Fuck bros why is this game so comfy? Everything just feels just right

Fuck bros why is this game so comfy? Everything just feels just right

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stop shilling this old shitty unfinished piece of crap grandpa
This shit is unplayable without tons of mods nowadays

>unplayable without tons of mods nowadays


game has always been unplayable without at least the unofficial patch for me

Oh man another vtm thread

Why didn't they check the sarcophagus with auspex?

Blow the lid or rip it off with potence?

I fucking hate this meme so much.

It shouldn't be legal to make games this good

It nailed the atmosphere and characters.

it's magic

>Why didn't they check the sarcophagus with auspex?
Plot convenience.

>Blow the lid or rip it off with potence?
It was more complex than they expected, it might have had some sort of protection that could potentially fuck up the person who tried to do that.


Your hatred is misplaced, it belongs with things like this .

It was awesome when i was a kid, it aged worse then women.

Shut your whore mouth

go fucking kill thyself

what is this game

what do you even do

He's right though.


Best song

You fetch boxes, a box to more precise. It's fun. You also talk to cute grills with big titties and get money from a club in a old church-like building.

No, this is: youtube.com/watch?v=YX_kez_xwJs


What is the best clan and why is it Toreador?

I'll never crawl again
I'll never fall again

Until I'm freeeeeee

Nah, thats Tzimisce. Vicissitude is far more interesting than some faggot with artistry delusions. Vicissitude is pretty nice as a bonus.

>live plastic surgery without anesthesia

>read a few tidbits about the Toreador antitribu
I'd rather be captured by a Tzimisce.

What should I read if I want more VTM lore?

Revised editions of the core book, player's guide,, storyteller's guide, guide to the camarilla and guide to the sabbat should keep you set for a while.

Literally the perfect clan for edgy teens. WW ruined the oWoD with the crap they published after the Sabbath book.

The rule books are full of fluff, but I imagine Lore of the Clans, along with 20th anniversary edition being a good way to start.
Here, have a mega bin with all of oWoD stuff.

Considering the first handbook for the Sabbat was published in 1992, you're either vying for the title of most contrarian poster of all time or you've got no clue what you're talking about.

>getting angry because someone didn't meme right




New game announcement, when?

Don't tell me Paradox bought the license from someone who just sat on it just to also sit on it.

A werewolf game is in the works.

Or, maybe, I was already playing PnP RPGs? Every single "muh Tzimisce" player I meet (in cons and shit) from early 90's to 2000 was a literal archetype of "that guy" applied to WoD.

And you must be the one without clue if you think WW didn't went full retard with the books after the Sabbath.

There was that interactive fiction which caused an enormous amount of butthurt due to one of the writers being a problematic person.
There is also the Werewolf game in the very early stages of development.

>friend tells me game gets worse as it goes on
>it only gets better

I'm only at Hollywood but the production just gets better imo. The graphics in Hollywood look better than in Santa Monica, and the music is great everywhere. I'm glad I picked this shit up.

>problematic person


I can't decide which my favourite hub is, all of them are great in their own way.

Santa Monica haven is by far the best one though.


Copy whole with time

Gomez reveals game plot, incase u missed it

The only thing that bothers me is how venus dare's cleavage isn't modeled.

Zak Smith, wrote/did the art for it. He is an edgy guy who had some sort of retarded fight with some writers and being an edgy retard on the internet.

chill out

Then he seems like the perfect person for the job.

>a word that has been used since the 1800s is a meme

I like it but I already did all the SQs in it so I haven't really gone back to visit.

It's "Sabbat." The spelling has been consistent since your beloved first edition.

And that doesn't change anything about my argument, goy.

le bitch face


>Be 14 when VTMB releases
>Play All Day
>Play All Night
>Restart a couple of times from OCD and learning
>Finally too tired to play
>Try to sleep
>I can't hear anything but this song
>Fail to sleep for another 12 hours
>Continue to hear this song

It fucked me up for a good few days.

is there any way to download saved data and play from there cause i don't want to start from santa monica again anymore.

There are console commands for quest progress, teleporting to a particular map and free XP

Look em up

>>Be 14 when VTMB releases

fuck I wish I played when I was young, I would have had much better memories


I wish this was the final downtown theme desu

Why isn't VTMB modable?

based. also template?

I played it there (the app one), seems to capture the feel very well. I enjoyed it. Not worth £5 but I'm a sucker for WoD


I just started playing this game for the first time.
I turned the red head into a ghoul. How bad did I fuck up?

You didn't
Keep playing
Don't open it

don't listen to this meme fuck One thing is certain, the sarcophagus holds power

those are some nice titties, can i touch them in-game?

Camarilla fuck go home to your ventrue masters

how is that game. i want to buy it but can't

Just installed Unofficial Patch 9.7+. New smoke shop - so /comfy/.

Contemplating whether to buy $5 Vampire Prelude or $10 Steam version with all those sweet looking backgrounds, plus the reportedly blue-pilled Mage Prelude set in Swedistan.


Money, right?

wow ty

fuck ur fuckin turnstyle


*pops a stiffy*


Take me to your orifice.