It's over isn't it?

it's over isn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, the memes have just begun

It's been over for a long, long time. The entire business model of releasing more powerful archetypes and mechanics every set is not sustainable. Why do you think cards are banned so frequently?

Do babies smile?

How do i put these on my duel disk?

I keep seeing these threads but don't play. What the hell is it?

>introduce archetype versatility in GX
great addition, new strategies are born and the game becomes less of a grind fest
>introduce synchros
great addition but be careful with the power creep
>introduce xyz
I said be careful Konami why you do this
>introduce pendulum mechanic
just stop
>now this
end it

Link monsters and the rule changes that come along with it is a pretty big nerf to synchros, xyz, and pendulums though.

Also, some of, it not, the most broken cards in the game are from the earlier sets of ygo. Or do you just see a lot of text and a big attack number and think a card is broken?

I like card games, namely magic (though I'm getting into the pokemon one lately for whatever reason) but I just don't get yugioh. I liked it as a kid but even then I thought it was a bit much. I got Legacy of the Duelist for nostalgia a while back and while I could wrap my head around synchros and xyz's I just tuned out completely when I saw that pendulum stuff. Nevermind how overcomplicated some simple stuff is because the templating on some basic effects is fucktarded.

it's about a Japanese play where Konami (the protagonist) gets a haircut (the hair is called YuGiOh the Duel Monster). However the hairdresser (his name is Juster the Jargon Jester) is very mischievous and gives YuGiOh a very funny, yet sad haircut.

it's a game for johnnies, the problem is that the johnnies, johnnied so hard that the game has become unplayable

There are now 6 monster zones, one of which is in the middle of the map with the other new one from the opposite player, these new zones are the only spot you can summon ED monsters on, the rest are for Main Deck monsters.

The new Link monsters work as a way of expanding the amount of extra deck spots you (or your foe if the cards have an arrow pointing at their side) have. So basically now every deck will have to start carrying these new cards to even use their ED beyond just one monster at a time. Also now any card that targets specific monster zones and lock them have gained a mega buff.

>Try to make monster zone positioning important in the past
>fail because of how much hate that got from the trouble of enforcing it in tournaments
>lol let's try it again

Works fine in Vanguard. And Weiss. And Wixoss.

>>now this
>end it

>pendulum summons come with a price
>overall nef to synchros and xyz



I could understand if you don't get Pendulums, but XYZ and Synchro are the simplest shit ever. Just watch the first few episodes of 5DS and Zexal (Or just watch Arv V), they explain the mechanics and actively show you how it works.

Monarchs will reign supreme for the rest of eternity.

Its a good change you fucks. It actually ruins a ton of the bullshit brought by the other summoning methods.

Pendulum was an incredibly underpowered mechanic compared to XYZ.

And now it's complete shit due to costing 2 spell/trap zones to set it up.


Keyword is "ruins"

It fucking kills or severely hurts a lot of fun decks due to the ruling changes.

They've made the game so complicated that you have to get lucky to have an effective deck against anyone. There's a billion different ways to win and a billion ways to get locked down.

So card positioning is relevant?

No, Comrade Premier. It has only begun.

it's over for OTK decks yes




Predict how long it'll take for your favorite archetype to get a link monster.

That game was such a piece of crap
>If you place this card here you might or might not capture the enemi's card and the enemy might or might not capture it back, depending on his cards which by the way you can't see
>We'll never properly explain to you how the game works, go buy a guide

the point is they came up with a complete new mechanic that pretty much has nothing to do with how the game played before it
when you're playing pendulum vs non-pendulum it seems like people are playing two different games


XYZ itself is not a problem. 2012/2013 starter decks are balanced.
The problem is some XYZ monsters. Especially rank 4.

Who is this spunk hunk?

Oh it's just beginning.





They have dabbled a small bit in placement being relevant before, but yeah, now it'll be actually important.

It's fixed

Yeah, when you've got to create new zones in the field for your new mechanics, maybe it's a sign it's time to stop.

is new era now
old players have to choose continue play or not

I thought only the Spikes hated the rule changes.

how many goddamn fields are there now jesus

bushiroad built their games where positions mattered from the ground up.

konami tried to shove it in half way into its lifespan, realized it was shit, then gave up.

A total of two more than in the beginning.

Just the two extra ones. You're seeing one player's field and then the first row of the other player's field on the other side.
The two extra monster zones in the middle are considered unowned when nothing is in them, so the first person to play an extra monster gets to pick which one it goes into
To make room for these new places, the pendulum zones have been absorbed into the spell/trap row; you can still play 5 spell/trap cards, but you need the two on the ends open if you want to use the pendulum scales.

It's my time to shine.

>People complain about the game getting stale
>Konami actually implements something that seems to change the game for the better
>oh my god i hate yugioh now
I love how every time it's the same exact crap. It happened with pendulums, it happened with xyz.



aka games no one gives a shit about

why do so many niggers play yugioh and not other tcgs?

It's more like the game has gotten too complicated for kids to follow. Back in the day, it was simple monster, trap and magic. And you needed two cards to fuse a new monster together.

