Tales of Berseria

Tales of Berseria

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Coo coo.

Ive played for like an hour. I like it way better than symphonia right now, its the only other tales of game ive played

How do people enjoy weeb rpg's?

I just can't get into them because of how shallow they are. Also, this waifu shit needs to stop.

just enjoy them, don't take it seriously

How the fuck do I beat the Bat Baron on Hard?

Is this picture available without the big ass fucking sample text?

dodge. come back a little later when you've gained a level or two. mostly just get lucky with stuns and rush it down.

The combat is just so fucking off putting in tales games.

Did you buy her, anons?

>way better than symphonia
>its the only other tales of game ive played
Damn, I'm sorry. That's what happens when you fall for Sup Forums memes. Tales of Xillia 2 is great (minus farming money) but it requires Tales of Xillia 1.

I just started (literally half an hour in) and have some questions.

What difficulty for the game to be fun, a little challenging and not grindy at the same time?

DLC items, like 2x exp, 2x gald, 2x grade and so on. Should I use any of them? I don't want the game to be easy, but maybe some of them can be used just to save some time and lower the amount of grind.
Also, can they be turned off after activating?

And a stupid one: why does Velvet only attack with her legs if she has a blade on her arm that she show off after the fight?

Hard. No they aren't worth your money, maybe later on post game if you do want to fuck the grind. In the anime she has blades on her shoes as well, but she gets plently on artes with the blade on her arm.



If you can't beat a boss on a higher difficulty, just set it to simple in settings. You can farm the grade elsewhere.

- Do red hunts. They unlock certain abilities and difficulties. Later ones will unlock chaos difficulty and three level 3 random skills on weapons

- Go outside Hellawes and farm the enemies on Chaos difficulty. When a dragon starts to appear, just run away. After about 10 battles, the inventory at the Hellawes shop will refresh. The weapons and armor will have three bonus stats on them.

Intense. Chaos for me was too annoying and fights were dragged out for longer than they needed. You also get the benefits of the most of the potentites on Intense, only missing out on 2 potentites which require chaos difficulty and aren't that good anyway.

Ok, thanks.

>your money
No money involved. Paying for literal cheat codes would never cross my mind, even if the price was $1 instead of $20

Luke with Ufotable's coloring looks so wrong.

What's your go to combo for Velvet? I payed through the entire game using:
1.Slicing foot
2.Gouging spin
3.Harsh Rebuttal
4.Rising moon

Only using different combos if they were resistant to non-elemental.

I'll try Intense then and lower to Hard if it's too tedious.

Played it on the gamecube back in the day.

Combat seems a lot more fluid, and combos are way easier. I could never figure out how some people got massive combos and i capped out at like 11

Velvet uses her blade for her Hidden and Break Artes.

So, what
There's a place called Kharlan where the goddess Martel is worshipped
But Berseria doesn't take place in Aselia.
And one of the party members has fons?

Those are just references like what they've been doing since Eternia.

Because unlike western rpgs, Japanese rpgs are actually fun.


I bought this game


I pirated this game

Is this /ss/?

>Can't unhear it
>Have to retrain myself to hear hail

>tfw you go back to Velvet's village later in the story

So, everyone agree that Eizen is one of the best things that ever happened to the tales serie?

5 hours in and I'm liking the cast so far, except for Magilou

>tfw to inteligent for weebrpgs
they used to be such a good time waster but god damn I couldn't handle Abyss and its lowbrow anime shit for otakus


>how shallow they are

Compare any Etrian Odyssey game or any Atlus game in general, really to literally any Western game and tell me JRPG's are shallow in comparison. Seriously, modern western RPG's are either snorefests or just pure action games with a little mustache and some glasses on.

I would stay clear from these threads until you beat the game. A lot of anons wont be spoiler tagging their posts.

Magilou is irritating, but Eizen is worse.

his scenes about men's romance have to be among the funniest scenes in the whole game.

He's also quite cute when he's in fanboy mode over something./spoiler]

>tfw you will never have Eizen as your brother

Fuck you seriously.
Also I can't help but to wonder how him and Edna can have turned SO different.

the cost is ridiculous especially after import taxes

>weeb rpgs

Play an SMT game then. A real one, not that Persona garbage.

>this waifu shit needs to stop
You need to stop breathing.

I don't generally laugh much at video games (particularly weeb games) but that scene where Rokurou gives him a double sided heads coin with a backup and a backup-backup cracked me up

magilou is pretty okay and a lot better than I thought she'd be
her theme is 10/10 though

his scenes about men's romance have to be among the funniest scenes in the whole game.

He's also quite cute when he's in fanboy mode over something.[/spoiler]

>tfw you will never have Eizen as your brother

Fuck you seriously.
Also I can't help but to wonder how him and Edna can have turned SO different.

bu-but if you want a story, read a book!
coming from people who more often than not never, ever play tabletop rpg and never read, neither.

