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I won't

I'm a fan of the mass effect universe and feel it has (had) alot of potential. 3 obviously fucked that up. I think this game looks ok so far from what I've seen and just hope the story/characters are at least decent.

OK, why don´t you buy it.
Not your style...not time?

I won't even bother pirating the game, let alone buy it.

This. Bioware can rest easy, I'm 99% sure most of Sup Forums sin't going to even pirate it.

I am going to wait this one out to be honest and see what the shit storm is going to be like when it comes out.
Its the best course of action.

Pretty sure it has Denuvo so no pirating, at least for a few months anyway

I'm probably going to buy the deluxe edition for $70 USD, for the weapon pack.

I'll buy it because I'm a sucker for bioware games and even if they suck I'll be first in line to buy the next one. I bought dragon age 2 on release date and fucking hated it but still finished it and bought their next game on release date. I don't know why but they have me by the balls
I really like the mass effect universe too

I wont buy it, I might pirate it a few months down the line if I remember it still exists, but honestly I probably wont even do that.

I liked ME1 and ME2.

>dumb fucking shills can't even get the title on the thread right

What's the story behind this kitty? I see it posted everywhere on Sup Forums.

I won't.

I will pirate it.

I missed the slower paced more RPG style combat from ME1. I don't like action RPGs like this.

Look forward to pirating it, Bioware is the only company whose games I refuse to pay a single penny for.

What the fuck is this obvious shilling. Like, literal paid for shilling.

Everyone just report it. I'll probably bite the bullet and get a counterban for announcing reports, but what the hell. It's worth it. I could use a break from this place anyway. Report this thread.

because it is cheap and for some reason I feel a certain itch that no other game can scratch - hypothetically.
But that chance is very low.

I'll rent it at Redbox and see if it's worth buying or not.

Or I'll just try to beat the campaign as fast as possible and end up paying like 10 bucks.

The first Mass Effect had shit combat though.

Right? They won't have to produce so much copies of this game, they should be grateful pirates won't steal it.

I'm going to fuck the female Turian

The first ME was okay with a lot of potential.
The sequel ruined all potential to offer more focused mediocre TPS gameplay.
The third game was awful, but I will remember it fondly as it was so bad it was good.

many players say that ME3 was bad.... why?
Because of the ending?

Why would any one buy this leftist propaganda shit?

because Andromeda looks amazing (graphics) and Mass Effect is known for a good story

It wasn't suppose to be action orientated. ME1's combat was slow so you can pick out spells and tech to use in the combat itself. They should of expanded on it instead of redoing the whole game over with a new combat system. Now it's just a third person shooter with perks.

they propably want to support different playstyles

i yawned 4 minutes through, that´s a bad sign.

it just feels like graphics mod for mass effect 3, they didnt change things enough. IMO if you have FFXV this wont really offer anything new except a chatwheel and more cringy dialogue

they tried but i´m not impressed. triology was enough

also the reality TV youtuber ending and DLCs at launch completely killed my interest.

>many players say that ME3 was bad.... why?
Actually, the ending was just a tip of the iceberg with ME3. That game was so god damn lazy, poorly written, poorly designed from the beginning it was not even funny. Awful new characters, awful level design, awful quests and sidequests, terrible plot going nowhere from the start, absolutely no improvements on the actual mechanical aspect of the game: some just amazingly lazy shit like the sprite audiences around citadel...

It was just a completely dumb, lazy game. Story-wise, everything that was ever set up to be interesting, perhaps morally complex or mysterious, was now hastely brought up with usually precisely one exact, obvious "right" solution, removing any sense of subtlety, but also of grander, overarching storytelling too... It was so bad.
The only part of the game that wasn't absolutely painfully bad was the one big main story quest involving curing the genophage, and that was ONLY because of that salarian doctor dude, who was just such a delighteful character through out all of the games. Even though the story behind it all was terrible.

Careful, you sound a little TRIGGERED there, faggot. Better go post some angry comments about liberals underneath a Breitbart article

>because Andromeda looks amazing (graphics) and Mass Effect is known for a good story

This. Fuck Biocunts. They refuse to actually hire a single good writer, animator, or programmer.