>has gotten too complicated for kids to follow
It's literally basic math


>set this and a Malebranche aligned with my opponent's extra column
gg ez

>Zodiacs are still good
remove rat


honestly i loved the addition of synchros because it made the game much faster
then they immediately lost me with xyz and pendulum and i stopped enjoying it

XYZ and Synchro are fine, but I can't wrap my head around pendulum at all. I've played the LotD tutorial a couple of times and I've just given up on the concept.

If you can't see that all of these arbitrary new mechanics every few years make the game more complicated and less approachable for new players, you might be retarded

You can special summon monsters that have levels between numbers of the pendulum scales from your hand and face up on your extra deck
Pendulum monsters get sent to the extra deck face up when destroyed

If you can't do simple math, you shouldn't be allowed to post on here.

Set two monsters in the respective pendulum zones to set the scale and then summon as many monsters as you can from your hand with levels between their numbers. If you have any pendulum monsters in the extra deck (which is where they go to once they die on the field) you also summon them along with the monsters from your hand.

you set the scale with 1 and 10 pendulum monsters. You can summon any monsters from your hand and any pendulum monsters in the extra deck with levels of 2-9

>>Try to make monster zones positioning important in the past
>>fail because of how much hate that got from the trouble of enforcing it in tournaments
When did this happen?

That sounds super broken


everyone and their dog has some sort of anti-destruction prevention these days

It's okay for certain decks, like Igknight, Deskbots, and other pendulum focused archetypes.
I don't think it's super necessary or anything, though.

It begins

You might actually do them a favor desu

It actually isn't. You need to invest two scales first so a deck that can't search them effectively is prone to get fucked. Also the new board has them occupy normal spell card zones, which cuts the backrow of pendulum decks to effectively three slots.

It took pendulums quite a while to get a meta deck, and the main problem of the only downright broken pendulum deck wasn't even the pendulums themselves.

Game became way to complex. There's no way a 12 year old can fully comprehend all the mechanics they have introduced. And serious players (18+) are not gonna bother at this point. Why buy card packs when you know they are going to be rendered irrelevant in a few months, when the next expansion launches.

Considering how easy it was to vomit an entire field of monsters even before they came along, no.

You sure we're not talking about Monkeyboard and Kirin?

>There's no way a 12 year old can fully comprehend all the mechanics they have introduced

>Syncho is just addition
>Xyz is just checking to see if two cards have the same level
>Pendulum is just figuring out what numbers are between two other numbers
>Links just seem to be figuring out where the arrow is pointing

I mean, I guess if the 12 year olds dropped out of elementary school, sure.

How about they add a rule that any cards below 2 other cards in the graveyard can't be recovered? Let's just make it a rule that players set their decks on fire at the start of every match while were at it. Kills the game faster than what you're trying Konami.

>Game became way too complex
But how? The basic structure of the game is unchanged from when it started. What we got today are more ways to summon monsters which are easy as fuck.
>Synchro: tuner + monsters, can summon the sum of levels
>Xyz: x monsters with the same level
>Pendulum: summon whatever the fuck you want that's levelled between the scales

I don't see how it's complicated, everything else just requires you to read what the card itself tells you to do. There are some bizarre rulings at times, but those are the exception.

>have to start with 4 specific cards
also that's actually really tame compared to what Synchro masturbation could do

When are they going to kill Zoodiacs? Pretty much everyone in the championship runs some sort of variation of them.

>yugioh now slower
>duels last longer
>xyz now shitty
>duels feel more like the G1 era
>card placement is now important, making yugioh chess level shit

Every other card game=CASUAL SHIT


>I don't see how it's complicated
>everything else just requires you to read what the card itself tells you to do
No, you see, THIS is the complicated part. By adding more cards with ridiculous rule-bending abilities, it's really hard to keep up and catch up with how YGO plays

That's hilarious

When Konami made enough money from their boxes

I missed 80% of pendulum shit and I probably won't come back for this.

Synchro fags are the worst. xyz is just fine.

>yfw Monarchs is now good

>Rule bending abilities
You just learn how to read the ruling. Differences between "destroyed" or just "send it to the hand" and so on.

I hadn't played yugioh for 7 years and it didn't take much to learn how the game actually is played nowaday. Especially when using software that checks rulings for you.



Xyz itself is fine, generic Rank 4 spam isn't.


Okay so I don't play yugioh, explain this to me. Clearly he's just milling him to death but how the shit does that even work

How do you make a fun monarch deck?

How is that xyz spam? The guy threw all his xyz into the grave and summoned a link monster and used the link arrows.

Post favorite card, fags.

I agree. That's why special summons shouldn't be limited per turn, saying just that freaks out fucking everyone in yugioh generals and on plebbit.

copy others on yugioh top decks

The opponent mindlessly activated pic related, like everyone else these days. The guy in the webm is running a deck specifically made to fuck these people by endlessly special summoning until they deck out.

So those arent link specific fields, just straight up extra monster fields?

>I hate xyz spam
>proceeds to play something similar to this

How about all spam is bad?

Maxx C makes it so you draw every time your opponent special summons.
Opponent special summoned until the entire deck was in the Maxx C guy's hand