What are the chances she actually sold drugs?

What are the chances she actually sold drugs?

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loli pussy

She does much more in those SFM videos.
I don't even know how she became friends with Clementine.

So that was her, I knew I knew that loli

I haven't played it, but doesn't she just die right off the bat, like ten minutes into the game? If so, why is she so popular in the sfm underworld?

video game lolis are all best friends.

they're small so you have to take 2

leave kid zelda alone

Fuck Clem. Should've been Coach instead

>young link SFM now getting more

Leeterr, go to bed you massive cuck faggot.


Because she's 12.

Imagine my surprise when my dealer sent his kid to bring the stuff instead of the usual meetup


Her tales with Ellie as the vault survivors is a strange one. Surprised they ran into Piper.

i know all the references in your sentence but wtf did i just read

is this the greatest comic strip ever?

The real version of the "real" version?

it's unfunny furfag shit

the guy that shot her was actually one of her adversaries from a rival drug gang

bitch deserved it

Maybe you should just get better taste.

>good taste
it's like the most banal shit tier taste possible for a human being to attain

Maybe for you. But then again I wouldn't think someone like you could understand.

furfags are literally just retards

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>cartoon animal mascots

The fact that not even losers here like them, but I can give you shit like this all day. m.imgur.com/a/qcPC8

Just because they choose a lifestyle that makes them happy doesn't make them retarded.


The exact reverse of the chances that you are a major sperglord

>shitting yourself dressed as a dog
>not retarded
why are you even here?

the delusion

>brother is a furfag
>has furfag backgrounds, chatrooms, guilds, profile pictures ect
>am a giantessfag
>keep that shit buried in my porn folder

>why are you even here?
Because pic related.

>I was pretending to be a retard the whole time
absolute classic

>My self inflated ego allows me to delude myself into thinking that I can't be tricked. The other person must be retarded
You're pathetic.

I don't think that at all, i'm not pretending to be intelligent, but when some furfag realises he can't defend his abysmal "community" and backs out it's fairly obvious.

Or someone could be trying to trick you for kicks. But you just can't accept the fact that you got your leg pulled.


What the fuck is a hardcore drug?

if I said this as a kid, even sarcastically, I would have gotten an ass whoppin. Youtube has turned kids into a bunch of smarmy faggots and I'm guessing the parents just put up with it now days?

There's really only one I would ever want to fuck.

I wonder who's worse, furries or feetshitters.
I mean, they're both insufferable attention-whores that need to be fucking mass executed.
But which one is even lower?

Footfags have never ruined entire boards with their spam, furfags have, see /tg/ a few years ago

Heroin, meth, many prescriptions

>Footfags have never ruined entire boards with their spam
But they ruin every single thread they're in.

>I don't even know how she became friends with Clementine.

Flintstones chewable vitamins


Nothing worse than the more recent generations, the ratio of normal people and entitled little shits is getting worse and worse, they wont even get off their ass to help with trivial stuff and leave the house a mess every single night. Worse part is they get all worked up when you ask them to clean their shit up.
If your siblings ever ask to move in with you, say no.

So do furfags, just more frequently, not defending footshitters here i'm just saying furries are worse

Sarah x Clem best pairing

Source. Now.

Thats a hellova drug

I assumed it was just younger sibling bullshit. My best friend in college was the youngest in his family and pulled the same shit as my own little brother.


Not to mention furries just keep multiplying until the whole website is furryland ten thousand.
Gotta ban those shitters quick or they take hold forever.

if its anything like the one where she fucks Joel after he catches her masturbating, its on ponhub

To many furry enablers on this site though.
>its only a tail and ears its not really a furry
>its different they are monstergirls
We must purge them all before it is too late.

Worst part is I am the youngest, my older siblings mooch off everyone alive, I have actually had to give loans to my own mother since they keep draining her.

Yeah it's the same guy who made both of them.

4,20% xDDdd

Go to /trash/ if you want to see what they want every board to be like. There's beastiality and all sorts there, they are pure cancer


Don't you mean got your PAW pulled. Yiff yiff *paws your leg *you cum *unsheathes dick *unzips your dick

>Go to /trash/
Pray for me.


Worst is when they manage to infiltrate a clan or a gaming group.
First one furfag shows up, then another, then they invite their whole furfag battalion along with the cloppers.
I've seen it many times, nobody ever believes you when you warn them not to invite furfags, unitl it's too late.

who is this ugly man and why do I keep seeing him everywhere?

Someone give him a quick rundown

Need a quick rundown?

You need a rapid briefing

the animations is so weird and robotic

Need a speedy summary?

Need a salty runback?

>why is she so popular in the sfm underworld?
Fuck if I know.
I was surprised just how much their is of her and Sunny, especially com´pared to Ellie and Clem.

I need a quick rundown on whether or not him and his brother had plastic surgery. They can't possibly look like that from genes alone can they?

I give him props for making the movements and body language way more natural looking in that than your usual sfm hackjob

Wait, what?

who's the artist?

Where can I find all this?

thanks reddit

Friendly neighborhood pedo here. She hits all the right buttons for us. I'd wager her popularity stems from that.

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

Any time sonny.

Link for this one please.

its on fucking pornhub. no desert till you find it yourself


I was kinda hoping that was some sort of really really loud video.


Nevermind, it's SelfDrillingSMS

Oh that's Ellie, not Sarah. But thanks. Here have a new as109 in return.

Does anyone have any more of his Patreon exclusive stuff?

So that's what he was dreaming about...

That's the magical aftereffect of the Source Filmmaker.

Well I WAS eating breakfast now I'm puking it into the toilet :(

Stop licking the cum off of your fingers then.


Many SFM porn is like that. There are a rare few who can make it incredibly well though. It's definitely improved to how it was back in 2012-ish.

>drug dealer is killed at the beggining of game
>sad music playing
