To be part of the Nintendo Audience, you need to:

To be part of the Nintendo Audience, you need to:

>have more than 20 real life friends and 100 online (social network) friends
>said friends must be of several different cultures than yours
>be an active user of social networks, and also own and actively use a smartphone
>have had at least one long lasting romantic relationship with another human
>attend at least one social gathering with friends a week, and at least one party with 10+ attendees a month
>have several healthy and social hobbies that require you leaving the house, this includes going to the gym, running, volounteering
>never play video games more than 2 hours a day, and never more than 10 hours a week
>be highly successful in your job or studying career
>never think of video games as a main hobby, but a side activity in said successful careers and social pursuits

So Sup Forums, are you worthy of being part of the Nintendo Audience?

Other urls found in this thread:

aw shit i only have 19 real life friends damn fuck

What the fuck are you talking about?

No, and thank god.

He thinks that because Nintendo sometimes makes party games, and that they have a party game at launch, all Nintendo fans must be casual faggots. Compared to the obviously hardcore gamers on PS4 where their top seller is fucking COD, Fifa, and a shovelware Baseball game.

Most Nintendo advertisements show people with all the above while playing a Nintendo game.

I love nintendo, and I agree with OP if you have no friends and no social life you can't be a nintendo fan, since theres about 2 games a year wotrh your time, if its good year that is.

>nintendo is marketing to normies instead of
manbabby NEETs

>but sony

At least sony actively targets muh gamers (4theplayers anyone?) and not a racial bingo of casual normie scum.

You are no longer part of the Nintendo Audience.

>Nintendo is normie shit


>>have more than 20 real life friends and 100 online (social network) friends
2 real friends and 0 online friends
>>said friends must be of several different cultures than yours
all privileged white cis males like myself
>>be an active user of social networks, and also own and actively use a smartphone
never used a social network, smartphone is used for porn and lurking
>>have had at least one long lasting romantic relationship with another human
Wizard in two years
>>attend at least one social gathering with friends a week, and at least one party with 10+ attendees a month
haven't attended a party in at least 10 years
>>have several healthy and social hobbies that require you leaving the house, this includes going to the gym, running, volounteering
go to the gym but don't know anyone there
>>never play video games more than 2 hours a day, and never more than 10 hours a week
I don't play everyday but when I do is usually 5 to 8 hours straight
>>be highly successful in your job or studying career
Nope and nope unfortunately
>>never think of video games as a main hobby, but a side activity in said successful careers and social pursuits
Video games are my main and only hobby (going to the gym is more of a necessity than a hobby and I hate everyone there)

Nintendo is targeting everyone with the Switch. Let's face it, the majority of people and gamers don't sit on their ass all day. And you can't say they are just targeting casuals. Their Super Bowl commercial showed a guy waking up out of bed, what's the first thing he grabs? His Switch and Zelda. What does he do when he's cooking? Play's Zelda. What's he do after he eats? Play's Zelda. Same thing with the Airplane guy from the commercial. What's he doing? Playing Skyrim. Where's he going? The Airport. What's the first thing he brings with him? His console. What's he do the entire plane flight? Play Skyrim.

Targeting everyone except actual gamers.

Good thing I fill out the criteria and am not a degenerate Sup Forums user

and no true scotsman doesn't like haggis huh

Nintendo have been targetting "everyone except actual gamers" since Pokemon happened in the 90s. Or hell, probably more like the original release of the Game Boy and Tetris. It's been well over 20 years bro. Let it go.

>real gamers
kek I can smell your fedora from here

You need none of these things, you sound like a jealous sonygger.

yeah they targeting true gamers like you with the Gamecube and looked how that turrned out?

>20 real life friends

No one has that. Maybe 20 good colleagues but not real friends. 12 is about the maximum
>Some of the westerns gamers think that Nintendo betrayed the “gamers” with the Nintendo DS or the Nintendo Wii. They were very disappointed because of the “new direction of Nintendo” taken by Iwata since 2004 : the “casual gaming market”. But those gamers are wrong. If you read my book, you’ll understand that Nintendo, since more than 120 years, do “casual gaming”. Is there something more casual than a board game or a playing card set? No! In fact, Nintendo betrayed their own philosophy and DNA after the SNES and during 15 years! That’s the truth. In 2004, after the SNES, N64 and Game Cube, Nintendo and Iwata realised that they were going in the wrong direction since the 90’s: high technology for the hardcore gamers market. They couldn’t fight against huge companies like Microsoft or Sony. Iwata wanted, rightly, to return back to the real Nintendo DNA : “fun for everybody, for all the family”.

so what, most companies need to cater to that kind of market. would you rather they featured fat basement neckbeards like you? it's bad for their image and sales

Wow you're almost me

Funny, I didn't even notice when all of these started to be about me.

I buy a ton of games, but I kinda never have the time to play them. Bought 12 games for 3DS and Wii U this month, but only played one of them.

the hardcore go insane over shit like this
they would rather nintendo made niche crap than fun games that cater to everyone

They want the normies because they know most social rejects like us are already going to buy it

Us gamers huh, I'm such a epic fail NEET shutin XD

That's just the marketed image. The real Nintendo audience is:

>In their early to mid 20s
>Male gender
>Attends college and/or works a entry level job
>More than likely owns a Nintendo handheld now over a Nintendo console
>Huge fan of Nintendo classics like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Smash Bros. Hardly knows any other Nintendo game/characters outside of those besides mascot characters from Smash Bros

>smash bros

The Nintendo audience now mainly grew up with the N64 and Gamecube

Nintendo audience is mostly man-child and gamergurls

they grew up with everything

what does that smell like?