Nier Automata

How are you buying Nier? I'm thinking of getting it digitally on the HK store so I can play next week. I'm not sure if I can hold out till 10th.

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On Steam

I'm getting it on the HK store if I can, but some user before said it wasn't on there yet and I haven't bothered to check myself. Hopefully it is

Made a pre-order from a local retailer and presumably it'll get here on day one but since I'm in the third world I can only hope that'll be the case.

I have a thing for Steelbook editions.
tfw no NieR Automata t-shirt, though

Does Black Box come with the shirt since it's technically a day 1 edition? I emailed Square about it but they don't seem to want to respond after 3 days

Probably getting the t-shirt edition unless some jap version has english audio
Huge bummer its out in jap in a few days but 20 days for eu release

It doesn't, day one doesn't mean much

Yeah I didn't hold out much hope but at least I'll get a fancyish 2B figurine

>On Steam



HK store

Can't wait two weeks for that booty.


This artist is making new 2b figure.

Yesterday square announced a new 2B figurine was coming later in the year.
Also japs are getting the game in 3 days, how are you guys planning on avoiding spoilers? That is assuming you won't be the one posting them of course.

Some of his figs.

After the 23th all time normally spent on here will be replaced either with playing with myself or playing video games.

Gonna be a tough two weeks.

Preordered it from Play Asia yesterday. Priority shopping so I'll have it a few days after release date

This pleases me.

From a guy in a dark alley

My penis is hype

It isn't there when will it be up?

Really? This game that you necer existed for your whole life and now all of a sudden you can't wait a couple more weeks?

I'll be purchasing it for sale at 75% off. Thanks user for supporting my hobby by paying full prices for games so I can continue buying them cheap!

I' m still on the damn waiting list for the black box edition.

Why would you assume that just because you had no idea at all about a game - everyone else didn't know it either?
Are you this stupid?

Chinese version

Will the HK release have English text?


This but I don't want to wait. Do I double dip? Probably not worth it.



If only I didn't want the box so badly, but the cover art forced my hand.

I'm getting both

Where do you get yours that include steelbook case? EBgames, JB hifi and amazon all have the blackbox deal but doesn't have the steelbook.

Games like this need every full price sale they can get, if you actually want to buy it and other games like it and aren't a poorfag you should support it with your own cash, there probably won't be enough people buying it at full price to subsidise you to the point where Squeenix thinks it's worth taking these kinds of risks again.

I live in Belgium.
So the store I'm getting it from will probably be impossible for you.

I'm trying my hardest not to do the same. Send help.

I already made the JP PSN account and am too lazy to make a HK one unless I absolutely have to.

I'll wait until release to confirm if the JP version also has english as it did in the demo, if not I guess I'm making a HK account.

Do it

>tfw already double dipping due to PC shittery
>tfw already bought a fuckdamn ps4 for this

Thank god the rigure was disappoiting in the black box edition otherwise I'd have gotten that too.
Thank god I hardly care about steelbooks and the t-shirt probably doesn't fit my skeletal self well either

Surely your skeletal frame would only make the T-Shirt fit you thematically even more.

Maybe thematically but i'd be extra-mad if I gotten an Emil shirt and then couldn't wear it.

Remember to preorder at selected retailers for a Nier Automata T-Shirt.


You're welcome, user-kun

Glad you can enjoy waiting while being a bit poor at the same time

I know I couldn't

How are you guys getting the digital HK edition if it's not even on there yet?

preorder at gamestop for the first time ever because I want that NIER AUTOMATA T SHIRT!


>3 days
Going dark. Feels like I've already seen a lot, but I'm trying to avoid any new promo content until release too.

Well it will be when the game is out. Duh.

Never watch launch trailers. Launch trailers are spoiler magnets. Hell after the initial teasers, just stop watching trailers, especially the story trailers.

Is he saying anything during the ellipsis bit of the text, or is it just gibberish?

Last I saw was the release date announcement, so I've seen a few character snippets but little else.

Now I just need to debate whether or not the opening cinematic spoils half the game like the first Nier does.

Ordered it from Amazon wit the T shirt. still cheaper than it is in my country for the game alone.

It will only arrive a week or two after release thou.
Which is fine by me, I still didn't finish NieR1 and I need to get on it.

In reality I kind of assumed but I want to make absolutely sure since I've been waiting for this game for 3 years and spoilers would ruin me

If you ask me it does the exact same thing, as in spoils a lot of shit happening that makes no sense to you out of context, and mostly just leads you to false theories.

I watched it for Nier and didn't end up regretting it.

I feel like we're already taking too much of a risk just by being on here right now.

All it takes is one copy to get out there early and we've got one line OPs on here that spoil the ending or central plot points.

It happened with DoD3. But mostly it was just people posting gifs of Emil pissing in chapter 1.

Last time I emailed them I got a horribly written reply, honestly could not tell if it was written by an indian or a Japanese with bad english.