Because it looks fun. Most video games are leftist propaganda. It's just becoming more obnoxious and visible nowadays.

This review will explain everything.

>space rpg where I can finallt teleport behind enemies at sanic speeds and slit their throats while saying "nuthin personeel kid!"
>is made by Bioware so it'll be filled with SJW propoganda

I have a burning hatred America's current political landscape as both SJW/far left leaning liberals and Sup Forumslocks/Trumptards are out of control on top of spreading dangerous opinions. Anything that reminds me of politics makes me want to punch a horse in that face. Fuck this game.

Any space rpgs where you can teleport behind enemies like an edgelord?

It is leftist propaganda bullshit it stretches and stinks thru ME1, dragon age 1 up to the newest installment.

Your the angry libberal as you found out and call out on this shit.

Bioware is used as a medium to spread this cuckoldry and not to make great games like in past.

Now fuck off to reddit and try to spread you PR campaign there, thats the target audience you want.

I played a bit of ME1 and it was fine, but didn't hold my interest.

I'm interested in playing the other ones and I have the weird remasters/rereleases (I have no idea).

Should I skip the first one and get into 2 and 3 or is it worth slogging through the first one?

Would a lore recap be enough?

>It's a lets all try our hardest to fit in on an anonymous chinese memes and frogposting board where no one knows who we are or even if we are one poster from the next episode

Why is every character but the fucking white male ugly? This game is reinforcing white supremacy.

I wandered into this thread hoping people would be talking about the trailer i just watched.


Unfortunately there really aren't any. BioWare's got the market on this one.

They ended up supporting one play style with the new games. Which is just run around and shoot shit up...

They tried but I'm not impressed. The trilogy was enough.

Anyone? Or is everyone here more interested in fucking drama.

>America's current political landscape
Bioware's Canadian tho, and their politics are worse than our's.

The combat was alright, but pretty much everything else was kind of balls. The Reaper plot should have never survived past the first game, the writing was kind of dumb, dialogue choices were massively cut down from the previous two games, poor animation and design gave every character a reallly horrible sense of uncanny valley (somehow managing to be even worse than the first game), the choice of squadmates was awful, and the sidequesting was pretty limited. Plus there was shit like Kai Leng, and the fact that TIM turned into a moustache twirling Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain.

It had some moments, but overall it just felt rushed and poorly thought out. Probably because it was rushed and poorly thought out.

The game looks pretty good so far, it is shaping up to be the best space opera RPG in years. We haven't even had a scf-fi RPG since ME3.

I like sci-fi and I like RPGs and for this reason alone I will buy it.

Well done, the check is in the mail.

Yes that's right. People who try to force their own political beliefs through video games are fucking retards. It's bad enough that I have to deal with pseudo intellectual political nonsense nearly every day as a university student, so I don't want to see that shit in my video games.

Yeah, really seems to... fitz

bioware smells like week old sharts and so does their liberal cunt SJW audience

Kill yourself you mindless moron.

People who fall into cookie cutter categories are chumps

She's a lezbo

It's probably going to be not good.

I live in LA and am right wing as fuck.

A fucking video game depicting a leftist concept isn't at all challenging or offensive. And if it is to you, you need to seriously learn to not be a fucking pansy.

Woah, I think that's a little off-message. Can't use language like that, friendo, these goys might not buy the game!

>tfw I know a guy who unironically said the newest gameplay footage looked "fucking amazing"
How do people become so blinded?

The tolerant left everybody!

It's really sharp visually.

Frostbite is a nice engine, ironically you'd have to be "blinded" to not see that.

Why is that?

How many hours a day of your pathetic existence do you spend moving from one thread to the next posting the same braindead shill posts over and over?

Lets face it, you have no fucking life. All you do is sit on Sup Forums every single day all day long posting the exact same braindead responses over and over and over.

All day every single day, this is your life. This is all you do.

You truly are pathetic in very sense of the word.

Not him.

I really liked the first dragon age. That should be enough explanation.

Think about the most cringey think you've ever read on the internet.
We're talking some CWC-tier stuff here.

That's ME3's story. I fucking wish I was being ironic, it's actually THAT bad.

