I know it hurts to talk about it,but why people did not welcome this game as much as everyone thought?

I know it hurts to talk about it,but why people did not welcome this game as much as everyone thought?

How much does it compare to BK that is universally loved,they are essentially the same game,if BK was released today it would be exactly like this but with their characters

>why people did not welcome this game as much as everyone thought?
Because of Kickstarter. That's it. That's literally the whole reason.

Sup Forums shitposters have been weaponized to attack anything with any ties to Kickstarter, regardless of if it's good or not, and despite the fact that 99.9% of the people who bitch about it never actually put any money into Kickstarter anyway. Outside of this echo chamber, everybody is looking forward to Yooka Laylee.

It's hard to explain exactly why Banjo Kazooie is graphically superior to Yooka Laylee, but I am too much a slack jawed non-3D-artist to describe it in detail other than posting a screenshot of A Hat in Time and gawking, "One European idiot and a couple minions slapped these graphics together! Is Ukelele not made by industry vets?!"

Can we just fucking play the goddamn game first? People had fun with a fucking shitty test box of all things. It'll be fine, the casino level had a lot of inner explorative bits that shows good priorities. It just happens to look ugly and underbudget, and yeah the floor space could be less spacious.

I just hope I can use a mode to add feminime eye lashes to the bat

thats all I want

People legitimately underestimate how important the aspect ratio of a game is. 16:9 can easily kill a lot of good aspects about games.

Here I'll help.

BK was always shit. Kids are blinded by nostalgia. It is almost the same game but designed worse and in a time where it has competition against games that have vastly improved on the formula.

I haven't followed YL since its kickstarter. What's new? Is it really just like BK?

level design and graphics are the main issues.
right now everything looks oddly spaced out and the textures are realistic instead of stylized.
it almost gives the game feel that its using preset assets rather than something with soul.

too bad everyone has already agreed it holds up

people still jizz over the music channel shifts when you introduce it to them. The same theme plays throughout with variations in each zone. It's charming and its well made and polished. It put Banjo as like the fucking co-mascot of the N64. Don't be a goddamned retard

These 3D collectathon platformers are inherently dull.

People have a lot of nostalgia about such games thanks to playing Super Mario 64, or Banjo Kazooie, or Donkey Kong 64, back when they were kids. They had plenty of time to sit their ass down in front of the television and perform the same repetitive task with a shitty 3D angle until they got it right. It's not something that anyone would want to do today, but people remember sinking hours of enjoyment into such games as children.

But when you sit them down to play the game today, they realize that it is a massive time sink for very little reward. It isn't that fun to play, it isn't that rewarding to complete, and it isn't that enjoyable. Once the nostalgia is stripped away (due to not being the game you played as a kid) it turns out that most people don't really care that much for the genre.

Banjo was always third rate compared to Mario. Never had a personality or staying power other than a dumb bear that made weird sounds.

The Rare sounds and dialogue in YL is really poorly done and seems like a caricature of itself.

Do you know what shills are? Most threads created here are shill threads where multiple people from paid shill companies force a positive discussion about the product they're trying to sell.

The rest are mostly negative typical Sup Forums being edgy.

Looks like the company hasn't paid for shilling yet.

nice meme faggot

The video of capital cashino is about the finished game though,you will buy and play what you see here

Collectathons are garbage and the only people who like them are people suffering from nostalgia.

People love it, outside of Capital Cashino.

When was the last time you played one of these 3D collectathons?
There's a reason why they didn't even survive off the N64.

A few months ago, I played Jak & Daxter for the first time. It was a lot of fun. Fuck off.

That said, I somewhat agree that the graphics in Yooka Laylee look...off. I blame Unity. It'll still probably be fine though.

jak and daxter is short 'n' sweet
