This is not an Overwatch thread, but a thread to discuss the modern day gamer. This image shows just how mainstream our hobby has become, and how people you typically wouldn't imagine to be "gamers", are now the ones spending 5-8 hours per day, honing their skills.
When did casuals and entry level players suddenly become the majority? What happened to the guy in baggy jeans, metal shirt, airwalks and skater beanie? Why is it now loafers, american eagle, sports clips and a $200 hoodie? The lady in this image dresses like someone that would've spit on us back in 2004, but now she's the one likely healing your diamond level match.
Why are we(the people that made this industry) now the minority?
Zachary Clark
Henry Torres
>This image shows just how mainstream our hobby has become
Jonathan Martinez
>our hobby >modern day gamer
"Games" like overwatch are as casual as they come tho, you might as well play farmville or whatever that shit on kikebook is called.
Benjamin Gutierrez
You got spat on back in 2004?
Caleb Ortiz
Because of walls of text like yours stop being an anxious cunt and let others have fun too, maybe then you'll start to actual like yourself so that other can.
Daniel Edwards
You fucking faggot, no one cares how "hardcore"(read: smelly) you are. The one who plays better wins, nothing else matters. And it shouldn't, you fucking faggot. You're just like the SJWs.
Angel Gutierrez
I never know if posts like this are ironic or not.
Ethan Murphy
My counter-question; Why do you care?
Adam Russell
is that Mariel?
Wyatt Howard
I'm not sure if this is meant to be a joke, but if it's not OP you literally sound like a hipster faggot. Who gives a fuck about other peoples interests.
Cooper Johnson
What are hardcore gamers such yourself playing?
Dylan Carter
>person playing a popular game on a console in a public place at a demo kiosk represents all game enthusiasts
if you haven't considered suicide yet op it's time to start
David Bennett
That girl has cute shoes.
Easton Taylor
Why do you care? Do you suck at games and are worried the "Casuals" might be better then you?
Jordan Sullivan
Who gives a shit? Your precious niche hobby is becoming more popular. Oh woe.
You're no different than the bitter asshole seeing kids skateboarding, the pretentious fuckwad snowling at beginners learning martial arts, the entitled douche mocking people liking music they liked "first."
It's so played out and tired. Give it a rest, move on.
Ryder Howard
Gaming has been filled with normalslimes since 2007 dude, it's too late to start complaining now, just look at some of the faggots ITT.
Henry Carter
If a photo of a girl playing a video game is enough to set you off then you need to adjust your life.
Grayson Sullivan
Companies make more money the more people buy their games. So they try to cater to casuals as much as possible.
Nathaniel Garcia
I care because it's a poor representation of our culture. We've always been slackers, nobodies, kids with no direction. None of those things were true, but it was how society perceived us. Now suddenly it's cool to play games, so those of us that have been true to this hobby since birth are considered the outcast for not conforming to the modern day image.
I don't want to wear expensive clothes. I don't want people to think I'm friendly and approachable. I dress the way that makes me feel comfortable, which happens to look slackerish and uncaring.
tl;dr I want my hobby back.
Benjamin Phillips
Overwatch is a cuck game. Deal with it
Aiden Rodriguez
What's this thing?
Also why are they playing with UI turned off?
Owen Powell
Just because you are a loser faggot doesn't mean we are. Fuck off.
Noah Brooks
I would disagree with what you have said, the focus of main stream games has shifted to the casual audience, if you dig beneath the surface and look at other genres, such as RTS or Grand Strategy, there is still that core audience of people that were there twenty years ago.
I would say that the mainstream gaming audience has not become casual, its rather shifted due to the types of games, such as MOBA's and Shooters, easy games that are designed to be addictive and attract a large audience to make as much money as possible.
This as well, what does it matter? If you enjoy gaming as a hobby, maybe imbrace the new surge of players that want to contribute to the hobby. Unless you really believe that more casual people is bad on the culture that has been built up over the course of gaming history?
David Parker
Winnie the pooh baseball is more hardcore than overwatch
Noah Torres
If you want a hobby where you can wear shitty clothes and have people label you an outcast, save up some money and buy yourself an unmarked van and some candy.
Leo Baker
Same reason whites (who made society) are now the minority.
Adrian Wright
>considered the outcast for not conforming to the modern day image. you were always the outcast, literally nothing changed. More casual gamers "misrepresenting" "our culture" didn't make you the outcast
Adam Stewart
Every time I play a game with someone, or everytime I see someone playing in front of me, I wonder how the fuck they are so damn garbage and how can they have such an awful eye-hand coordination.
