Is colorado mission that bad?

It is worth it for 4$? I've already bought ep 1-3-6 7-with cheap keys before so i've bought now ep 2-4 for 4$, i'm asking is colorado really suck that much?

Well unless you are a poo in loo and four dollars is the same as monthly income then yes, I would recommend it.

You might as well get it seeing as $4 is basically fuck all, but it's really not great.

you'll enjoy the escalation
trust me

I finished this game recently and Colorado was my favorite mission with Sapienza. Why is it considered bad?

So 4$ is worthy?

Feeling bad that i wasn't patient enough to get hitman for 25$ without uying keys.

If I buy colorado now, hitman would have cost me 31$ entirely, I've spend hours and hours in this game though.

I dunno, apparrenlty, it feels closed, and that at least you're into snipping, colorado isn't worth 4$


Are you really asking if a whole episode is worth literal pocket change?

Well, yes? How do you expect me to answer that?

the colorado mission is good

>I've spend hours and hours in this game though
just buy it. If you liked the rest of the game you'll probably like this one too. It's literally just more Hitman what more do you want us to tell you?

If you need to justify four entire dollars then you might as well not bother. Are you paying with your own money or your parent's money? The average person could probably muster up $4 by rummaging through old jeans and coat pockets.

By 'finished' I assume you mean 'played each mission once'. If you had played more you'd hate Colorado.


Yeah, I'm still at the point where I did a "classic" run. I've yet to find time to replay some missions. But still, I don't see how it can be worse than Marrakesh or Bangkok, which I found to be too restrictive in my tasta.

Forced cinematic combined with their only being one exit

I literally dropped $4 in coins in my toilet last night, after flushing, and didn't bother grabbing it

>Felt mkesh/bkok we the weakest episodes

Our tastes are so fundamentally divergent I don't think there's a fruitful discussion to be had

Nice that you waste so much money from your parents.

Even I will be pissed off i i lost 5$ for my own money.

In other missions you typically have 2 more or less fleshed out targets, in Colorado you have 4 that are only half as good as the targets in the other missions, and you have the ultra restrictive exit bullshit. You can't just do a quick Colorado playthrough to kill some target in some interesting way because you still have so much other uninteresting shit to do with it.

The fact you are having such different tastes is what could make the conversation interesting. I may actually understand why you like it more than I do, and even maybe like it myself. That's actually the point of a conversation, exchange ideas and try to understand the other person. But if you're willing to be a sperglord and not discuss, that's up to you, I neither can nor do I want to force you.

Do like me, just use save, this way, you will not have to do uninteresting shit again.

So you save after getting into the tornado shelter or what?

I would argue that the Colorado mission is the best in the game. As a freethinking antifascist male feminist I refused to vote for Donald Trump and they took an excellent swipe at him by having two of the idiot crazy militia people talking positively about him near the tool shed.

I only lament that more developers don't take a stand against our Russian spy president: Agent Orange.

"Either bigotry falls or we all do" -Me

and people say Sup Forums is a containment board.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates the Nimble Navigator
