Defend this

defend this

Terrible if your only way of surfing the web is through a games console.

People will just find another way to hack the thing.


I hope it gets one soon. A selling point of the switch for be is to be able to use it as a tablet

They don't want exploits that work on 3DS working on Switch.

It might even have a similar OS to 3DS, explaining why it has no browser.

I have a cell phone lmao what are you gay?

I can't because I don't own a device with a browser to shitpost in your thread on

Won't ship with a browser =/= will never get a browser.

This will be forgotten and irrelevant if they get one say next month.

Don't buy it until it has one if it's that important, whats the issue. It's not like buying a new console day 1 is a good idea in the first place.


Anti-piracy exploit is covered at last.

Browsing the web on a console is awful.

we have this thread every day

Sup Forums would be a whole lot better if retarded newfags such as

actually bothered to lurk instead of replying to obvious bait. Fuck off redditors.

While browsing the internet through a console has always been a chore, what the fuck is the justification for the price? This thing is like a stripped down Vita.

I have literally never had a good experience or use case for a console web browser.

Also it's going to get one, so whatever.

The people buying a switch at launch are going to buy one anyway, and a browser isn't going to make or break that deal.

It's Nintendo, so it's okay.

>There are people right now on this board who aren't posting using a console web browser

fucking plebs


Will it have Netflix though?

dumb phoneposters

I use Wii U's web browser for Kissanime.
Also kids want a browser, so this is bad from a marketing standpoint.

how is it bait? Did they say they were adding a web browser soon? It's a legitimate concern.

Who uses video game systems to surf the Internet?

It sucks the Switch doesn't launch with a browser, but most people have a computer or tablet or whatever nowadays

>implying Sup Forums doesn't have people retarded enough to seriously make posts like this

Don't be a fucking idiot, user

What fuckin kid is buying the Switch at launch for anything but Zelda.

All the kids have shitty android tablets for that kinda stuff.

Am I seeing things or this piece of shit has a fan outlet on the top? Did they really go full retard and make a handheld with active cooling?

>You will never be so fucking retarded like this poster

Probably for when it is docked since it overclocks the cpu and gpu

Do kids even care about Zelda? In fact the only people I know who like Nintendo stuff are in their 20s and beyond.

>kid at the olive garden asks for the ipad
>mom hands him a switch
>This thing is stupid mom! It doesn't even do the same things!
>I want my angry birds and internet mom, where is it!!!!

Do you ever leave your room?

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a Hulu account set up
defend this

They will patch in one later when they be fucking sure it is safe.
But people will still hack it anyway

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a coffee maker
defend this

>attending my monthly millennial rooftop party
>brought my switch
>giggling at the thought of everyone cheering for me when I take it out
>take it out
>people look at me funny
>i-it's the newest nintendo switch, a-anyone up for some mario kart?
>some people gather around
>I set it up using the built in stand
>chad complains the controller is too small
>stacy complains the screen is for ants
>we still play
>the device starts overheating and the fan is whirring loudly
>battery dies in 30 minutes
>friends go back fondling their gfs and drinking
>i'm alone with my dead switch
>spend the rest of the night holding back tears while everyone avoids me

Thanks Nintendo.

Of course, no kids seem to care about Nintendo stuff, it seems to be households where the parents already liked Nintendo that have kids who play Mario and Zelda etc.

Kids have tablets and YouTube and phone games and Xbox etc, Nintendo especially after the Wii u has been for people who can remember the past Nintendo, I.e 20s and above

Not him, but I'm a faggot so I never interact with anyone with children on any meaningful level so I can't answer that question. All I know is that a good portion of the zelda fanbase is female and that while kids play nintendo, zelda isn't exactly a priority.

user... You don't know...
Kids will not be buying this for Zelda. Nintendo is going to have to tac on a bunch of tablet only touch games to get children interested.

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a muffin button
defend this

>literally a dumbed down ipad with overpriced mario rehashes

Defend this.

>iPad doesn't ship with a coffee maker

defend this

>In fact the only people I know who like Nintendo stuff are in their 20s and beyond.
Notice all the people they show in their trailers and marketing.
Nintendo knows this.

Why do you guys think this is bad?
>ohh nooooo this doesn't have the ability to browse the web when I have 27 phones computers and other devices that can do that exact thing

my 8 year old cousin loves Zelda. I bought him the Oracle of time remake and he spent something like 200 hours playing it

Looks like you have more problems than a tablet having a fan

>you can install the official Nespresso app on iPad for free
>you can't on Switch

Defend this.

>claims to know better than to reply to bait
>posts in bait thread anyway

>Adult trailers marketed to adults feature adults

jesus you don't say

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a gf
defend this

>free apps
>free games
>free online
>full HD screen
>long lasting battery
>can browse Sup Forums
>can watch porn
>can take pictures
>can watch videos
>can listen to music
>can do work with
>can check emails
>can make calls
>makes you look like a successful and rich person

>no web browser
>no apps
>no multimedia
>only games are stale mario rehashes
>they al cost 69.99 plus tip
>and they have paid online and day one dlc hard mode
>makes you look like a fucking dweeb

Defend this.

