Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?

Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?


She's definitely mine.

> still relying on link instead of getting of her lazy ass and using her magic for once

When will Zelda ever get gud?
Even Peach is playable in more games and damn useful when she is.

No, but Link is.

have you seen the BOTW trailer? it looks like Zelda is protecting Link most of the time

i think this is her cutest design yet. i hope you get to spend a lot of the game with her and protect her

Someone post the webm of her Zelda bent over touching a flower?

I bet you get to play as her in the dlc.

Why? She's not going to do anything but get herself in trouble. She probably got Link killed or whatever in the first place.

>it looks like Zelda is protecting Link most of the time
No? Zelda literally cries in Link's arms.

Why does she have 2 eyebrows?

And who the fuck was in charge of designing this Zelda, she's so unbelievable ugly.

look at the quick frames towards the end of the trailer, Link gets heavily wounded and Zelda catches him

she also stand between him and one of the mechs about to shoot magic

>Rule the world
>Control every single leader
>Highly advanced underground society
>Blow the entire charade because you literally cannot comprehend what eyelids are

Fucking snake people.

those are her upper eyelids. prominent upper eyelids are a common asian feature and can be found on most of their character designs in some form or another, usually indicated by a single line above each eye

Would you fug?

oh come on, Link and Zelda clearly have European designs

>in the exact same color as her brows

I'm not a fag, so no
I'd rather fug them

Blacked on both sides so no way.

>Ganon returns, but Link takes a mineral bath at a spa for 100 years with pretty good results
>Zelda decides to play the hero like in a SJW fanfic, but that just upgrades Ganon to Calamity Ganon, making things worse.
>The Master Sword gets downgraded into the Punished Master Sword



What's the point? You can hardly see it.

no but i would protect

you can see the crack

this Zelda has an ass

You can imagine it

quite succulent my dear

You will protect your goddess right Sup Forums?

can someone add Breath of the Wild Zelda to these?

What will Zelda say, my suggestion:
"Wow you shot far!"

>Nintendo trash
>our girl
You manchildren are like 2% of the entire Sup Forums

The question is what her personality in these is.


BOTW Zelda seems regal and sad and protective of Link

Fuck off shill

I'd let her fug me

I want to rub a load of my ejaculate into her eyebrows

you know it

Why did they frame it so the flower is the focus of the scene? I don't care about a stupid flower, I'm not a faggot. I want to see Zelda's ass.

post yfw Zelda is an old lady in the present

>Zelda is dead in the present
>present Zelda is your granddaughter

Can't waited for the NTR BLACKED sfm porn to start rolling out.

did Link and Zelda just finished having a threesome with that red guy laying next to them?

Remember to pirate this game and play it on Cemu to not support Nintrash

>muh strong independent woman

more like /tumblrgirl/

nothing we have seen so far implies she is like that (unlike Horizon)

But user this game is fucking shit, why would I want to pirate it?

The game is going to sell millions anyway. What's the point?

Oh, that's right, I'm going to stick with HZD instead

>whiny bitch
Yeah, sounds like Sup Forums

Unlike Western devs Nintendo understands that "the princess and her devoted knight" is something that speaks to everyone on a fundamental level.

Link looks like a pussy fuccboi though, not a knight

>Why does she have 2 eyebrows?

How many eyebrows do you have, user?

Missionary position after marrying, while holding hands

Man that trailer was so fucking good. Literally the first actual system seller in a long time.

More like Missionary Position for the sole purpose to procreate after combing her eyebrows for her.

>you must save her... my daughter... from the niggers
different tone from previous Nintendo games, wonder how it got past the censors

Maybe because I don't know just brainstorming here.

It's a children's game?

The Jew fears the Samurai.


Are you colorblind?

You mean the fish? Of course I will.

>she looks into the camera
*record scratch*
>you're probably wondering how we got here

I'm pretty damn tired of it actually.




It doesn't matter since Link is cuter than her

BotW Zelda is UGLY! U G L Y !

Delete this post or i'll end you

You should delete yourself for liking this UGLY Zelda


I still can't get over how hideous she looks
Who thought that design was a good idea?

aww come on she is cute

What about her is hideous exactly, honestly asking.

>having such plebian tastes

Child-friendly game maybe, but Nintendo is stupid if it doesn't realize this game is primarily going to be played by older teens and young adults

Not him, but the giant alien eyes are pretty off-putting, if they fixed that then she'd be pretty cute. I'm an eyebrowsfag but I just can't get into her like this.

I don't think there is a "present" Zelda.

Her soul or whatever is probably just trapped in Hyrule Castle and you revive her at the end of the game. Maybe there will be alternate endings, with a normal ending where she stays dead.

Link dies at the end and is buried with the Master Sword being placed as his grave marker. Zelda mentions "You will never be forgotten, the ages may not remember your name, but they will remember...Evils Bane.

she'd lose her cuteness if her eyes were small

I'll be disappointed if she's flashback only. I feel like I'll keep wishing I was playing THAT game.



Why would she? Isn't she already confirmed to be the one that talks to you telepathically?

>posts inferior Chaika

>wanting a weak woman who can't defend herself or your child if you're not around

They don't need to be small, just not too large for her skull. And it's not even me hating on anime art style, I watch anime all the time and her design would look great if it were 2D, but the eyes look fucking weird on the model they made in-game.

Yeah but it means she's probably already captured and all the scenes where you travel with her are flashbacks.

I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Cries like a princess in english! Not a robot! Doesn't cry like a baby! Ladylike! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cutie patootie! Cute hairclips! Knows how to accessorize! Fashionable! Fingerless gloves for warmth and dexterity! Plans ahead! Not short sighted! Holds the triforce of wisdom! Smartypants! Yes! Cute with brains! Brains behind her forehead! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! Pointy ears! Cute pointy ears! Cute golden hair! Cute hairstyle! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!

>already captured
By who? Fucking Ganon is just minding his own business looming around and prepping to destroy everything. She's probably just calling you to wake you up because it's faster than going there herself.


>Yeah but it means she's probably already captured
It's been 100 years, she'd dead or a ghost now, Jim. Sheikah Slate is recorded messages.

>Cries like a princess in english

It's not though? And even if it is they aren't perverted virgins who get off at animated video game girls.

I don't even think Zelda is popular with kids these days, I think of it as primarily a manchildren series now

Wouldn't she already be waiting at the cave when you wake up if she were still around? If she had 100 years on her hands I imagine she could have made the time to be there for something so important.

I think it's gotten more popular with girls than boys now, maybe they'll have some lingering shots of Link's ass instead.

what does this mean

lmao no, girls won't account for 10% of BOTW sales, not even 5%

girls just say they like it for gamer cred