Opinions on Blade and Soul? My friend wants me to start playing it and I barely know anything about it

Opinions on Blade and Soul? My friend wants me to start playing it and I barely know anything about it

Never heard of it. Looks similar to Tits and Ass though, that games a grind fest.

Typical theme park ride of quest after quest. PvP is interesting though.

it's one of the only MMOs with actual gameplay so you'd enjoy it if you enjoy fun gameplay

Hung Tae Kim's talent is seriously wasted on games like this.

It's tube-runner grind-fest. Combat is kinda nice and it has nice rear and bust. Launcher and anti-cheat are pain in the ass though.

I always wanted to try it but never got around to downloading it.

Wondering the same. Need an MMO to kill my time with.

I played it in various betas and at western release.

If you're looking for a good combat game, it passes for one, but barely.

The game is still a korean p2w shitfest, though not as bad as other games (say Archeage).

It's alright, the combat system is the best out of most current MMOs imo, think TERA action combo system but without animation locks, fights are much more smooth and mobile
The world is pretty but after a while there's just 2much asia, you'll have a hard time sticking with the game if you don't like it
Also it's unoptimized as all hell, getting a smooth framerate is a fucking trial
Oh, and you'll see a metric crapton of absolutely uncanny characters with the most disturbing proportions, nightmare fuel stuff

I could've sworn this was on steam.

Is there ERP?

Its a fun MMO.
Better than Tera in my opinion.
But it has paywalls.
Only bypassed by random chance dailies.
Or forking over cash.
Basically unless you get a weapon drop from a Daily dungeon you cant upgrade your weapons further.

It's a pretty fun game, recently they made the game easier for newer players with the weapon updates. You never have to grind one level because the story gets you to max level. There is open pvp, faction battles and of course end game dungeons . I'm looking to try this game again too

Gee I don't know

It's a pretty good game, my only complaint is that some classes are locked to certain races.

It was somewhat fun while I played it. Plays like an ARPG more than a MMO, but it ultimately comes down to being a 'Find clothes and dress up your waifu' simulator. Unfortunately, some of the races got severely shafted in terms of clothing design, so you need to look up a guide if you want to look like a top-class prostitute instead of a cheap dollar whore.

I'm curious about this game too, this was supposedly the rival to BDO idk why but this game doesn't seem to be as expensive as BDO where one outfit is like 40 dollars

I might get back into it too. I remember liking the music and art style.

Repetitive shit. Haven't tried PvP though, and my friend kept telling me it gets good after lvl 20 or something. Maybe I just fucked up by playing warlock.

I love the Wuxian style and I can't get the dialogue of the bankers from the Taiwan version out of my head. Love the doboks and bopae, and Lyns are cutest race and better than Elins.

Game is a huuuggee grind fest however, so it kills it.

What's more fun, ranged or melee DPS?
I guess I'll try this game later.
Haven't played a good waifu simulator in a while.

You're playing Blade & Soul wrong if it's not as an old weedy kung fu master

Lyns are the cutest race, but my god, they have one of the shittiest wardrobe collection.

Destroyers are fucking awesome
Their skills, animations and sounds have that fucking UMPHH feeling everytime you mop the floor with an enemy stuck on the blade of your axe
Also gon musclegirls are best girls

Have they added official korean voice support yet? The english dub is awful and its a pain in the ass to mod the game.

I thought it was a pretty fun game but the structure is just grindy and boring. I think if it were an open world game and you could level in areas as intense as your fighting styled allowed you to be it would work better but it's so linear and you absolutely have to do every quest so you can keep up with your weapon and everything.
Crafting sucks because you need multiple people and it takes rare resources for very little benefit since there's already an established crafting base.

The character creator is seriously super good though. Probably the best out of any MMO period. You have an insane amount of freedom to make horrible abominations or drop dead gorgeous women. Everyone was saying Black Desert was good but that one was dogshit with sliders that barely changed your measurements 3 inches from either extreme.

Does that address this guy's issue? ()
Because I was also really turned off by having to grind out dungeons before my character could get any stronger. I think the combat against one or two guys out in the field is really satisfying but the two dungeons I did were kind of shitty because people just spammed attacks until the enemies were dead.

Some were nice, but in general yeah. The white and gray dobok you choose to get from the story line with the trials of the other masters as the best for my Lyn. Already was whitish hair with gold eyes, dobok is white and gray with goldish bits.

She was so damn adorable in those poofy pants but somehow I made her have super lewd bedroom eyes if they're lowered at all.

they changed our hours AGAIN?

How big is the download?

What's the most populated EU server?

Pretty meaty, it's a fucking MMO

Yeah having to grind a dungeon for a weapon really puts you off the game. Eventually the so many of the end game weapons will require you to farm dungeons :/

Windrest if I remember correctly.

Got bored when I played it... to a point that I only run the game for a few minutes just to play that daily mini board game thats starts up when you start the game... then my computer broke got a new one and never bother to re download it...

It's a brawler disguised as a MMO

shit p2w

i remember i joined one of best eu guilds and our leader was talking about how he's going to spend thousands when x releases etc

we also had a ncsoft community manager in our guild for awhile don't know why he left but didn't hear much about it he was trying to get them to increase drop rates of the black dragon boss because we were getting content so fast his drops wouldn't matter soon

played it for pvp got bored pretty fast though

I remember waiting years for this one to get localized, but because it took too long i stopped caring.

It was good when I played last year. Pretty sure the population decreased by a lot now.

Combat mechanics is the shit.
PVP is alright.
PVE is okay if you don't have braindead team since its main PVE content is dungeon.
I only played with Guild mates before I quit because pub is a waste of time.
Oh, Faction war is a joke.
And don't forget the massive grind.

What the hell this nigga is even doing anymore?

He quit being the lead artist 1-2 years ago.

Complementary character photo


It's super fun if you get less than 50 ping. The PvP feels like a 3D fighting game.

It's pretty badly optimized, though, so the fps dips sometimes.