The plot to Resident Evil 8 has been leaked

The plot to Resident Evil 8 has been leaked.

Microsoft was part of Umbrella all along. Only Xbox One owners will survive in this New World Order

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What would be your special Outbreak abilities if Resident Evil happened in real life?

teleport behind you probably

have a guess user

giraffe blowjobs


>caring about what Cuck Gates has to say

I wouldn't call memes pathogens, but okay


So the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation takes government subsidies and puts out vaccines that turn one in five into an autistic mess in first world countries and flat out cripples or kills people in third world countries, and now he wants tax subsidies to pay for people who are mysteriously invalid, crippled, killed by "pathogens."

Before the end of the world, I want this guy and his hideous wife droned, or dragged into the streets and torn apart limb from limb.

you should worry about antibiotic resistance

Your autism was caused by your parents' shit genes.

this tbhwy famalamadingdong.

>America can't even keep flu shots in stock
I believe him. The average person probably wouldn't even be able to acquire the cure.

>one in five
are you perhaps one of those 5?

It's amazing how there's at least one crazy person yelling about anything and everything.


Read up on CRISPR, user. All it takes is a terrorist to get his hands on the technology, a strain, and scientists with no backbone/side with their ideology and we're all fucked. You can mutate anything by replacing its genes. It sounds like bullshit, but we've reached the era of playing god via gene splicing.

OP here
Fuck, I didn't want to make this into a Sup Forums-thread, just wanted to start a Resident Evil thread with a joke

Let's discuss something vidya instead.
Did you guys enjoy Resident Evil 7?


Was it ever confirmed to be Uroboros?

The plot of the Resident Evil series has always been controversial due to a corporation so large (Umbrella Corporation) that it was able to poison the world multiple times over without repercussions.

There are like 1 or 2 notes in the game about the origin of the virus and all names and shit are crossed over. The monsters remind me much more of the Ooze from Revelations 1 though. Appearantly the molded and all that shit is caused by funghi or something

Read up on nuclear weapons, user. All it takes is a terrorist to get his hands on the technology, a fissile material, and scientists with no backbone/side with their ideology and we're all fucked. Did you know that US doesn't know where 8 of it's nukes are and Russia supposedly lost over 40?

the ability to commit suicide when you find a loaded gun

Nukes are way less cost-efficient than a good disease.

Imagine a bunch of bums and junkies intentionally spreading ebola.

no way, fag


this is nice

I'm on board with you. The world is a strangely fragile place, and it's our own fault. No it isn't, 99% didn't contribute to this mess yet we're the first to go. Fitting. Another reason to just accept the inevitability of it all and enjoy life as much as possible (without breaking laws of course)

how the fuck would terrorists have pathogens?
they live in caves and have 1983's AK47

Oy gevalt the replies to this.

>he fell for the terrorists live in caves meme
Is that why Iraq has been trying to take back one of the biggest cities in Iraq from ISIS for two years now? Because they live in city caves?

killing myself quickly before I hear news about my parents or loved ones being killed.

And yet they manage to outsmart trained burger soldiers every time

And yet despite dozens of 007 novels no mad scientists have appeared and no nukes have been used in an act of terrorism. We are just as ill prepared for a natural pandemic as we are ill prepared for the ones that we can make as a weapon. We are beyond the ability to destruct ourselves, if there were any madmen who wanted to create chaos and had the ability to do so they would have done it decades ago. Big money holders may seem shady, but they are in no way crazy enough, because if you were crazy enough you wouldn't have the power to do anything, except maybe shoot a movie theater once or twice.

Why contain it?

Nothing can happen when the culling begins
those who are silly shall burn for their sins

Come on Bill, poisoning the dwells is a common threat since antiquity.
You're just anxious because deeply you know you became rich by theft.

Where's the science kid? Doubt you know what that even is.

giving myself up to the horde the minute I get the chance

>le vaccines caused my autism >:(

go back to facebook, please


Only a matter of time.

Like it matters, Americans wouldn't even take the cure because it'll give them autism.


I will gain super powers from T-Virus STDS


It took you nearly an hour and a half to make that?

