Thoughts on buying a PS3 in 2017?

I could prolly afford one used, or should I keep saving for a PS4?

Get a fat version so you can pirate.

hack the shit out of it, enjoy all dem PS1 and PS3 games. buy a ps4 pro when the ps5 comes out.

If you don't have a ps4, keep saving for one. Once you get it, buy a used ps3 if you want to play some old games.

It's worth it just for the yakuza series and some other nippon games.

Got a used slim a month ago. Don't regret it. Tons of cheap games to play.

Oh right, is the online multiplayer still up?

From what you guys said I'm leaning towards getting a PS3, I've always wanted to get into Yakuza and play some last gen games I missed out on.

Plus, Persona 5's still coming to PS3.

But I guess I should think about it more, idk.

It's great, superslims are cheap af right now, and GameStop has huge stacks of used ps3 games for dirt cheap, I picked up the ratchet and clank collection for like 15 bucks

There's no games on either, don't bother.

P5 is only on ps3 in Japan

would i do good if i get a ps3 just for metal gear solid 4?
i 1,2,3,PW,GZ and V but never played 4 at all,
some people just tell me to watch all the cutscenes on youtube because "mgs4 has no gameplay"

all other ps3 seems to be either unknown to me or just ported to vita or something

I'm pretty sure it isn't. Some other games are though

You could always import it, if you undestand japanese that is

no it isn't

Well, playing the game is always a whole different experience than watching someone else play it.

Ps3 has the yakuza series for example, if you're into that

You sure?
Just got this from GameFAQs but I don't see why they would just cancel the PS3 release.

you can literally check amazon and see it's for sale right now

Depends on what kind of games you intend to play.

I got myself one 3 months ago and don't regret it a single bit, played Catherine, Folklore, Eternal Sonata, Ni no Kuni and planning to play Resonance of Fate.

Library is way bigger than PS4's and you can get the games dirt cheap.

I ain't. I have the PS4 japanese version.

W-weebshit JRPGs mostly [Including the stuff you listed], and Dragon's Dogma coz it runs like shit on my PC.

>I could prolly afford one used

Persona 4 on the PS2 caused sales of the console to skyrocket, while also earning sales records (aside from Madden) for the late console. Atlus plans on doing the same with this generation.

>Get a fat version so you can pirate.
Don't get a fat one, every single one I've owned has had soldering issues (ie. Yellow Light). if you can get your hands on an older slim you could use CFW.

i'll sell you mine for three fitty

My buddy still got his original 60GB fat PS3 working. Although he had to change the thermal paste because Sony uses a cheap paste that dried up years ago and it's also applied incorrectly. Many PS3s YLOD because the thermal paste goes bad and the system eventually overheats and fucks up because 90NM Cell and RSX literally starts melting from poor heat transfer.

>all metal gears
>all ratchet games
>all sly games
>vanquish/bayonetta and some other action titles
>some more obscure stuff like 3D Dot Game Heroes, Catherine and Folklore.
>Ico HD, ZoE HD, and some other HD collections
>some sony stuff like Uncharted 2, Last of Us and Infamous 2

i think there is enough good stuff.
just gotta make sure you don't buy a PS3 cheap just to realise that the games cost a lot.
many of them are available digitally, and they have sales pretty regularly

Can't you get a PS4 slim for less than 200 right now?

__ _____

I'm still playing mine, so many good games for $5 or sometimes less.

Cheapest I've seen is $216 delivered on ebay

Maybe from Craigslist.

New PS4s in stores are $250-300

I bought a PS3 over an PS4 two years ago. Worth it and still adding to my collection today.

If you don't absolutely need perfect ps2 games get a slim. The 160gb (I think) is hackable. Ultra slim is not hackable and fat breaks easily.

Go on eBay and pick up a CFW slim PS3 for no more than $150. You'll be able to play any PS3/PS1 game on it for free. Cobra tools also lets you use a PS2 emulator on the slim which works decently.

That was Berseria. P5 is PS3 ww.

I swear I've seen bundles as low as 220

Unless you don't count the value of bundled games

Why would you waste money on ShitStation 3 and ShitStation 4?


>I could prolly afford one used, or should I keep saving for a PS4?
I got both new last year.

if you watch sales yeah.

every few days i see it for 220 or "250 plus 25-50$ coupon"

>Buying a new PS3

Do you like to touch that used controller, Yamal played on after touching his dick?

Buy another controller then, they're dirt cheap now.

You're not going to be putting your hands on a used home console a lot.

>Not buying a hacked console and a new controller.

Same here, I ran a FAT for 8 years, CFW, better thermals, before I sold it, I even had a 500GB SSD in it.

I picked up a fat ps3 300gb with controller, 20 games, cables for $100, so that'll keep me busy until the ps4 comes down in price, and the games are cheap as hell.
Avoid evil Game$top, they're bigger jews than the scumbag resellers.

>500GB SSD

What a waste considering SATA speeds capping all benefit from an SSD.

>tfw a ps3 still costs more in my shithole 3rd world country than a brand new PS4 in the US

pls ask trump to nuke brazil, it hurts to live

SSD should at least have instant seek times which makes a huge difference when loading stuff on the XMB or transferring files with a FTP client.

I can't find them for that price on ebay for buy it now at least, though I found a 3.55 of slim for that price.

Yeah, paying out the ass for an 500GB SSD so thumbnails can pop in faster on the xmb, great investment. With write/read times capped its a waste to put an SSD in there.

>cfw fat $70 used in my shithole
Feels good mang.

>Buy another controller then, they're dirt cheap now.
Are you serious?
DS3 controllers are out of production since 2014 and all you get now are broken chink counterfeits.