Shits mainstream now, Sup Forums will be shitposting Nier threads at full force once they have something ti bite into.
The only thing to quell the shitstorm coming our way is that an even bigger shitstorm will be coming for the Switch and blow away ours.


looks very russian

I know you are memeing him with neverever, but i thought it was coming for pc.
Am i being rused?

If the reviews are anything less than stellar the shitposting from secondaries or people who never wanted the game in the first place will be so extreme.

Even though most people acquainted with the games are already prepared for that eventuality.

Luckily I'll have no reason to be on here one the game's out.

Man, I dunno if I can wait and I'm not double dipping.

But I want to get the game on PC. I have a regular PS4 so 900p60

My PC could easily run the game at 1080p 60

It really and literally doesn't matter if the game is good or not, or the reception is good or not, Sup Forums just wants to violently react to something.

I'll probably come back first once I'm done with atleast one playthrough and the Switch shitposting is in full swing. I'm sure we can have some drakengard threads slip by the retarded people by then.

regular ps4 feels really shafted here, I sprung for the pro in the end even though I barely care for a few games on this and I am double dipping.

buy now torrent later. come on people it really isn't that hard

It's coming, but when is an open question right now.

Eventually it'll be super cheap on Steam sales so double dipping will be easy, of course then you'd have to wait even longer for the "optimum" experience.

I'm going with standard PS4, I can take the resolution.

Preordered the day-one edition (not interested in steelbook and only thing i'd want from CE is the artbook for sweet Yoshida art, so whatever) on Amazon as soon as came up, but will swap to SE for added t-shirt as soon as i get the chance to do so.

Hiding under a rock until 10/3 and beyond, probably.

Bought a physical HK copy because it includes English subtitles and I may want to share it with my friends. Hopefully I'll have it by Friday.

If I really like it, I'll buy the PC version when it comes out.

I want a trophy leak but that's as far as I'm willing to go with spoilers

Got an email from Europes SE store a couple days ago saying the Black Box edition was available for preorder, so went ahead and did it, heres hoping it goes through, if not gonna preorder the steelbook closer to release

Why isn't this the standard cover for the western release? You can easily get it so why go all the way to make a new, worse cover that'll be displayed in retailers?

Doesn't matter. It's a reversible cover. I guess some SE marketing suits thought the CGI renders would make the game look more catchy on the shelves or something.

because this cover is awful

They think the generic protag action shot looks more marketable in the west than a girl princess carrying a shota.

They might be right.

Can you spoil me on the previous games?
I have no plans to play Drakengards/Nier but I've heard Taro's brainfarts over the last decade put even Kingdom Hearts to shame in convolutedness.

>It's a reversible cover
That's what I mean, are westerners really dumb enough to think the cover we're getting is better than the original?
Not like this is exclusive to square, Zelda games also have an awful track record of western covers.

Look up some videos for that, no need to blanket spoil everyone who ventures in here or waste time typing shit up.

Someone recommended that in the previous thread

My friend and I both got an email for the waiting list, I bought mine but my friend saw it was "sold out" within 5 minutes

So waiting on that sweet black box edition now

I won't.

I don't feel like paying 60€ for a 10 hour game just because it has a twisted story and a sex doll as the main character

Someone give me a quick rundown on these two

I want them to do a rundown on me if you sniff my drift

>are westerners really dumb enough to think the cover we're getting is better than the original?
The marketing teams are.

Is this confirmed at this point?
I don't want to waste my money and I'd rather get it digitally, which I don't think they have it.

Because if the text adventure segment is in Hong Kong speak the game will be unbeatable

this available outside of UK?

It's not happening user

oh i think youre on to something. we only know that the subtitles are in english nothing has been confirmed about the text adventure part. however as for the menu most HK games have an english menu so i guess you're gonna have to roll the dice. my advice is: go to a retailer im sure waiting 7 more days for the game isn't that bad

>being an eop

I'm going to spoil it for you guys.

It's shown to have English text on several retailer's product descriptions. Not sure if you'd consider that "confirmed" but I haven't found a case where those descriptions were incorrect.

And it's not like it's unusual to have English text in a Hong Kong market game- it's one of their two official languages.

It's listed on PlayAsia as having English subs, the quality is debatable but they're definitely there

Physical PS4 standard edition from Amazon. That fucking discount on physical games for prime members is amazing. $60 game = $48, has me opting for a physical copy of pretty much every console game.

I re-worked the face Symbol from last time, which one is better?

>the quality is debatable
I'd be shocked if they had two separate teams translate the dialog into English. It's likely using the same script that will be in the western release.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find the English dub on there as well.

>Buying Asian English games

I think all versions might have the same voice and text options like in the demo.

I really hope so because I don't want to make another PSN account.

Its more like 2 weeks

Normally I wouldn't mind but this is like how MGSV came out for consoles 2 weeks before PC

Fuck, I might have do it just to support my man Taro. He deserves it. Does it come with the t-shirt?

The left one's great, I still think it works better as a desktop icon too. Pod is a bit generic for me but it works. A grimoire icon would be a good idea, I'm expecting at least some sort of reference to it in Automata.

No idea.


Why the fuck couldn't they just do a worldwide release? Reeee