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WTF tim buckley is so unfunny


That's an ok premise for a joke, I assume it's supposed to be about level-scaling. The punchline could use a little jazzing up and the art's still pretty bad though.


Good, i lost my tranny comic folder, a board about VIDEO GAMES can hellp me fill it bakc up.

Not the full comic, look at the thumbnail.



Ah, that makes sense.

Why does Renamon have tits?

Would someone be so kind to either repost the snakegirl comic we had here yesterday or at least post the source?
Thread got deleted before i could find it.


Oh fuck, man...


because she's a female (girl)

Shane_Frost Hissed Connections


Thanks, but that's not the one.
Sorry, i should have been more precise.
I'm looking for the cute, not so lewd one with the desert lamia and the arab boy. Very stylized, flat colored.
Thanks in advance!

Could have made it more clear that the human is stronger on the bottom panel.

>your gender has changed
>let alone your body type

Thanks mate, that's the one!

Who the fuck even develops these fetishes? Damn kids these days.


What the fuck is goin on here?

what the fuck?
A funny buckley?
With no words?



would an user be so kind as to share the name of this strip? I've seen a few that give me hearty chuckles

That's not too bad honestly
Never even thought about it this way



I don't get it, is this supposed to be funny somehow?

the joke is that an open seapod can look slightly like a vagina if the artist tries really hard


>couldn't even beat a scrawny ass goblin

>Elder Scrolls Online.jpg

>masamune kun no revenge
It's shit

Please, TS is my fetish please send sauce.


replace JRPGs right with a loli and it will be accurate

My Father is a Loli
it got canned

You're gonna sauce that now.

Why did that happen, fuck.

It's a Sup Forums edit
The original has a middle strip in which Buckley, as usual, uses WORDS to explain something the image could have done on its own, which was a close up of the hero donning a shit-eating grin after getting new gear

His dad also is a loli? Piggy is lucky to have 2 loli parents

No, the joke is that there is an animal who sits around all day fooling people into thinking a tree with seedpods is a magical vagina tree.



>while you shitpost on Sup Forums the draugr are training

that only works if my previous statement is true you dimwit


I can always hear the old man's "WHAAAT?" in my head and it always makes me laugh.

Semi related but what was that NSFW webcomic again that also had fantasy rpg parodies?

>not porn


How do we fix horror henre?