Witcher 3

Name a better looking game out now

You fucking can't


GTA San Andreas . one you play it it will look so good just like the good old days

its a pretty game but the dead world makes it feel empty

the world is full of life though
it just feels fake after a while because none of the shit you do actually matters or feels like it matters. You cant see the impact on the world

>Clear an area
>People come back to inhabit it

nigga what the fuck are you smoking?

Witcher 1.

It's a classic bullshit to pin on a game when you can't find a real flaw.
>oh, the world is dead, therefore gothic is better than morrowind
No fuck you, a bunch of mannequins fucking off to eat a wedge of cheese is not "living" world.

You're like a little baby. Watch this.

Horizon Zero Dawn looks better


you just convinced me to turn AA off

chromatic aberration*

yeah what do you do with these people
nothing right
they dont matter

it adds a bit of imersion you are right about that though.

The only reason it doesn't look better is because it's on 10 year old hardware.

>new vendors
>new people to play gwent with
>changing the world bit by bit



they are generic npcs
they dont matter

The Witcher is pretty and has really boring core gameplay and mediocre everything else. It's as bad as Uncharted except at least Uncharted has well animated cutscenes and I'm still pissed my friend made me buy the complete edition after shilling this boring shit game for so long.
Majora's Mask is an ancient game and does NPCs so much better than TW3 that it's almost pathetic when comparing, even literally who PS2 games like Radiata Stories are non ironically better than The Witcher 3.
It's "it's okay when Poland does it": the game. I blame Sup Forums.


Assassins Creed Unity
Far Cry 4

some vendors spawned in cleared areas sell unique gwent cards and unique alcohols necessary for Superior potions and concoctions
Theyre not that useful but you need that to "max out" the game

That's not how it goes
>clear an area
>an intrusive cutscene instantly plays showing people run over and congratulating the player on his magnificence
It would've been so much more immersive if they had just spawned the NPCs after the next load screen or something. Fuck CDProjekt.

Idk why but I hate this character model. It looks like a batman reskin & why is William from Nioh the same fucking guy?

Why not a character creation?
They have multiple witchers. The ability of a witcher is not even that rare in the game.

u mad.

Too bad it animates and plays like shit.

>waste your vidya budget in a bad game because Sup Forums and a friend convinced you to get it
Yes I'm still mad, I'll die mad.