Is this game still considered a masterpiece or are we supposed to hate it now?

Is this game still considered a masterpiece or are we supposed to hate it now?

Bizzaro Sup Forums thread?

Why are you even asking such question.

If Sup Forums tells you its shit you will think its shit, you are literally the representation of a sheep.

Form your own fucking opinion and don't ask people to tell you if you should like or hate something.

So, is it shit or nah?

Don't ever reply to my thread again

Fuck off, underage.

Like most games released in the last decade that reach mass appeal, there's a solid, decent game, and then it's swelled and hyped up by every generic joe blow.

Easy to remember memes reaching massive success in terms of popularity doesn't hurt either.

All in all portal is a fun tech demo, but it's really not long enough to be worth full AAA price, which was why it was part of the orange box.

"Portal's great, and if you don't think so you must be stupid!" - some faggot

I completely agree with the faggot, portal is a work of art.

wake up sheeplet

I had fun in both games.

But I think Valve fucked up with the multiplayer and that pair of bots.They hyped that a lot, I mean a lot. They even were about to make the same shit they did with tf2 with cosmetics and its own market, but when they saw the numbers they forgot about it and eventually abandoned anything related with multiplayer.

>If Sup Forums tells you its shit you will think its shit, you are literally the representation of a sheep.
What could possibly make you say that?

I disagree with 99.99% of Sup Forums opinions, people here have no idea what they are talking about, just look at the cringe inducing 3x3 threads. Sup Forums is right about Deus Ex, NV and Bloodborne being good, that's it.

>Form your own fucking opinion
I formed my opinion the second I finished both games at release, and think they are masterpiece and among the 20 best games ever made.

But we all know how Sup Forums like to shit on everything good or popular. I was asking not because I need you to think for me, but because I just wanted to see what neo/v/ thinks of this game. There is no need to sperg out user. I won't suddenly stop liking the game because Sup Forums doesn't think it's good.

The MP is the best thing about Portal 2. 4 portal puzzles are some of the most creative and interesting ones in the game.


desu the MP experience of Portal 2 is propably the best on the market. And being able to crossplay from your pc with your console normie shits friends is a great thing.

The fat manlet robot is cuter than the skinnyfat lanklet robot btw, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but they hyped it like it was about to be something really big, on par like one of their multiplayer-based games.

I thought it was alright but was wondering when the concept would appear in other games

Memes aside Portal is a good game.

>i base my opinions on what other people think

Fuck off back to

1 is great, 2 is meh

it's good, but then again I'm not a contrarian faggot

portal is pretty good but it should really have been a FPS game with major puzzle elements

that the portal gun will probably never be used to drop combine soldiers from the roof and similar things is a major shame

There are two games I consider worth remembering from my three decades worth of gaming. One is Portal

Really good puzzle game, but one of the worst fan bases.

2's main problem is it's just too self aware.

The puzzles are good, the new mechanics are well implemented and the variety in visuals is a nice change.

The writing is just too heavy handed, as was Wheatley.

Memes aside, JK Simmons' dialogue will never not be fun to listen to

Portal 1 is 10 years old.

Portal was great, Portal 2 was also great

Great puzzles, great soundtrack, great story

The gels in 2 were kinda redundant.

>are we supposed to hate it now
what the fuck are you talking about? You're "supposed" to either like or dislike a game based on your own experiences of it.

Both are really top notch games.

No. /v is the worst fanbase.

Every fanbase is the worst fanbase.

I can't think of any argument for that.

I always felt it was a bit overrated.
Its very cool but it doesnt last very long. Feels more like a tech demo

havent played 2 yet

>just did a portal run

I'll never understand why they use things like mashy spike plate instead of straight up sealing you in and letting starvation do it's job.

2 has brilliant co-op.

It makes me want a competitive portal shooter where the game is all about dropping your opponents into dangerous things.

Nobody who thinks portal is stellar only played the main game. Custom maps is where the real fun is.

The main game is stellar. Custom maps expand ont that

Its very cool but it doesnt last very long. Feels more like a tech demo

Well, it a just a small game they made for the Orange Box from a concept they bought from some indie devs and improved it. They didn't make the game thinking it's gonna be the next big budget AAA game, it was just to fuck around with a fun idea.

2 on the other hand is an actual AAA game, with long singleplayer, way more writing, way more voice acting, gigantic and more complex levels, big story and a huge multiplayer part.

Play 2, it's fantastic. Sure it's not as new and memorable as the first (kinda like HL2 and 1), it's still objectively miles better and one of the best games of recent years.

you can think what you want about it

as long as you classify it as an action/adventure more-so than a puzzle game

that game was shit easy. the amount of image macros or memes or whatever saying how happy they were that they completed a puzzle just reminds me of how many 14 year olds are posting

>as long as you classify it as an action/adventure more-so than a puzzle game
You're fucking retarded.

LoL you can make the rocket launcher make brake the pipe to get the cube. I just grabbed a chair to advance: I thought I've seen it all

2d flash portal is the superior version for patricians

he's not wrong. the puzzle aspect had a good gimmick but thats about it. I don't think it ever too me more than 5 min to solve a puzzle

the only reason that game kept people interested was because of the gimmicks and the voicework from glados and that 343 guilty spark in the portal 2, but it wasn't the puzzles.

The game has been given away for free on multiple occasions and can be finished in about an hour if you don't get stuck. There's no excuse for not having formed your own opinion on it by now.

Being an easy puzzle game doesn't make it an action-adventure. It just makes it an easy puzzle game. I guess there's some action too, but that aspect of the game is even easier than the puzzles.