And I've never seen a woman in esports who wasn't a tranny.
So, no, things didn't change that much.
Jacob Morales
Yeah, our hobby has always been really edgy and extreme.
Henry Stewart
*grabs drink* It all started with this white fucking box.
Anthony Thomas
The identity 'Gamer' is like the identity 'Film watcher' or 'Book reader' It's fucking meaningless because everyone does it
Noah Cook
Bitch please. It started with the xbox.
Jordan Jenkins
More people playing videogames has zero impact on what you choose to wear and how you choose to lead your life. If you feel like it does, the issue is not that the culture of videogames is evolving. It's that you've identified yourself by a manufactured and transient aesthetic rather than by your own personality.
Josiah Ramirez
basically this, desu, I couldn't believe how high I got placed in my overwatch placement matches, I thought I did shit. Then I remembered it is a super casual game that every "gamer" plays because it is hip. Everyone has such poor spatial awareness
Charles Nelson
OP, it's at a point where they're in this thread calling you a loser, on Sup Forums of all places.
Landon Nelson
Luis Wright
nah Xbox was only dude bros. the wii brought in the real "i'm a gamer I play farmville" type of people.
Angel Wood
No, "they" aren't spending 5-8 hours a day playing video games. Normies aren't actually a threat to video games. Normies and video games equals playing sports games, or saying "yeah I'm a gamer" in their facebook post when they don't actually invest much time into it.
Women have infected gaming. They don't like video games, they don't want to play them. They want to change them, limit them, censor them, ban them. Women who "play" video games, are simply pretending for fame and/or money. The VERY few who actually do, they likely (and truly) have aspergers syndrome, they were separated from the herd as soon as they were born, they grew up to be social outcasts. Women you see "playing" these games for extended periods of time are on twitch and they are just the new era of camwhores, now without nudity. Cleavage, makeup and an oversized webcam overlaying a the FOTM game, likely paused as they talk and behave like whores to get donations, like writing donors names on a dry-erase board behind them, which they conveniently turn around and bend over in front of the camera to do.
Video games were once a thing for males and for the social outcast type. You go back to arcade type games, the nes and snes, the games aren't all that easy, they aren't newb friendly. If you played these as a kid, you already know this, you played a game on these old consoles or in the arcades and you got destroyed, it was A LOT of trial and error, but you kept at it. Women don't like this, they couldn't get into it, they're not going to overcome challenges. They instead demonized it, called boys who played games losers, it was relegated to some pathetic thing boys did in their basements. Women don't overcome challenges, they instead resort to their only way: bitch and destroy.
Technology opened a window to casualize gaming, they became more story oriented and user friendly. It became social and women are now here to make money whoring off it and destroying it with feminist tactics.
Andrew Bailey
Nice examples
Eli Ortiz
Angel Parker
Wow, you sound just as much of a prick as OP.
Zachary Rogers
I don't consider myself the best, but I have friends who play and play and play more than me, and only one game, and they never do anything impressive on said game, you never look at something they do in game and go : "Wow. That. That was some good level play."
They can waste hundreds of hours in a single game and still be sloppy garbage faggots.
Carson Rodriguez
nah I think making gaming for everybody is hurting it more than woman.
Benjamin Miller
a lot of truth here
Jason Rodriguez
Jackson Morris
Gabriel Foster
>on a console
Levi Morales
>loafers, american eagle, sports clips and a $200 hoodie
Jesus christ dude those aren't even normie clothes. That's still beta fag gamer clothes.
David Long
People were casuals dating back to before the 80s. You don't know what donkey kong, pong, pacman are? Normies always played video games, get over it.
Sebastian Torres
If you legitimately believe that women or whatever social group is "destroying video games" then you need to stop watching sensational bullshit like a lemming and just play some fucking games.
Ryder Watson
Jonathan Smith
>"I hate everything women touch because I'm too incapable to handle them."
Eli Roberts
I can't believe people actually play and like Overcuck.
Grayson Miller
Overwatch was made, and heavily marketed, towards these people. What the fuck did you expect ? Play non-shit games and you will find a proper, non normalfaggotry, audience.
Aiden Hill
He's right though. You faggots will resort to ad hominems and whatnot but you can't prove him wrong.
Levi Smith
I'm not saying you right or wrong about women, but do Sup Forumsirgins like you even find yourselves capable of dating women? I could never fuck something I hated that much.
Michael Stewart
Obviously not.
Jose Rogers
Distant Worlds, so hardcore it literally plays itself.
Carson Cooper
2007 was the beginning of the end. The cake is a lie, The Guild, Big Bang Theory etc. all started making its way into regular peoples lives and nerd culture slowly became a thing.
