Nintendo Switch

ITT: We predict the top ten switch games all time

1.Zelda Botw
2.Mario Odyssey
3.Splatoon 2
4.Mk8 Deluxe
5.smash brothers
7.Super Mario Galaxy 3
8.Animal Crossing
9.Bayonetta 3
10.1080 Snowboarder HD

>1.Zelda Botw
>3.Splatoon 2
>4.Mk8 Deluxe
>5.smash brothers
>8.Animal Crossing

But those arent switch games but multi-plats


>mostly manchildren games and Nintenshit

WiiU 2.0

Game Informer 2022:
1. Zelda BotW
2. Mario Odyssey
3. Skyrim
4. Pokemon
5. Minecraft
6. Just Dance
7. Mario Kart
8. Hulu Instant Video
9. FIFA 2018
10. Shovel Knight
Search your heart, you know it to be true.

>BotW won't get its own MM to surpass it

Funny joke user.

>Hulu Instant Video
Hulu will be dead by 2020

1. Super Mario Odyssey
2. Rune Factory 5
3. Monster Hunter Switch
4. Splatoon 2
5. Kid Icarus Uprising 2
6. Kirby's Air Ride 2
7. Animal Crossing
8. Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
9. Fire Emblem Switch
10. Xenoblade 2

Should I buy a WiiU or a Switch to play BotW?
There are a few other WiiU games I want to play too but I'm not seeing much I care about on the Switch yet.
Does the switch even have graphical superiority?

Switch runs it smoother, less framerate drops, it's not like Twilight Princess that got a shoddy Wii port, BOTW is primarily a Switch game (that started life as a Wii U title)

well Mario Kart 8 is getting a Switch port, not sure about others but I think Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X have decent chances of being ported over

Cool. Bayo was the other primary game I wanted to play. If there's a decent chance I'll lean more to the switch


The next Zelda title will be one word.

WOULD in fact kill my own mother for a new 1080.

Top 3:

1. 1-2-Switch
2. 3-4-Switch
3. Fuck-Yo-Bitch

>spla2oon is multiplat


It makes sense if the Switch sells well, Platinum would want Bayo 2 to reach a wider audience rather than being trapped on the Wii U

literally just a splatoon 1 port


>new maps
>new weapons
>new story

When will this meme get old?

...Or same game with an expansion pack

>my loli pedo furry game is unique! UNIQUE!

Any Monster Hunter of they actually release a Pokémon main game are going to take #1.

That's a lot of shit to put in an expansion pack
I guess there no such thing as dark souls 2 or 3. Just dark souls and some expansions

>Thinking BOTW isn't going to be top 3 at the least

wii u game

No mention of SMT so far in the thread. Wow you sure do all have shite taste.

But it's LITERALLY not a port.

>The definitive version is on the Switch
>Still "just a Wii U game"
Either way, OP never said Switch EXCLUSIVES.

>Switch exclusive
keep dreaming sweetie

Keep dreaming it not being Switch exclusive.

I'd laugh at sonyggers if it did, but it's very unlikely

if that shit started development on the fuckin switch that shit would not be 900p and it would not have that draw distance

it was rushed to switch, and while it is the ONLY version anyone should be playing, it wasnt made with the switch in mind

It's likely going to be a mainline game and mainline hasn't touched playstation since nocturne, I would be very surprised if it came out on other consoles.

It's been in development for the Switch since 2015

You need to either learn to read or stop jumping to conclusions. I stated the definitive version was on the Switch. I never even implied to was developed for the Switch in mind.