Am I the only one that's only playing old games these days? Fuck I'm replaying Doom on dos and it's so frigging great...

Am I the only one that's only playing old games these days? Fuck I'm replaying Doom on dos and it's so frigging great. I'm really getting id nostalgia bombs here. Should I also play commander keen and quake? I only played quake on the n64 way back.

Modern video games is a mistake, it's nothing but trash

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Pls, tell me that she has a pink and tiny feminine penis.

delete your motherfucking thread right now and go to the board the next 300 replies will tell you to go to

>could've posted a picture of doom
>posts this instead

post more cute

it baits people like me into these threads senpai
i also prefer old games

A classic mistake, picture more interesting than the topic.

So, does >she have a dick or not?

I'm playing through the old top-down Zeldas until BotW comes out. Does that count?

there is a retro gaming board on Sup Forums young user. it's called /vr/ and they have plenty of people that do the same as you do.

I've read so many doujins by now that dick has become my head canon.

So is it skinny, feminine or big and thick?


Isn't there like a whole board for retro games and such?
I could be wrong but I'm not, there is, go there.
As for your image, girls that cute don't exist, it's fake.


very cute

It's not a 2D so it can't be a girl(male) you doof.
Regardless of what people tell you, not even all the makeup in the world can make men look cute.
And it's a fake picture anyway, women are ugly aswell.
Everyone is ugly except me.

>not even all the makeup in the world can make men look cute
also probably photoshop, but it worked in his case
it's a shame he's dead

this offends me

>pirate a modern game just to try
>guts tell me the game ain't that great after one hour of game
>stop playing
>future long length reviews actually confirm what i thought about the game
>it's still the kind of game normies will enjoy because of low standard

i've gotten so overly critical by analyzing modern games these days i can't enjoy any because they never try to be original.
i've easily jumped back on 1990-2000 games because of that, playing shit tons of fps, point & click, rts etc

>no dick
Seriously why did you even post this

That dude killed himself

This was a bit too gay for me, liked the other shimakaze more.

>no dick

What kind of gay shit is this?

degenerate gays need to die

i know

It's all a trick user, he probably didn't even come close to being that fucking cute without photoshop and such.
The real world is ugly.
Even YOU are uglier than you think.

>hairy pussy
not a cute, hairless dick, not a hint of interest


>Even YOU are uglier than you think
we are reaching level of ugliness that shouldn't be possible

I just play what interests me, whether it's new or old. If you get caught up in when something came out, you're just cutting yourself off from a potentially good game.

What i want more than anything is a cute femboy pet

Nope. I just finished BLOOD for the very first time last year.
I pretty much replay games like Silent Hill and Zelda: OoT annually. Doom and some emulators always travel with me on an USB stick.

Just about every single major IP I like has gotten worse in the past decade.

I 100% feel ya user

I used to be a Sega bro in the 90s, but then Sega went to shit. Then I tried to do the idort thing but I settled on Nintendo because outside of MGS, Persona and GTA, nothing really appealed to me on the other consoles. I've been a Nintoddler ever since but the Wii U burned me hard and there's so far nothing appealing to me on the Switch. I've played plenty of PS4 games on my friends system and nothing really appeals to me there, either.

For at least the past 4 months, I don't think I've played any game produced in this decade. I've mostly just been revisiting GameCube classics, and emulating obscure arcade games in Mame. I'd have moved to /vr/ already, except half of the games I like are sat in the awkward middle zone where nobody talks about them on Sup Forums anymore but they're not yet old enough for the /vr/ snobs to consider them retro.

I just don't particularly like where gaming is heading. I don't think it's a case of me getting older, because I still discover retro games that I never knew existed, but end up loving them. I just prefer the /style/ of games that came out in the late 80s, 90s and early 2000s, I guess.


>Doom 2016 will never get mod support


janny is trolling us


Why is retro vidya so comfy?

i love you janitor!

Damn that room is so retro.



why not?

>played Doom for the first time last year
>it was really fucking fun and still held up
>play nudoom over this past week
>just going from room to room killing demons
>bossfights were ok but disappointing
>glory kills feel flimsy as fuck and have terrible sounds
>chaingun sounds awful unless its pre-deployment turret mode
>chainsaw filling your ammo up is dumb as fuck, not that you need it even when using the super shotgun only I only used it about 3-4 times the entire game (played on ultra-violence)
>movement felt slow and shitty, had no momentum

Why is it so hard to find a fun game these days?

(((ID Software)))

But what is the source?

Also I totally revisit older games all the time.

nice meme keyboard


Check /vr/

The worst thing is that when you mention a point of view like this, you often just get responses like "haha it's just nostalgia gramps" or "you've just grown out of gaming". It's like some form of vidya stockholm syndrome or something. These people have invested so much money into their PSN account, or their Steam, or so many hours into something they clearly don't even enjoy anymore (MOBA's come to mind) that they're completely blind to the fact that they're getting fucked in the ass by the genericness and scamming of modern gaming.

Not that all modern gaming is bad of course, nor is all retro gaming good. It's just amazing that companies keep introducing more anti-consumer practices and we keep getting less game for money, and yet people just shut up and accept it and any opinions to the contrary need to be shut down immediately.

i have a keyboard like that

makes typing more "ergonomic"