Can't believe you guys said this was mediocre.
Sure it lulls at shantytown, but then it starts kicking major ass.

It was Bethesda shills shitting at anything non-Skyrim.

It's not outright awful, but it is an underwhelming Uncharted clone with one-room tombs and the worst Lara Croft in the series.

I remember the multiplayer being kinda fun, though.

I absolutely loved that game...except for that part where the team is held hostage, and you have to use stealth when surrounded by guys with guns/flashlights. Also when you have to navigate through that town with posted Gatling guns.

Game is boring as fuck, mindless run and gunning. Shitty plot and chars which are all forgettable

I miss the old lara, the platforming lara, the exploring and getting lost lara, Set on her goals lara, Shooting t rexs and butlers lara, I hate the new Lara, the always in a bad mood lara, the weak lara

Game is really fun if you disable the Survival Instincts shit.

I love old Lara and new Lara as well.
It's also better than Uncharted.




itt shills















