Pirate it and play it, don't give IS your money over the wrong game
Show them what we really want, this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs
We need to show IS this is not what we want in the future of fire emblem
Isaiah Myers
>this game won't feature stuff like marriage and childs
Oh, that's great. I'll buy it then.
Austin Clark
>marriage and childs So they finally realized how idiotic that system was? I'm buying.
Cameron Martin
>WAAAAH WAAAAAH THEY WANT REMAKE TO LOOK LIKE REMAKE WAAAAAH! Holy shit nigger, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Alexander Howard
I bet you think awakening invented marriage in fire emblem
Lincoln Gonzalez
GJ shillteam
Cooper Ross
>implying they wont have that to some extent I mean as much as I like the forced deepthroat of the marriage system in awakening and especially fates, I highly doubt they will skip the """feature""" even if its a remake
Isaiah Morris
> wanting more normie garbage that made the past two games boring haremshit wannabes
Well memed friendo xp
Samuel Wood
I'm ware that it started with 'Genealogy of the Holy War'. And I don't care about it that much. I just hate Waifus.
John Brown
The worst thing about this game doesn't have anything to do with marriage and children. The real culprit is that IS hasn't fixed anything from Gaiden.