>Coffee machine


Defend this.

ipad aint got new zelda

>iPad makes you look like a successful and rich person
>when schools just give them away to students

>Doesn't play anything but mobileshit

>Link's butt.

>Nintendo Switch ships with a double malt choc latte float when you ordered a triple pumpkin spice espresso grande
defend this

>Wake up
>Need a nice buzz to kickstart my day
>Remember I bought an iPad instead of a switch

Fucking applefags with no coffee machines LOL

>overpriced device
>overpriced accessories
>doesn't come with a regular controller
>overpriced games
>paid online
>day one dlc
>amiibo dlc
>literally ancient tablet hardware
>barely any storage
>dumbed down ipad software
>doesn't have a web browser or any multimedia capability
>weaker than a PS3
>1 hour battery life
>whirring fan
>flimsy build quality
>only decent looking game game is a Wii U reject running at 20fps and 900p
>a nightmare to develop for
>no third party support
>joke of the industry

Defend this.

Well yeah, you have to go down to the coffee house to get your half caff, double faff soy gas sugar milk so you can be seen using your Apple© iPad ™.

>tfw i have bought several nintendo consoles in the past but don'T give a shit about zelda
>even less so when it's empty world garbage

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a Madara Uchiha, and I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
defend this

>Nintendo switch doesn't ship with a tub of vaseline to make the harsh assfucking by Nintendo easier to take

defend this

Baby I like it raw.

good. nintendo fans are too young to be going on the internet

>no piracy
>a "feature" no body uses
defend why do you want it

of course people use it

Sup Forums dont use it because they have gaming pcs, but pre teen kids probably dont have their own pc so switch is their best way of getting online

>Nintendo Switch won't ship with a second Nintendo Switch for only an additional $89.95, and a state of the art Deluxo-Oh Hydromatic Mop head if you order now in the next ten minutes

defend this

DESU i doubt it could load a webpage without lagging anyway

>>overpriced device
>most japan devs thing the price is excellent to ok
being poor must be terrible

The Playstation 4 didn't ship with any games and it sold well.


every preteen has a phone these days
game consoles don't need a hundred features to be good. What does it matter that your console doesn't have a web browser?

It's 265USD in japan and the success of the games they develop for it depends on the success of the system. You are wrong on two counts.

>Sup Forums memes at me hurr don't need a pc consoles are a better investment
>then Sup Forums memes at me hurrrrrrr who needs a console with a web browser

if you're looking for a way to not get memed on, there isn't one
now go, or I shall meme you for a second time

If Nintendo would release just a Bluetooth controller and Zelda on the iPad, they would have made a lot more money.

>bad console browser experience
>on a touchscreen device
Are toddlers this retarded?

The ipad sadly can't run zelda.
The PowerVR chip don't support several features that are needed to run it, like floating point textures and geometry instancing.

They don't want people playing HTML5/JS SNES and NES emulators.

>b-b-but it's a console


That's not even considering the fact that most wifi hotspots require a browser to gain access

And paid online on a supposedly mobile device

what a fucking joke, nintenfags

>no HUEs
Sounds like paradise.


>Nintendo Switch doesn't ship with a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory

defend this

iPads are designed to be used more like personal computers while the Switch is not. Apples and oranges.

Why would you ever use a browser on a console

>Switch doesn't ship with a house, a 4K television, a bed, an oven and lifetime pre paid electricity bills ticket

Why even bother?


>The Ninteno Switch won't ship with job security and a 401k
defend this

It'll be added later like with their last 2 consoles.

It's such a fucking nit pick I'm surprised shitposters even bother. I suppose it only goes to show they don't have much to critique.

>oh no my videogame console won't let me browse the internet on a shitty browser!

And it won't even matter, because it'll just get memed with "it's ok when Nintendo does it".
Why even bother when everyone and their mom has a device with better dedicated browsers already?
No really, does this mean the is a better console because it has a completely worthless and shit browser?

Don't want to...
There are so much better devices anyways.

You need a browser to connect to various public wi-fi.
A bit important for a mobile console. Not exactly vital at release with no major multiplayer games, but it will be important down the road.

The bad news is that the switch is faster than your device.
The good is that if the switch takes on and validates this market, i don't give a year to you have one of those with twice the power of the switch.

Battery tech is going to be limiting. Switch is already at a 3 hour battery life, what do you think is going to happen when you pack even more power in there?

The actual bad news is that the Switch is a locked down POS with an ARM SoC with horrible battery.

Do you surf Web on yoru ps4 ?

I don't know what those mean.

Then I'll whip out my phone and do it there instead. Problem solved.

Surprise surprise, Sup Forums is overreacting and bitching over stupid shit.
And everyone is ignoring it could be added in a system update as well.

Well, intel have a 10nm manufacturing plant that they say will be quite cheap.
With this tiny size you probably can get a 6 hour Switchlike system.

yeah. it's hooked up to my TV so I'm better off streaming anime and movies on my PS4 than on my laptop