Pirate it and play it, don't give IS your money over the wrong game

Show them what we really want, this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs

We need to show IS this is not what we want in the future of fire emblem

>this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs

Oh, that's great. I'll buy it then.

>marriage and childs
So they finally realized how idiotic that system was? I'm buying.

Holy shit nigger, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

I bet you think awakening invented marriage in fire emblem

GJ shillteam

>implying they wont have that to some extent
I mean as much as I like the forced deepthroat of the marriage system in awakening and especially fates, I highly doubt they will skip the """feature""" even if its a remake

> wanting more normie garbage that made the past two games boring haremshit wannabes

Well memed friendo xp

I'm ware that it started with 'Genealogy of the Holy War'. And I don't care about it that much. I just hate Waifus.

The worst thing about this game doesn't have anything to do with marriage and children. The real culprit is that IS hasn't fixed anything from Gaiden.


> game is different from another entry in the series

I hope Echoes doesnt have casual or phoenix mode either Gaiden was piss easy enough

Like what?

there ins't much to fix in gaiden

Fire Emblem was literally always about waifus , look at the image what OP posted.

You are retarded if you think it was not about waifus.

I bet you think that marrying your SI character to trash waifu bait wasnt invented in Awakening

If what you said is true you convinced me to finally buy a new Fire Emblem game, OP.

jesus fucking christ stop with the shitposting already this shit hasn't been funny for a decade


I want to marry Celica

No one forces you to play Casual or Phoenix. Classic is still an option, stop being so fucking autistic that you care how other people play a video game you fucking sperg.

Fuck you, i want Hidari to work on more FE games so i gonna buy it.

>this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs
now just need to remove the avatars and we can go back to normal supports.

Children shouldn't exist unless it's a story time skip like Genealogy or blazing sword > binding blade.

I love Elise like the adult she technically is!

> wanting more faggotrons who complain when a game isnt served to you on a platter ruining your franchise

Bad taste senpai

That's the reason I'm buying it even though I'm getting sick of the series.

>terrible maps
>absurd terrain Bonuses
>magic costs HP
>no weapon triangle
>possibly no supports
>overworld grinding is back
>no playable axe users have been showed so far
There's possibly other shit they haven't showed to be fix like archers having 1-5 range.

> screenshots feature a new Villager in Alm's squad

please christ dont be a player insert I could stand new characters in remakes but not waifufag inserts not after blandshit robin and kamui

>The game won't be a waifu simulator
>This is a bad thing
Shit I don't even play much FE and I know you're retarded

> archers are actually worth a shit

The one gameplay mechanic in Gaiden I wish they had kept, or, at minimum, gave archers 2-3 range.
They're supposed to be ranged fighters but being locked to 2 is shit, mages and anyone with a javelin and hand ax does that regularly

Says the faggotron complaining about how the games isn't made to his specific liking.


LOOK AT THE COVER, what do you see

An anime boy and girl

Awakening killed this series

I'm more concerned about shitty NoA localizations

>We need to show IS this is not what we want in the future of fire emblem
You're right, I'm going to buy the game and the amiibos now.

>there happen to be females in the game, its all about waifus, guys! Its no different to Awakening!

> game appeals to lowest common denominator
> this is a good thing

How's that lobotomy working out?

This. Fuck your waifu emblem shit.

You tell me youre contradicting yourself every other post retard.

I still can't believe they split fates into two parts AND recycled characters

I don't give a shit either way about marriage or children, I just want Gaiden but without slow-ass Famicom interface, any other improvements are cherries on top

> no dual audio

Are you prepared for
> ....
> *Sniff* *wag*
> I was blindfolded!

Honestly I wish there were some kind of ability to set units as Game Over units and others as Classic units just because I hate resetting the system over an error or a bad RNG hit on a character I like.
I mean if that's casual of me then fine but I really just feel it's tedious at times unless I eat the loss and potentially screw myself down the line

>I don't give a shit either way about marriage or children,

Stopped reading right there, idiots like you ruined this series

with lyn constantly jerking off mark it really isn't

I actually liked the marriage and children system in awakening, but in fates its the most forced shit that doesn't contribute to anything.

Unlike these closet faggots i will pirate it simply because i can. Free is always better

>She is still waiting fr mark.

What are you going to do about it faggot?

Fuck off

Fire emblem has always been anime, you fucking mong

Stop being bad at an easy game

Wait for for the dump

April 18th gonna be a fun day for Sup Forums if not a week before

I just hope we never get "My Castle" ever again, waifu shit and marriages was bearable in Awakening but everytime you finish a fight in Fates you have to go back to that fucking castle and check all those FUCKING EXCLAMATION MARKS.

Can I get a rundown on this post?

>There's possibly other shit they haven't showed to be fix like archers having 1-5 range.
They showed that already, they still have the ridiculous range.

No, I skipped Fates cause of that waifu pandering shit, this game's lookin' to be good.

I'm just going to pirate it because I'm not paying $40 bucks for a remake that's probably made in IS's Fire Emblem Maker software.

I skipped fates because censorship and the "cannot get the complete game in one card" bullshit

My castle was cool and gave you stuff to do

>this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs
Awesome! When does it come out?

Totally not bait, guys.

>oh just replace these characters you've grown attached to with these new ones that are literally better

Oh, and also because not matter what you do, there are unavoidable deaths and i fucking hate that.

>cannot get the complete game in one card
You can however.

Yeah, i know and i even had the opportunity to get that SE or a the special NORMAL SIZE pokemon new 3ds, at the end i choose the 3ds. Later that same day, i went to Sup Forums and learned how censored the game was and i was grateful i choose the 3ds.

>there are unavoidable deaths

Name one.

The obvious other side characters when you choose a side and even if you go to the third route, the dragon girl will die not matter what.

>Falseflagging this hard

I don't know who's more pathetic, OP or the people that took him seriously.

And what if I like the childs better?

I only touched sully in awakening JUST to take her child, which is so fucking cute