Sunday Morning Neps

You're going to buy neppy's new game, right, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it even have a release date? Most of the March releases have already been delayed, so until I see it being released a month away. I'll just forget that it exists.

Sleepy Nep is the most pre-ordered figurine in history.

Only if I can fuck her in the ass

I've got a question.
I played through Rebirth 1, 2 and stopped midway through 3.
Do people like these games solely for the otakubait characters?

Never played a NEP in my life. This one looks fun tho

yeh, also memes

Pretty much. Notice that nobody on Sup Forums EVER talks about the gameplay.

See also: Senran Kagura, DOA

I wish the roster was like 1/4th of what it is.

In case you guys care, the waifu CD's for 4GO are on youtube, it's "you" poking the neps(sometimes sexually)
If you can understand moon or just want to listen to neps moaning, enjoy

>Do people like these games solely for the otakubait characters?
Definitely. I'm amazed that you stopped halfway through 3, when it is the only respectable game there is aside from Noire's strategy JRPG.

subs where

>when it is the only respectable game there
Except the 3 RB's are the same

The first two remakes sucked horribly. The plot to the games was horrible with or without a new system.

Not really, the 3rd game has horribly flanderized versions of the characters which is off-putting to pretty much anyone that grew to like them over the previous two

Not solely, no. I enjoy them because I like playing JRPGs, and Neptunia has pretty standard JRPG gameplay. I found it enjoyable.

But the cute neps are obviously a huge selling point as well.


depends if lffy localized it

Nep games are shit, but the doujins and characters are excellent desu.
Won't make me buy the games, though,at least not for now.

i want to lick neps clavicle

>which is off-putting to pretty much anyone that grew to like them over the previous two

But it was the first game that was set in an entirely different universe, and 3 is direct continuation to 2, so I don't know what you're talking about.

Probably the fact that Neptune goes full 9gag in RB3 and none of the other characters are the same as in 2

She barely has a part in 2, and nobody cared about the sisters anyway, so 3 was an improvement in all regards.

Neptune is still around plenty once you rescue her from the gamindustri graveyard.

I like them for being low-effort grindy turn-based jrpgs.

It was like 2 short chapters from the end. And she still felt more like a guest that only pops up in the background to yell something retarded in the cutscenes.