He's over the age of 18 and still plays games rated E for children

>He's over the age of 18 and still plays games rated E for children

>he plays games rated for teenagers and 17 year olds
I'll stick with my adult games for adults

its fun


>for children

Murrica education in action.

You're not a mature adult for playing your 3DS with pokemon and mario in public

its fun

>When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of being seen as a child

>he doesn't play games for kids to adults

Anyone replying to this with even a hint of seriousness is a complete retard.

Why the fuck do you even care.

Games can be good even if they don't have rape and murder

Even worse, it's an amerifat weeb.

I've accepted my loserdom, why can't you?

It's called "r*pe", you insensitive idiot.

>I'm a mature adult, why should I care what anyone thinks what I do in public.

.t Quentin


>caring about what anyone thinks what you do in public

an insecure amerifat weeb

>mature games for mature gamers argument
We get it, you're 16

>he took the bait

>Mr Craig, we can offer you $10,000/mo if you agree to play a PS Vita any time you're waiting in public
>sure whatever

t. manchild

>lol I don't care what anyone thinks

Probably playing Miracle Girls Festival.

>lol i was just baiting you

I think the YouTube comment section is the perfect place for you.

When is Luvia going to fuck the living shit out of Rin?

Why are americans such vapids, insecure bitches? Bunch of braindead slaves, i swear.

Why would they even bother? The Vita was a stillborn.

>I base myself on what others think of me


we don't know when the picture was taken, maybe they still had hoper for it

You're not a mature adult for purposefully avoiding playing your 3DS in public because you're incredibly insecure when nobody REALLY cares.

theres a c rating

Reminder that only subhuman nigger scum care about ESRB ratings
It's a fact
You can try to deny it, you filthy niggers, but you know it's true and always will be true

E is for everyone, just like OP's mom.

He’s over 12 and still plays FPS garbage.

>Hehehe I love playing my 3DS with mario in public. I don't care if everyone looks at me with disgust because I don't care what others think. Because I'm a mature adult

>caring about other people's preferences

Vidya equivalent of bible-thumpers.

Stick with your Jesus-approved games you chump.

OP's mum is rated N now though cause nobody wants to touch that shit.

Mario Kart is gud
¯\_ - ‿ - _/¯

nobody will look at you. You're either a crazy narcissist or incredibly insecure to think that people will spend a second of their day observing some stranger in public

Dumb Madoka poster

>They're not children's toys! Playing pokemon is a serious adult hobby! I haven't gotten a job yet because that would take away time from training.

who are you quoting

Himself to his father probably.


Was that before or after the butt rape?

>anime poster looking down on kids

Is there anything more pathetic than playing nintendo in public?

I'm not the op.

No u

being insecure

Hello Quentin, fuck off Quentin.

the autism in this thread is astonishing, good job OP

most likely watching a movie

>posts shitty frog image

>he's legally allowed to buy games containing sex drugs and violence
>he now only ever buys a game if it has at least one of the above

Only a manchild disregards social norms and is fine looking like an asspie.

It's E for EVERYBODY you illiterate piece of shit.

My mother and all her friends who are in the 40-60 range are enjoying candy crush, i don't think they care about your opinion user.

you must be in horror of public judgement any time you step outside. What a wretched living

Even japan thinks pokemon and mario is for children, you're rightly viewed as a social disease for playing your 3DS in public.

>social norms
youre most likely a dweeb everyone ignores and ends up on r9k

>Work in a video game store
>Everyday kids come in
>Their balls clearly haven't dropped yet
>"What are you looking for?"
>Need for Speed
>Call of Duty
>Grand Theft Auto
>Speak to the adult watching over their grazing children
>"This game is rated mature because of violence"
>Parent blinks
>"That's okay, my kid has played games with violence"
>Sometimes... "Game has sexually suggestive themes."
>"Sexually suggestive themes?!?!? Why are you trying to buy THIS game Eric? You never said anything about sexually suggestive themes. Etc... etc... etc."

Maturity, am I right guys?

Candy Crush was made for turbo casuals like your mother.

>watching a movie with the classic hand positioning for playing a game
kill yourself, you're desperate

>turbo casuals
isn't this a contradiction in terms?

No, but your mother is

>button for speeding the video up

The Japanese are also slowly killing themselves as a people so you shouldn't really regard anything they think as something to agree with.

As opposed to playing what, JRPGs? lol

Hopefully soon

Did you ever think there was more to life than ultra violence and hardcore nudity?

Japan is doing far better than most of the world

>He's over the age of 18 and still shitposts on Sup Forums

Murdering is way more pure than sexual reproduction. One's simple and to the point the other is mired in degeneracy and randomness.

>You're not a mature adult
Never contested that.

>He's still posting in Sup Forums

Dude if you care so much about being mature, not a manchild and social norms, stop posting here, go to Facebook and share some memes or some shit.

Yes, because the M rated games aren't played mainly by tweens and manbabbies

>over 12 and still playing jrpgs

OP reminds me of a kid I knew back in middle school who thought that game quality was measured by the age rating.

Doesn't matter when you aren't pushing out young faster than people are retiring and dying.

>t. delusional basement dweller weeb
japan has the higest suicide rate in the area with people working their ass of with 10-12 hours a day. japan is shit

>over 8 and still watches cartoons

t. German
Enjoy your tolerant refugees

Playing the Vita. :^)

>implying lad

Being so painfully insecure yet also so narcissistic that you think everyone is going to be looking at you and therefore if you don't conform to some societal norm you came up with in your head you'll be immediately judged by everyone instead of the more likely conclusion of nobody giving a shit who you are, what you're doing and moving on with their day.
Nobody gives a fuck if you play video games in public and even less of those people care about you in any way shape or form.

But it says E for EVERYONE not C for Children.
Do you not have the basic understandings of reading comprehension or are you just retarded?