You're getting her game right?

You're getting her game right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Since 8-4 is localizing, how much is it going to be censored?
Anything confirmed?

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

so you can milk the cow

Once they release it on PC.

I want to milk that cow

Because not buying the cow makes it increasingly likely that Square Enix will never make that particular breed of cow again.

I want that cow to milk me.

Easy. You steal the cow and breed it yourself.

>modeled assholes
Wew lad

Is there a dedicated fart button in-game so I can make her BRAAAAP on command to indulge in my fetishes?

But that breaks the analogy.

This. Not buying a console for 1 game. Did that mistake already with the PS3 and really regreted it.

>>modeled assholes
I require evidences.

Do you think 2B is into black men?

There are none, someone photoshopped a picture of one and started a shitstorm.

>things that never happened

Already prwordered from play asia with express shipping

She's Japanese made so yes.

Then, You'll invest a lot more money in making that cow, and you won't get any of it back since most of your possible buyers will be thinking this .
When just investing some money to buy it every once in a while could keep new breeds based on the first one coming.

Nope, she's into pale twinks like 9S.

Like the original one, I hope Platinum don't turn it into another Bayonneta tho.


Doesnt mean a nigga cant cuck the shota tho. Niggas always stealin dem white women from sissy white bois.

Dont be silly, there are barely any nigs in Japan. Its not the US. Jamal you'd be deported before you could finish going SHIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE-

>he seriously believes this

Dem Jap wimmin love teh BBC brah.

Tell that to all the blacked porn Japan makes and the local afro celebrities. Blacks are rare in Japan, but they sure do love black dick.

A Jamal can dream

Less then 500 blacks in Japan, Jamal. There are probably more of your kind in your street then collectively in the entire country there.

Nothing confirmed, but considering the Japanese edition has English language, it'd be retarded for the two versions to be different.

Can you cucks just fuck off to somewhere relevant to your degenerate fetish?

By that logic so are tentacle monsters.

>there are people right now who doesnt think 2Bs perfect white ass needs to be pounded by a stiff black cock

Too poor. I can get her outfit in pso2, at least.

the japanese edition doesn't have subtitles, the asian edition has.

They never censored anything visually before, it's just some minor changes in localisations people were worried about.

Even if the Jap version of the full game comes with the english dub/subs like the demo (Which I hope it does because I'm not waiting two more weeks) the subs will still be for their dub, and not direct translations of the japanese script.

Ooga booga doko da kiiro women at

Man, I need to go back to playing. Is the eng patch updated? Risa is my waifu

They're different? I wasn't aware. Good thing I wasn't importing. That would've been awkward.

Looks like an ex-con.

The English patch is always up to date. I only use the basic one, and don't worry about item translation, or story mode though. I think they're up to date as well?

>you will nave have a game made after your waifu

Maybe if you quit waifu posting we wouldn't have to remind you how much of a cuck you are.

I honestly don't know if there is more IRL black porn or tentacle porn. I do know there is a shitload of blacked porn.

tfw waifu is a nigger loving slut

Taro looks like the kind of guy who orders bulls for his wife and then talks about how his penis isn't good enough.

There are loads of interracial jap porn my man. Even ones where jap girls travel all the way to africa to get fucked by natives. Japanese males are unrepentant cucks.

Should I preorder it?
Will amazon run out of units on release?

I wasn't waifu posting I responded to one of you cucks with a picture of a canon relationship from the game which isn't gonna get ruined by a nigger no matter how much you want it to be. (It's going to get ruined by A2).

That porn is catered to japanese cucks, you retard, the women largely see black people as animals like tentacle monsters which makes the whole thing more degrading which turns on cucks like yourself.

He probably does. Have you seen his face? That is the face of a self loathing man with power failure downstairs. I bet his wife gets plowed everynight while hes out drunk at the office.

>the women largely see black people as animals like tentacle monsters which makes the whole thing more degrading
This. It's the closest they can get to being fucked by an orc

So can A2 be secretly a niggra?

