What are your expectations for BoTW? Mine are pretty low

What are your expectations for BoTW? Mine are pretty low.


an empty landscape with less to do than mass effect 1 planets and equipment that breaks more frequently than in dark souls 2.

I unironically think it will be the greatest Zelda game in the history of the franchise, but people on Sup Forums will find a way to complain regardless.

Tell us how you dream about the game every night user


Does the game have a dedicated jump button like Xenoblade? That's the hinging factor on whether I will buy it or not.


It has a jump button, but don't expect fuckhuge mim leaps like in XCX.

> expectation: the game does something different for once like letting Link and Ganondorf finally solve their problems with tender boipucci lovemaking

> what will happen: zelda is useless the whole game and link kills ganon, without saying a word, despite voice acting finally being a thing

Only thing that worries me is that the weapon durability will be annoying. Other than that I'm pretty optimistic.

Actually, I know my outlandish claim seems like its the deluded dreams of an overhyped fanboy, but I am not actually a big Zelda fan.

I really liked OoT and MM and Twilight Princess I guess, and I always felt the best way to top them was an open world that sort of meshes the themes and atmospheres and world of those three games in particular.

Lo and behold, that's exactly what BotW is, so I have every reason to believe this is going to be the best one, simply because it's the Zelda game I always wanted.

As long as there's a sufficient amount of stuff to explore and do, I see no reason why the game will not meet those simple expectations.

We've already seen clips of multiple villages, and there's supposedly 99 shrines alongside the 4 dungeons, so I am not worried.

I hope there is more than 4 dungeons. If the Divine Beasts are all that exist, then I don't really know about how interesting it will go down as. I hope another set of dungeons or something happens and we get like 2-3 more.

I hope they don't lazily throw the world bosses all over the place, and reuse them often. I don't want Sponge Rock Golem #4 20 hours into the game.

Might still be cool. I'll have to see if any of my friends pick it up or stores have kiosks for it to try it.

>Mine are pretty low.

I hope to have the sensation to be thrown in a new world that I'm free to explore like Zelda 1, but with complex mechanics/a technical gameplay

Probably why you suffer from depression.

You know that mockup of a cover that was made early on? The Elder Souls of snowboarding blablabla & knuckles featuring Dante?

That, minus Knuckles and Dante
... If there's a Knuckles-like Goron or a Dante like Sheikah, I will be astounded

What's that map? A speedrun of LoZ?


The first result I got when searching "complex" in google...

I probably spent 40% of my playtime jumping around like a retard.
One day I even spent like one hour trying to platform in the city market zone on those thin signals

Mine are low because I hate the art style and art direction, which have always been vital to my enjoyment of Zelda.


You must not have enjoyed any zelda since wind waker.

Not him, but Twilight's Princess artstyle is really unappealing to me. That's one of the major reasons that puts me off from replaying the game.

I have a soft spot for ALBW, but otherwise yeah, Wind Waker was the last game that really engaged me.

My only problem with it is how inconsistent it is. It could have been vaguely realistic, it could have been wind waker with textures, it could have been coherent. Instead we got a reskinned WW engine with no consistency in the art direction, ugly enemies and npcs that don't look right next to each other..

ALBW was okay. I actually liked the look of minish cap though.

I really don't like the TP color palette, the environments are just full of puke green and browns.

As cliche as it is, OoT and MM are still the gold standard of Zelda visuals unnless you're going into WW territory, the worst being the middle ground of BotW and SS.

Why is the EU cover so fucking feminine and weird?