Funny thing is people for years have been rumor-mongering that Gates plans to thin out earth's over-population with epidemics in the 3rd world where he spends pretty much all of his charity money

Stallman please, take your medication

Right now antibiotics are worthless. They even had it on the local news a few days ago about how the flu shot was worthless.

It's because the illegal Mexicans as well as the Obama-people from Africa and the middle east are pumping the west full of new strains of flu, pneumonia, and other shit that's not even on the books.

My whole family has spent the last week being sick from some bacterial lung infection doctors told us originated in Africa (thanks Obama) for which they told us nothing treats and all we can do is ride it out.

Plus don't forget swine flu where Mexico dealt with it by literally rounding up their sick, throwing them over our border to kill and make sick Americans, and said "not our problem" while Obama LET THEM do it.

And there are a million sites out there that talk about how CDC doctors are under orders to classify just how bad this problem really is. It's an official state secret as to how many have died or made sick due to leftist open borders.

bacteria from nature are less lethal & more treatable when compared to nosocomial strains of bacteria (first world)

>And there are a million sites out there that talk about how CDC doctors are under orders to classify just how bad this problem really is. It's an official state secret as to how many have died or made sick due to leftist open borders.

oh you're just a nutjob. It's no secret that open borders spreads pathogens, but in first world countries we aren't dying in epidemic numbers because of some unknown bacterial agent from the congo; we're much more in danger from MRSA which are found exclusively in hospitals and some carriers (people)

Drop in to the nearest hospital and see for yourself.

Fuck the news. Go out into the real world and see for yourself.

Antibiotics are worthless not because of new strains, it's the old strain, it just can't be treated because of how they abuse antibiotics in the third world, the bacteria have gained resistance.
We're at the point where they have to try and cure common bacterial infections with chemotherapy. But don't mind the uncontrolled migration from the third world, it's not like it brings back pan-resistant bacteria and viruses that have been pretty much eradicated in the west!
All that's left is for someone to leak smallpox and we've got a nice thing going.
Also going for bio-terrorism, did you know the black plague has an almost 100 % mortality rate when it gets in the body through the lungs?

What's the first north american city to go Sup Forums

It's already happening. The gay aids in the water

>Plus don't forget swine flu where Mexico dealt with it by literally rounding up their sick, throwing them over our border to kill and make sick Americans, and said "not our problem" while Obama LET THEM do it.
source? I live in San diego pretty close to the border and never heard or saw anything related to this

but isnt that just substituting limited information for anecdotal information? Even if your local hospital appears full of people with diseases from the congo to a guy in the waiting room, its a hard sell to tell me that this is a secret epidemic and people are dropping dead all over the place

>Antibiotics are worthless not because of new strains, it's the old strain, it just can't be treated because of how they abuse antibiotics in the third world, the bacteria have gained resistance.

back up for a moment because i dont think you understand how evolution works. The bacteria are EVOLVING resistance in their offspring which we refer to as a new strain when it becomes different enough. There is no natural means by which a strain of a disease stays the same strain but also gains significant new attributes.

at least understand what you are talking about before spewing nonsense

they've been telling us to worry about chemical attacks and biological weapons from terrorists since immediately after 9/11

>There is no natural means by which a strain of a disease stays the same strain but also gains significant new attributes.
What I mean by old strains is most antibiotic resistant bacteria haven't incorporated the plasmids that grant the resistance in their native DNA, and some lose them because certain antibiotics aren't in use anymore.

bin Laden was a Saudi prince though

>Only Xbox One owners will survive in this New World Order

Ironic, considering there are no Xbox One owners around anymore

Weaponized Autism

Read up on meme weapons, user. All it takes is a terrorist to get his hands on the meme database, a laptop, and scientists with no backbone/side with their ideology and we're all fucked. Did you know that Reddit doesn't know where 8 of it's memes are and 9fag supposedly lost over 40?

Someone get Redfield on the line.

>tfw you slightly look like a more retarded """"Redfield"""" with widow peaks

I think RE7 went to shit after the third bossfight with Jack. It just stops being fun for me.

I would like immortality but flying is cool too.

He's working for the bad guys though. What you want is these guys

CRISPR will lead to custom pathogens that can wipe out all people in a specific region, or with a specific gene