Suddenly a whole new brand of customers, people who were only in it for the buzz, the hype and the attention were talking about games. "I can't play this game with my 8 year old kid!" So they made easier games. "I can't play this every day!" So they made shorter games. "This game is slow and boring!" So they made Codofdoody 23.
Alexander Wright
Path of Exile, Dota, Runescape, fucking WoW is more hardcore than Overwatch with the grinds this expansion.
Games like Casualwatch will NEVER be hardcore. They're literally 10 minute sandbox games where you are not allowed to say ez game but are somehow still allowed to teabag because its le ebin old skool. It's a hugbox echo chamber simulator with a pandering developer.
Jackson Phillips
What the actual fuck are you talking about whiteboi? Get out of bronze then talk scrub..
Adam Stewart
Just a quick rant I need to get off my chest: The modern gamer isn't a gamer at all ! People before them used to sink into the games, explore the world, the story, the characters, the mechanics. The modern gamer just want to see the credits rolling and grab the 'best' gear before achieving that, ignoring all the rest of the game, not taking joy in the game's world or mechanics, largely ignoring the game as a whole. The modern gamer doesn't understand any other concept than 'best' and thus doesn't understand that certain situations require a different kind of gear / tools / whatever to be prepared for than generic situations and thus fails at them and that's why shit is dumbed down so much for these retards. The modern gamer is ego driven and wants to be 'the best' etc. and doesn't understand that this concept of thought may make one person a very happy one and everyone else not. The concept of everyone having fun playing a fun-to-play game is something he can't possibly understand, ever. The modern gamer buys into promises and shiny graphics instead of taking any look at all into the game's world and mechanics which is why there's no more evolution in the game's mechanics and even a degradation. The modern gamer consumes games and then dumps them instead of trying to extend the fun with the creation of custom content: mods, maps, you name it because the modern gamer doesn't care about the game but just to be called a winner and to take credit for beating the game. The modern gamer is cancer on the forums as large parts along with mechanics of the game were ignored by the modern gamer any posts by his kind as 'feedback' make the game worse / more shallow / same as other titles. The modern gamer buys into copy & paste games that offer nothing new (gameplay / mechanics evoltion) because the modern gamer fails at gaming.
Jace Parker
Because game developers see money. If these people give them the most money, they don't give a fuck about good games. Why struggle for years making the perfect game when it won't sell half as well as a casual 6 months in development title and costs five times as much?
These people are only in it for attention. People with "8-bit" tattoos who haven't touched a game released before 2009.
Andrew Robinson
I do play video games, but the selection has become limited in recent times. Feminism has plagued the medium badly since around 2007. Yes, they are destroying video games. Let's not pretend gaming hasn't been invaded by women, let's not pretend they don't have influence. Every nu-male white knighting a woman on social media or in game development is the by-product of third wave feminism. I'm on Sup Forums, I don't need to go through a list of once respected devs who now push out shit politics and even shittier games that even IGN spits on these days.
This industry is growing and pushing a replacement narrative, they told you gamers are dead, they tell you males aren't the main demographic anymore, that it's out with violence and action and in with whatever interactive story "game" Cuck McFuck from Portland developed with a transgender team in Portland.
It's not a coincidence that games developed by more conservative minded teams/people/countries are good games, the games that Sup Forums likes, the games that feminists and "gaming journalists" can only criticize based on whether or not it had a diverse cast rather than the overall quality of what it is that makes a video game worthy of playing.
Landon Miller
>your diamond level match. what kind of casual scum do you take me for?
you look down on those people, yet you're one of them. I don't know anyone who goes out of his way to call himself a "gamer", cares about this retarded image shit and isn't a casual fuckboy. you can fuck right off.
Julian Stewart
>Woman playing Overwatch at a convention/con
Angel Thompson
Wait, I'm confused. Why would a game sell less if there's a bigger audience? Are you saying a game like for example The Last Guardian would've sold better and be more profitable if it came out on the PS3 when not as many casuals were around?
Carter Powell
OP has a point, despite what the fags ITT at saying. "Nerd" culture has found its way into the norm, video games included. Vidya has become another method of social signalling. Its become infected with corporate greed to rake in the cash normalfags so willingly give. But not all hope is lost. Even if you do nothing there will still be good still be good to excellent games which cater to dedicated, skillful players. But there are things you can do. Continue to take issue with the new status quo. Protest by not buying shitty normie tier games. Play old games you never got to, play new games that are doing something right. Make your own games. Fulfill every young gamers wish and make games that fill a void or indulge your dreams and desires. Make the games people want and will enjoy. Its too late to keep normalfags out. But it doesn't mean you have to like or accept it. There is no shame in desiring purity and quality in your interests. But it is also good to remember not be an elitist. Welcome earnest new gamers with open arms, but reject those who would further the stagnation of gaming.