So defensive my little lad. Do you have some insecurities you want to share with us? 2B was made for black dick

Bow chicka bow wow!

no but amazon almost always fucks up shipping at least for me (living in europe). so i would recommend either going with play-asia (if you want asian/withsubtitles or japanese version) or just getting it at your local retailer

They did Drakengard 3 and our version was way lewder.

It's a good hour drive from here to the nearest retailer and back, and I don't have a car.

Oh well, I guess I'll stay off Sup Forums until her game arrives

After that horizon stream yeah.
Your demo was garbage just like your last trailer but heh.
Don't have more to play so why not

So we've had falseflag platinumfagging for weeks and that particular bait hasn't worked.

Then they moved onto insisting that every thread was just about 2B butt even when there was almost no posts about it in a thread.

Now they're gonna try some all-purpose cuckposting to derail the threads.

They're going all out.

have you ever been to japan? i can tell from experience that people in the countryside are racist fucks especially old people (why are old people always so fucking racist). but in tokyo people are a lot more accepting, well given you know how to speak japanese. especially japanese chicks like muscular man, because there is no way they are getting any from those skinny japanese guys or fat white basement dwellers like you

>Your demo was garbage
>looks forward to horizon: zero fucks were given during its development
You're trolling, right? Please tell me you are.

Of course I will, but Kats game and Nioh first.

>got nioh for 10£ today
>Nier arraiving satyrday
Fuck ye boi

Xboxfags and nintenyearolds are a sad bunch.
I pitty those fuckers for not being able to play this game and instead they try to shitpost on evey thread.

What game?

>Tfw live in europe


>Pathetic little black boi intimidated by the BIG GREEN COCK
swerve, nigga - General Bitchskewer of the GREENED tribe comin' fo' yo women. You cant't deny those humies be wet fo' some emerald spears.

im in europe too.

Demo was garbage user
Last trailer was also boring as fuck
I am gonna buy nier because horizon looks boring as fuck.
I just want stuff to play

Demo was just closed off action showcase. There was nothing of story and rpg elements that game has. Saito said that himself.


>Demo was garbage
>Trailer was boring

Fuck off, then?

You have no reason to think you're going to like the game, just fuck off now and save us your complaints when the game you bought which you knew you wouldn't like turns out to be something you wouldn't like.


Old people are racist because they know you're nothing but trouble, shitskin.

its not shopped faggot

That's the unshopped picture.

There's no asshole there, retard.

Thank god
No? I enjoy the e3 trailer a lot.

>They censored the butthole

too bad most shitskins still get more pussy in a week than you have gotten in your life. fucking white smegma sucker



>Implying I'm white

lol enjoy the pubic hair on your head, shitskin

Well alright, but I think the demo's still a better indicator of whether you'll like the game, closed off or not.

>There are loads of interracial jap porn my man. Even ones where jap girls travel all the way to africa to get fucked by natives. Japanese males are unrepentant cucks.
heh, I rember hearing about one of those. Apperently the made it seem like the little chink chick fuck some native tribesmen in africa, and in reality the flew over a bunch of niggers with her so she didnt have to get aids, lol

Because they take it by force


Fuck it. My mind is telling me wait for PC but my body is telling me just get it launch date on PS4.

99% of people (plebs) will buy the cow anyway

I will when the xbone version goes from "depending on how well it sells" to "confirmed and coming soon"

I was going to buy a PS4 just for this game but the combat looks weak.

some i**egal ps4 account acquisition m8.
plati ru

Rape isn't "getting pussy" you stupid nigger

there it blindfag

Will /dodng/ return?

Yeah drakengard 3 was such a great translation job

>octa dialogue censored upp the ass
>zero turned from a ironic pessimist to dontes retarded step cousin
>where is the joke???

fucking amazing translation, not.

When the game is out, yeah
Sup Forums will be no place to actually talk about the game

>dumb faggot thinks localization == direct translation

This is the original tweet that started the controversy, notice a difference?

>implying that transforming the main character into an unlikable moron is example of good localization

>hurr durr I fucked a bunch of animals and small children

Nothing if value was lost

dumb faggot thinks localization = censoring euthanasia and changing dialogue to a completely different personality