I hope they will not come with their open world nonsense in the first tales of, it's serious cancer.

you keep fucking it up
third time's the charm, though

if you only use martial skills she will only kick, to use her blade cast arte

I couldn't have been the only one who did this outfit right?

there is a reason she acts like that

It's been ages since I played a JRPG and this looks kinda fun, but I can't really be arsed with spending a lot of time on games anymore like I used to.

Is there a lot of grinding needed? And are there parts that drag on for fucking ever?

Can I pirate your copy? I don't want to steal from developers, but stealing from thieves sounds fine.

this. I didn't even notice I was attacking it and didn't want to flee , did it by rushing it and using R2 to heal.

I think I was around level 8.
the funny part is that, like Eizen, you KNOW it's coming but it still works. I expected something even more ridiculous though.

Looks better on Eizen.


>that Dempsey Roll

She's not a thief, she's a pirate

You say that like it fixes the problem, instead of making it far worse.

I like the alternate color outfit with the white hat and pirate eyepatch.

Cheers. Time to buy.

Played the demo and thought it was alright. Guessing I'll understand the battle system better when they slowly adds abilities instead of just throwing all of them at you. Never played a Tales game. Is this a good starting game?

Do they keep up the lewd talk with the shota like in the demo?

If you don't care much about hard modes and about leveling/difficulty as a whole there's even a consumable item that let you teleport to any available town (except for the ones locked because of the story or because of an event, of course)

Moves make a lot more sense when you're eased into them, yeah.

Gonna buy it now, this game is kind of in line with my tastes

They'll all grow on you in time. 5 hours in is not even 5% of the game completed.


Tales games are anything but shallow though.

serious question: i'm a bit of a tales fag, not super hardcore but i've played vesperia, abyss, symphonia and am currently playing xillia. i enjoy all of them (vesperia the most although the combat in xillia is fucking amazing so far). i tried the zestiria demo and it put me off so much that i didn't bother more with it. also tried the berseria demo and thought it was alright.

do you think i'm faggy enough to enjoy berseria?


>when you realise Tales of Zestiria was intentionally bad so they could deconstruct it with Berseria
Went back to Zestiria so I could finish it. I'm almost at the wind temple, how much of the game is left? Combat in Zestiria is unironically better than Berseria

>Combat in Zestiria is unironically better than Berseria
honestly it does feel like i'm just spamming whatever sequence
sometimes i'll construct a weakness chain for a specific fight/enemy and then spam that instead

45 Hours in and I love every character expect Kamoana. Whoever is voicing her needs to remove themselves from voice actors forever.

Is Velvet a roastie?

NO. Velvet is pure.

I guess you're playing the english dub?

Artorius is an Anti-Buddha, Innominat's crest is the 8 spoked wheel and all the types of malevolence are the prime sins in the Buddhist mindset.

Where's the cheapest place to buy her? I've been trying to look for a good price.

Would I be remiss to start with this game, or does it assume you've played the prior games?

>after 30 hours realized that laphi is the best character to purge non boss fights
dem fucking aoes

Nothing, it takes less time than Zestiria spoonfeeding you about malaks constantly even when you understand it very well but you can start with it (even if you'll miss some of the shout-outs)

Some of his later Hidden Artes are crazy.

>enjoying Laphicets voice

So can you carry over equipment and items this time around to NG+?

Nothing from Tales in general from this recent WonderFes?

>put laphi and magilou and rokurou along with velvet in party
>everything gets steamrolled
for some reason AI eizen always died really fast

You mean Malak arte? His final mystic arte is op too. I think it did 80k first time i used it.

>10k JPY + shipping
I wouldn't even if I wanted to.

I never finished Zestiria and I honestly never wish I bought it.

Seeing the references / characters actually irritates me, because I associate them with that crappy game. It's probably better you don't play Zestiria at all.

Holy fuck, it was one human life, get over it senpai.

How much do they charge usually? On amazon you can get her with (free for me)prime shipping for $120

It's really funny, his voice actor in one of the skits ad libs "cooking pot" because the subtitles for him said vaguely, "I mailed out the pot". There's a lot of funny little differences between the subtitles and what is said.

I never gave a single fuck about tales.
But velvet is so bae holy shit

Also the whole three years in a pit, spent fighting for her life...thing.

Zestiria is commonly accepted to be one of the worst game in the franchise while Besteria is heavily praised, so... Probably?

same user
i played the game until rose joined the party, played for a bunch of more hours and just dropped the game because she was such an annoying shit and the only characters i liked were mikleo and edna

>eizen, bienfu and laphi english voice

Eizen sounds good what are you talking about? Bienfu grew on me after a while. Laphicet is objectively bad though.

Velvet was kinda nuts, even before being imprisoned for 3 years feeding only on demons after being turned into a demon herself, killing everyone in her hometown with her bare hands and watching her brother in law kill her last family member alive.

>because of how shallow they are

As compared to what? The intricate philosophy of the western classics like Halo or God of War?
