E3 2017

>E3 2017
>that game gets announced
>welp, time to buy a sWitch
What's her name? Template in the next post.

blast corps

Dark Souls Trilogy

The holy trinity of Switch system sellers

Already getting one but man an Animal Crossing would make it a must own.


DKCR3 with Kremlings/K.Rool.

dragon dogma 2


Pikmin 4.

If the Switch got Monster Hunter I'd buy it in a fucking heartbeat.
I think I can speak for a lot of people, at least Monster Hunter fans, when I say that Monster Hunter is pretty much a deciding factor when getting a console or not.

monster hunter

Xenoblade Chronicles 2


I think it's clear.

Bought my WiiU and 3DS only so I could play monster hunter.
So yeah, if during the E3 they suddenly announce MHXX for switch it'd be an insta-buy

I honestly want this to happen just to see the reaction

>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid by retro
>nier automata
>new Ip pls by nintendo studios

Mon Hun
No more Heroes
F zero
A Pokemon game that isn't a complete piece of shit like gen 6 and 7.


Wario Ware Switcheroo

>No More Heroes

Please dear god

Obviously not going to happen, but a man can dream. I might actually sell my ps4 if this happened.

Game (NMH sequel) already got announced
It's all a matter or when it will come out
I'm not buying a console in "anticipation", I'll buy it the same day the game I want will come out

Rune Factory 5

Honestly though, what kind of game could be made for that show other than some cheapo 2d sidescrolling collectathon?

If you want a game about nothing I'm sure there's some indie shit on Steam.

A telltale "game"

i gotchu

Even though I'm already getting a Switch because I'm somewhat hopeful about it's future, Air Ride 2.
Otherwise, a new WarioWare, Animal Crossing like OP, or something else I don't know I want yet.


VJ 1+2 HD

Dark Cloud 3

What appears when you google it notwithstanding, I think it would be pretty well received as a faithful ripoff of maze of galious and "love letter to the msx era of gaming". tumblr wouldn't touch it because it is moderately difficult and legitimately queer as fuck and therefor not for them on any level.


Any Tales game that isn't just a straight port of an old one that has been localized before. I bought my PS3 just to play Graces F and my PS4 to play Berseria, though both still had plenty of other games I wanted though not enough to make me want to buy the system.

And a number of shelved Nintendo series, like Starfy, Custom Robo, and Sin & Punishment.

Metroid Prime 4 or bust.

Ah, right, and a new Chibi-Robo that actually plays similarly to the first, none of this photo-finder or side scroller platforming, although Zip Lash was ok.


Full house


Super Minigolf Maker

Having both handheld and console versions in a single purchase would be fucking amazing for RPGs in general.

HD remake, remaster, collection, sequel
anything involving FFCC, and square enix has my money

yes fuck yes


I would buy it so fucking fast


Imagine a world where FF didn't turn to shit and all the mainline games were similar to CC. Not necessarily in terms of gameplay, but in terms of character, tone, setting.


3 when?

Monster Hunter XXX or 5.

>come to thread expecting monster Hunter
>see monster hunter

These are the niggas that knows whats really up. Shit is a system seller

Only to monhunfags. Do they play anything else or are they like pokephiles?

I'm a MH fag that puts 1k+ hours into every game and I do play other stuff as well.

Right now I'm hyped for Zelda BotW, then ARMS and MK8 Deluxe.


I cant speak for everyone but i play way to many rpgs and strategy games. Sometimes crawlers. Sell me good rpgs, crawlers, strategy and hunting games and ill buy the system

This would be the only way to keep Pokken's competitive scene alive, as well as adding newer characters from the arcade version.

I don't know man, that would conflict with ARMS

I would cry.

Animal Crossing for sure. That's the one I'm hoping for the most from E3.

An announcement of the next mainline Pokemon game and a Monster Hunter for the Switch. Those three would give me certainty that the Switch will be a success.

Also kinda hoping for a Dark Souls trilogy.

A legit Pokomon game
Monster Hunter
No More Heroes
A Platinum game that's exclusive to the Switch

That's good to know. For the longest time I thought it was like mmos where it's the only thing the people who play it play.

I never played Xenoblade X, but I think a rerelease is unlikely.

A GTA style sandbox. An MMO

never ever ;_;

Wait, wasn't a new No More Heroes already announced?

Endless ocean 3

Viewtiful joe 3


>"advance" wars
>not on the advance

Anything Wario

Sound of reason, Rune Factory 5.


my hopes
>animal crossing
>metroid 2d
>metroid prime
>main line pokèmon
>monster hunter
>some new exclusive ip
>something like final fantasy crystal chronicles forthe GameCube
>wonderfull 102

>some mario sports game
>some mario vs sonic sport games
>some party games

hopefully they can make a good wario ware game again

>something like final fantasy crystal chronicles forthe GameCube
this was fun as hell

smash 5 (not that I hope for this)
metroid anything
console pokemon that isn't crap
console animal crossing that isn't crap
muramasa successor
maybe a dkcr with kremlings and other throwbacks, but it needs to look extremely convincing to buy.
something nearly impossible like super mario rpg 2.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3
Bayonetta 3
The Wonderful 102
Okami 2
new mainline Pokemon game, gen 8 preferably
new F-Zero
No More Heroes 3 - already announced
new Wario Ware
new Wario platformer

>Xenoblade X without the gamepad to manage the map.

That sounds like hell.

Metroid. It would be the case for Zelda probably if it wasn't on Wii U.

it was already announced though

it sounds tedious but we've been doing this for ages by pulling up the map to the screen. Sure having it on the pad was super convenient, but the lack of it would not make the game unplayable. I don't know about you, but I wasn't running on the main screen while tapping about on the bottom screen.

It was called advance wars on DS to moron.

But yea a new wars game would be insta buy for me.

For now waiting till no more heroes 3 drops




>SC6 gets announced
>Switch exclusive
Quick, what guest fighters do you want?

I don't care being back SC2 style Ivy. All the Ivy versions post 2 have made my dick flaccid.

This. I reluctantly have a playstation for this game. Would rather play it as a handheld.

You guys really think Animal Crossing is coming to consoles? As much as I hate to admit it, it's a perfect fit for mobile gaming, ripe with the ability to ass rape you in making micro transactions from all the collectibles in the game.

F i v e

They already said that the mobile game will connect to the mainline ones on console. So yeah.

They already made my dreams come true with Odyssey. Now I can only hope for lightning to strike twice, and for them to make a new Metroid that's actually good.

Metroid Dread, a new 2D game in the same vein as Super, either is fine. Just no more spinoffs or experimental shit.


A new Animal Crossing game for the Switch would actually make me buy it, considering how I don't care about any of it's current lineup.

Or as another user said, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles would be nice.

Oh fuck, really? Didn't know that. Well nevermind then. The only console Animal Crossing I enjoyed was the gamecube one. Would be awesome if they really did the new one justice.

Fuck man.

>Metroid prime successor OR a good 2d game
>Original monster hunter, not xxxxx 2 generations ultra tri hd reloaded
>Good mario rpg/paper mario with original characters and setting
>3d or 2d kirby
>Something good by FROMSOFTWARE

>buying a switch
>when emulation is right around the corner


must be tough to not have disposable income. or you know, any income.


Already getting a Switch, but getting another Kid Icarus game would make my dick diamonds.

>People asking for a new Nintendo IP

>Wonderful 101 sequel/Wonder-Blue spinoff
>Viewtiful Joe 3
>A new Star Fox that isn't Star Fox 64.8 ~Final ReMix~
>Dreamland Warriors