Ps4 pad works right? Been planning to get one also for pc emulator.

Amazon has brand new dualshock 3 controllers for the same price as a 3DS game. I'm pretty sure you can find them even cheaper if you shop around.

I can buy them new easily, every store seems to have them still, though not exactly cheap.

Definitely works with cable, supposedly also works wireless if connected as a BT controller but my system spergs out when I try it, probably too low FW due to CFW.
Though you lose rumble. Still I'd rather use my DS4 cabled than a DS3.
And yeah it works fine on PC, wireless/wired.

>Not buying a hacked console and a new controller.
>Ps4 pad works right?
Yeah, like any generic USB pad: No rumble, no analog buttons and you have to use share as select button.

i got one late last year to play what i missed out of the previous generation of console exclusives

didn't regret it

still better than using a shitty 5400RPM hard drive

Wat? Ps4 pad dont have rumble?

Not by much, and certainly nothing compared to the price difference, ever checked the bandwidth of SATA?

Since the PS3 only connects to them wirelessly as a generic controller - they don't.
Only when connected wirelessly to a PS3 though.


Aw shit, so if i want to use ps4 pad with all the glory i cant cfw? I keep seeing $10 ps3 gamepad which i assume complete crap. This make me worried in getting any ps3 pad.

>Amazon has brand new dualshock 3 controllers for the same price as a 3DS game.
Sure they have.
>I'm pretty sure you can find them even cheaper if you shop around.
You can get cheap fakes without gyro everywhere.

Sorry you live in a third world shithole.

This is how it works with PS3 regardless of CFW or not, Sony never gave the DS4 full functionality with the PS3.

I'm still finding cheap old games to play on my PS3 and I've extended the life of all my existing games because of the existence of easy to access general save editors like BSD. I hardly regret any purchase because it's all cheap. Recently, I got Saints Row 2, the entire Borderlands series (it comes on a single disk with all DLC now) and EDF 2025. Literally over 2000 hours of gameplay for 40 bucks.

>buy a used PS3 at 85 bucks and
>waste 42 bucks on a controller fake, which breaks within weeks.
Especially when a new PS3 costs like 150 bucks.
Is Sup Forums full over edgy underage?

that's a genuine PS3 controller fulfilled by Amazon, not a fake.

again I'm sorry you live in third world shithole where everything is a fake and overexpensive.

>that's a genuine PS3 controller fulfilled by Amazon, not a fake.
There are no "genuine PS3 controllers" anymore, the PS3 accessories are out of production since 2014.

>what are unsold stock
are you fucking retarded

>what are unsold stock
There is no unsold stock.

Those buyers bought from third party resellers, not DIRECTLY from Amazon fulfillment.

You're fucking stupid.


>I purchased this from a third party seller on Amazon

>Those buyers bought from third party resellers, not DIRECTLY from Amazon fulfillment.
Amazon fulfillment IS third party seller!

Are you 12 years old?

This is the only offer.

If it's a Amazon fufillment, you're guaranteed that product as described or you get your money back the same day.

Third party sellers on Amazon aren't covered by this.

I personally wouldn't bother with the PS3 at this point but maybe that's because I've owned one for years. Get a PS4 instead as most of the best PS4 games outside of Demon's Souls were ported to PS4.

too convenient

the third party seller has to agree and be certified to amazon fulfillment, those buyers most likely never checked and just bought it ASAP because "it was cheap"

Just play all the PS3 exclusives on PlayStation Now for a month for $20 on your PC or PS4.

>streaming games

>If it's a Amazon fufillment, you're guaranteed that product as described
Even Amazon itself tripped over fakes, before they finally delisted DS3, because Sony doesn't ship them anymore since years and existing stock is sold out completely in 2014.

And that's why a bunch of fake reviews just appeared together with that totally not fishy seller.

I bought a real dualshock 3 from Amazon 3 months ago, still works great. I'm from the US though. Maybe Amazon Europe or some BR website ran out though.

>Not having good enough internet for streaming in 2017.
Damn I feel so bad for you.

how are the reviews fake when they're verified buyers

Because you can buy your own shit?

by your logic, all reviews on Amazon are fake and are clearly a conspiracy by the seller.

>I bought a real dualshock 3 from Amazon 3 months ago
Prove it!
Photo of the back label with the serial number.

Ps4 has sata3 dumbass.

I bought one around two years ago, im about to sell it this week though and get a cfw ps3 instead.

>Not by much, and certainly nothing compared to the price difference, ever checked the bandwidth of SATA?
PS4 uses USB to access the internal hard drive.

label is scratched up and faded now since I don't take care of my controller

What are you two even arguing about? What is the idea?

Get the prime model that can still play PS2 games and you'll be in for a great time.
The ultimate Playstation console that is capable of playing three generations of games.

dumbass thinks no more dualshock 3 controllers exist in the box, starts posting reviews of people buying clone controllers from non amazon fulfilled sellers

Nice fake.


Just because you CAN play Bayo on ps3 doesn't mean you SHOULD.

This. It's just not worth the investment. Sure, you might pay 50-100 bucks but then you have to buy soldering equipment, bigger HDD, better fan, etc. Even if you buy one already with CFW on it, chances are it might have GPU issues or will hit you with YLOD. Just get a slim.

I know it's really hard to find an original ones clones are all over the place but why is that important and in relation to the thread?

You never need a better fan or soldering equipment for a fat PS3 unless you're buying it literally broken.

Just change the thermal paste on the CELL and RSX, clean out the dust, and replace the hard drive. You should be golden. If you're that paranoid about overheating, use CFW to control the fanspeed.