empties the world of pedestrians and vehicles? I need to know this.

Please I need it

In SP? Download Menyoo and toggle off peds and vehicles in the misc options.

Looks good thanks man

I like parking cars in front of the door so they can't get out. It's silly but I find it amusing. Of course they can just kill themselves from the menu but it takes a while

Most of the fucking guns that I cant get rid of for no fucking reason, so now they clog up my inventory and I have to pay 1 million to get rid of them ONLY in freemode

You can drop them though

>get two free shark cards when I bought a new copy of GTA V
>waste them on a shit plane and shit apartment instead of an armored car or something with weapons

I hate this fucking heist, every time someone either leaves or cannot into piloting.

>PC users had this back when San Andreas first came out over 10 years ago in 200 person multiplayer
>Rockstar thinks they're top-fucking-boss releasing supercilious content that has to be grinded for in their shitty missions in a game that still isn't better than a mod made by an autistic 12 year old out of his moms basement

>>PC users had this back when San Andreas first came out over 10 years ago in 200 person multiplayer

Not the same my man

It's why I always try to make sure I'm the pilot.

I've never even done the roles in the prison itself to this day as a result.

You're right, it was better in San Andreas because since you didn't have to have Rockstars dick in your ass to play it you could do shift-break and make your car fly for miles off ramps attached to other peoples cars without getting banned.

Losing the cops in the plane is always a headache


It was always fucking terrible.
>Be pilot
>Fly behind a jet beacuse I noticed they literally can't do anything if you always fly behind them
>Tell this to the demo so he doesn't shoot the jet which would just spawn another one making my job much more difficult
>He fucking blows it up every fucking time

>Be demo
>Tell the same stuff to pilot, hoping he will actually do it
>He doesn't and I have to shoot the jet making it harder for both of us for absolutely no reason

>Be guard / prisoner
>The person with me either dies by rushing like a retard or stay behind (at least when they stay behind they won't fuck this up)
>Pilot crashes sometimes even before jets are on him

I can understand fucking up as a pilot in the pick-up moment since cops will usually block the landing zone so it's random if you will have a clear path or not and even then you still have to wait for the rest of your crew while you can't do anything.
Most of people playing this game are retarded but this heist takes it into a whole new level.