Why don't Witcher do this

Why don't Witcher do this

I don't think that's possible senpai

then where did the sword in the picture come from idiot

Why don't they just use a gun

The sword would warp and be damaged from changes in temperature. Look up "bimetallic strip"

Different weights make it really unbalanced

sword braks ez

Why doesn't he just only use a silver sword?
I mean if it's good enough to fight monsters with why wouldn't it work well against humans too?

Then only one edge of the sword would be useful meaning that Geralt won't be able to pirouette as effectively. Also

First of all ther are smithing issues with different temperatures, what's fine for steel is too hot for silver for example. Also obviously tempering issues.
And secondly it would be too risky infight, when you get forced into a situation where you would have to use the steel side and then do no damage whatsoever and get an hero'd.

>two light swords made of different materials
>one heavy sword made of two materials where you'd only use half of each of the swords at a time

Just dual wield both swords and spin

Why not silver plate a steel sword?

Because silver is weaker than steel plating muh boy. You can literally bite into silver.


Making two blades and smithing them together would make the blade weaker.

Because the silver swords are already steel you fucking idiot. They're meteorite steel swords with layer of silver. The reason they're not used to fight bandits is to preserve the silver edge. If they were made of only silver they would be too soft.

That's literally what the witcher silver sword is tho. It's a steel-silver alloy.

No knowledge electric chemistry to make it thin enough to not affect sharpness/wear/bimetallism

now what fags?

good luck forging that

you'd be silver plating it constantly after all the dinks and kinks.
now my question is why dont the witchers use this?

>Is a pole

its a sword it says so right in the picture learn to read idiot


why dont the witchers dual wield a silver and a steel katana
that way they can attack twice as fast with superior weapons

That type of blacksmithing is entirely possible. You would plate the blade with silver or craft two pieces that would be forged together.

Why won't he just dual wield?

because wthe witcheres are not JAPANESE? duhh..

Problem solved.

Are you fully retarded ?

Why don't Witcher use guns with silver bullets?


silver is weak to used as weapon.

The game is grounded in reality even in its fantasy universe.

Why doesn't he just seduce enemies and instead of killing them he fucks them? With his Mary Sue powers he probably can

why dont they attack things that are weak to regular weapons with the silver weapon
inb4 it would wear down quickly theyre already hitting armored monsters with it

His enemies want to eat him, not eat him out.

why doesnt witcher just use a gun?

It would be more plausible to coat a meteoric sword with a thin, replaceable veil of silver, though.

ye or just use silver sword on humans


You people are joking but the Witcher's lore is really that retarded
They even rely on bullshit parallel universes


>not using four swords

they're planes, like the retired World Tree from D&D

why doesnt he just use the silver sword all the time?

Why don't witchers just use flails with steel ball but silver spikes? The perfect weapon in every single way. Literally nothing is better than a flail in combat.

can someone explain to me how does the silver sword deals absolutely abysmal damage to humans
i mean it's still a fucking sword

would suck, you'd have to switch your fighting style to only hit with one side which cuts down your options

a spear

Genious, also needs silver face mask, and then just stroll through monster lair.

also i realized caps lock was on after i typed that and didn't want to retype so enjoy.

humans resist silver even in real life

skin actually repels it

ok whatever you say, link

Just fucking use the silver sword for everything, it's not like having your gut opened with silver makes you less dead

Simply attach a longer chain and a bigger ball and you outrange the spear. Chessmate, friend.

humans are immune to silver
they used to go around stabbing people with silver daggers to find out who was and wasn't a werewolf and normal people didn't even notice
only werewolves died from it

I love this reasoning

Actually, the silver half would have to be forged by a whitesmith.

Like this?

Or better yet, a multi layer of different type of steel folded and welded together.

but whitesmiths only know how to make fridges and washing machines, you'd need a blacksmith to teach him how to make swords still

nice ugly meme weapon


Wouldn't work. The second you try to hit a human bean with that, the flail would stop dead in its tracks because the silver gets repelled
Steel part wouldn't even touch them

Then how do you explain end boss of W1

just take one of these and put silver and steel tips on it

Then add steel spikes too but longer, and make the ball diamond.

just get a longer stick. Jack daniels, mate.

But then the silver spikes never hit monsters because they're immune to steel

This fucking thread.

Is tis a Jojo reference?

Don't you talk shit about zebra stripes pattern, nigger.

Same problem as the flail idea. The second a steel spike touches a monster/a silver spike touches a human, the weapon will stop dead in its tracks so you can't penetrate anyone with that

why can't geralt just throw molten silver at monsters

Attach a shield with spikes midway along the chain so when you bring it overhead and down the shield will stick into the ground, blocking the spear while the spikes and ball smash the guy on the other side.

Then make the spikes have a piston system so they can extend longer than the other spikes when needed.

because witchers aren't trained to wield polearms?

I have only played W1 and W2 and this wasn't a thing in them. Did they change it in W3? Because that sounds fucking stupid.

Close, this is the ultimate Witcher spear.

why not have two swords?

There's no reason why witchers should use swords.
All they need is a bag full of pommels to end everything rightly.

>Then make the spikes have a piston system so they can extend longer than the other spikes when needed.
Well if you have that kind of technology you could simply have a gun that fires silver or steel bullets
What? Everyone knows humans are immune to silver and monsters are immune to steel

I imagine a silver sword would be very very costly if this was a real world type deal.

Using his silver plated steel sword for monsters only because he is mostly cutting into flesh

Wouldn't want to waste the wear and tear on plated armor/shields.

so steel for humans in armor, silver for monsters

can i get a quick picture on this magical shield flail with 10 meters of chain from the user?


because monsters are harder than steel but silver vulnerable.

like you couldn't kill a werewolf with a normal sword easily but a silver sword might one-shot.

however humans in steel aren't weak to silver so it'd be useless, also a monster in steel would probably dumpster a witcher

>shitting on these beauty

They're not as strong as the older one, but these blades are anything but ugly.
You can twist or fold the stack to create a unique patter or even use a different material like sand metal or metal balls etc

Shut the fuck up with that rebbit-tier crap, nobody gives a shit about what you experienced while typing that inane drivel.
Please just kill yourself immediately.

Just let me unscrew this....

Structural integrity. Next question?

>What? Everyone knows humans are immune to silver and monsters are immune to steel
Then explain the end boss of W1. Geralt uses silver sword just because he thinks of him as a monster and not a human, even when he clearly is one. Like, that's one of the highlights of the whole fight.


Caps wasnt on for this i held shift

>Is a pole
Exactly, just like the devs

Azar Javed or whatever his name was? I wouldn't fucking know, I just spammed Igni

Wew lad

So basically you are talking out of your ass or they fucked up in W3. Thanks.

Here is the basic prototype in HD.


I could kill you with a sewing needle in a fight it would just be really really hard.