Ryder Jones
Exactly. Play Diablo 3, OP.
Jace Russell
>This image shows just how mainstream our hobby has become
Even if you are right, and you're not, people still look down upon me for playing video games wherever I go, gaming will have it's subgenres that are not accessible to your average joe, games like cRPGs, Grand Strategy, Rogue Likes, bullet hells, simulation games...
Aiden Johnson
Factually correct and based.
Jose Morgan
Could I get a speedy explanation of this fellow?
Chase Young
its an audio mixer for the headset
Jaxson Garcia
>"Man, I wish I wasn't ostracized for liking videogames..." >20 years later >"FUCK THESE CASUALS WHO LIKE VIDEOGAMES NOW, VIDEOGAMES ARE MEANT FOR THE HARDCORES WHO WERE HERE FIRST!"
Bentley Reyes
Can we have a medium between two extremes?
Angel Ortiz
The end was when games began to made more money than music and hollywood combined. >2000s Money bring clickbait professionals, media attention, casuals and all the cancer.
Noah Cox
On the Internet? No.
Jackson Ramirez
Basically, now you can't be a faggot that assigns cultural value to playing videogames, so might fear you're not particularly interesting or talented in any meaningful way? If you want to be "that guy" move on to something normies haven't corrupted yet, or better yet, something so extreme normies can't into it.
Xavier Kelly
>gamers just want good good games and to be left alone >surprise!!1! Either way you lose. Before it was "Video games are from Satan and at turning our children into retards and murderers! They're a waste of time! Kids who play video games go to hell!" Now its "OMG you play games?! I play games too! I just love Angry Birds and Minecraft, and Overwatch is so fun! Did you know Tracer is gay? That's so cool and empowering! I'm so glad games are so progressive! Le cake is a lie XD! I'm such a nerd!" You can't win.
David Hill
Play only good nip games, no Squareshit, western developers must be purgued. PC, SJW, Feminazism ruined the West.
Jonathan Johnson
this is good. the normie scum is getting addicted to video games. we have them right where we want them
Easton Baker
How do you know these people werent already gamers back then, but just had a better sense of fashion.
Julian Hughes
>hairy >buff >manly >Japanese O shit, a shiny Nip!
Adrian Green
Ah, it's a convention... I hoped that lan-houses were making a comeback...
Brayden Powell
Why does this board ignore the 70s-80s and pac-man fever and the arcade craze all the time
Michael Roberts
Eh, shoes are ok, but I really like the sweater.
Jose Cox
Rainbow Six. Not Siege, the original.
Liam Richardson
>our culture Video games do not have "a culture". They are a form of entertainment, a recreation, a way to waste you time. Saying that video games is "a culture" is like saying that watching a movie is "a culture" and then trying to dictate who should be allowed to watch movies based on their dress.
>We've always been slackers, nobodies, kids with no direction. You're not describing a culture. You're describing a generation. You are Generation X, and good news: everyone still thinks that you are worthless slackers sitting in your basement and accomplishing nothing. The fact that more people are playing video games has not changed that.
Gabriel Williams
>When did casuals and entry level players suddenly become the majority? lots of them = more money >What happened to the guy in baggy jeans, metal shirt, airwalks and skater beanie? fewer of them, more discerning about quality = less money
are you going to be the company that wants to cater to the less money or the more money
capitalism is a vampire
Isaac Johnson
Before video games were a subculture that socially incompatible loners embraced.
These days video games are just something that normal people like to play, as part of their normal lives. The socially incompatible loners that still try to make "gaming" a hardcore and exclusive way of life are frowned upon because those people are losers.
Owen Jones
He committed ritual seppuku that day
Adrian Miller
>milennials are not the most cancerigenous generation in history
Austin Thompson
It actually looks pretty decent compared to his usual work, in this crop at least.
Leo Hernandez
I blame Nintendo, oprah, and the wii
Justin Green
No, its shit.
William Cox
But one of those gave you an example???
Liam Brooks
I hate Overwatch, how someone unironically can like it? Beyond me.
Juan Roberts
jesus the cringe vidya is a hobby, anyone making it into a culture or lifestyle is a loser, (You) included
Robert James
There are games that never make it into the mainstream and a market for them. Stop sperging out over "muh gaming culture".