Then there's the infamous ending, NO, ZERO, NADA memorable side-quests and there you have it.

Ample technical difficulties, shoehorned multiplayer and terrible graphics aside, the gameplay was ok.

I haven't bought a Bioware game since 2012.



Get a load of this hothead

ME1 was the only one with a solid story, the gameplay is probably the worst of the trilogy but it's also the only one that's really an RPG, rather than a TPS with RPG elements.

ME2 had some decent character side stories, but the main plot had nothing going for it, the villains were boring and silly, and the end boss was laughably awful.

ME3 again had some decent side stories, the combat was probably the best of the three (although it was still just slow cover shooting), but the main plot was again just bad, the "twists" at the end of the game wouldn't even get M. Night Shamalam excited, and all around none of it was particularly memorable.

I honestly don't care about Dragon Age or any of that shit. The only things I know Bioware for are Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, the Infinity Engine, NWN, and Mass Effect 1 through 3. All pretty good games to me (except I saw disturbing trends in ME2 and 3, as well as the idiotic ending for 3.)

I haven't played them, but I hear KotOR and Jade Empire are pretty good too. Too bad it seems like Bioware has been shit for longer than they were good now.

So if I only have a moderate interest, which one would you recommend as the "definitive" Mass Effect.

ME1 is the best game in the series, by far. It's still an RPG with some TPS mechanics, not the other way around and has the best sidequests and world building.

2 is Gears of War with a decent story and some memorable locales.

3 is an abomination. Go on youtube and look for the Kai Leng scenes. That's all you need to know.

combat looks fun, but it's EA so I'm not buying this shit.

Combat seems closer to ME1 than the other games, which is a good thing.

We'll have to see about everything else.

Will propably pirate like I did with 3.

>that face
I can't, fucking hell why does she look like a brick made love to her face?

>bethesda shills in full damage control

I'm sorry fallout 4 was bad

Not buying it. I'm still waiting for a complete ME trilogy release so I can play ME3 without having to buy Bioware's shitty points.

No, contrarian fuckheads are chumps and never get anything done.


because Sup Forums is clearly the target audience for anyone

ME 1, if you can't get through it then just drop the series.

I won't buy it because no BT master race. Fuck you bioware and your gay Asari/Turian/Krogan pandering.

Because it looks fun and I like ME1

>strong sexual content


a) Mass Effect 3 ending
b) No Javik

>melee weapons

>yfw they actually have to take what's in the thread an write a report on why no one wants it

You will all buy it, or else you are misogynistic racists who endorse the white patriarchy, and if you want a decent looking woman than you are out of luck you SEXIST PIGS!

>the fucking car is back

oh fucking shit
god fucking danmit

I don't buy SJW and Feminist propaganda, fuck off nigger.

Nice trips user.

Did you ordered our Game Not Included edition?
It costs just 200$

yes i do, i also remember they slightly changed that cinematic so the mass relays could be repared and used again

Is that why comment get deleted hear on you fucking shill?

Spread you lefties degenerate propaganda bullshit there tbler and rdid.

Didn´t Battlefield 1 do the same thing?
pretty stupid...

>it's ok when Sup Forums does it

also: SAGE

ME1's combat was awful and the slow because muh tactical powers thing is just a meme that never happened. It rewarded you for just running into everything with heat sink mods and polonium rounds and never letting go of the trigger. It was just bad and there was never any tactical depth to it. Meanwhile in ME2 (on insanity) you had to constantly position you/your squad correctly and burn away protection or you died. That's what tactical is, something ME1 never had.

>ME2 had some decent character side stories, but the main plot had nothing going for it, the villains were boring and silly
You shut the fuck up about Harbinger right now.

ME2 is by far the best in the series imo, but I really don't think you'd enjoy playing it by skipping ME1. Just ignore the shitty optional/side missions in ME1 and keep the difficulty at default.

ME2 Collector Ship on Insanity is the peak of gameplay of the series imo.

>Game not included

Who the fuck would buy this for 200$. WHO?!

Why are ME2fags always so defensive and hostile? I never see ME1fags or ME3fags get this upset someone else likes the other games more.