If you don't buy this, you will never get a new crash game

If you don't buy this, you will never get a new crash game



>you will never get a new crash game

>A new crash game thats more of this

I think I'll be fine.

If I don't buy this game, it means I don't want a new game which resembles this one

Was this absolutely nessesary?

They better start porting then. I'll gladly buy 4 copies if it comes to something other than PlayStation

Good, if this is Crash's future it's better he stays dead.

We're not getting one anyway ND head has said before in interviews that they don't wanna do 'immature' games anymore, presumably in the exact same instant he vigorously sniffed his own farts



I never played the old ones, why would I want a new one?

I would rather have a new spyro TBHfanALAM

Spryo Trilogy Remake for 2018/19?

>Wahhh, all new IPs sick, why can't it be like the good old days?!

What's bad about it?

Sup Forums is a minority compared to all the normies and PlayStation fans who will buy this trilogy. Crash is certainly going to be around for a little longer after this for sure.


Never had one of the original Crash games so, for me, buying the trilogy would be three new games for me.
>inb4 hurr durr underage b&
I was more of a Spyro kid.

>no xbone release

Having normalfags for friends is suffering

>he choose the wrong console

You're never going to get a new one regardless
Sony is only interested in selling cinematic experiences thanks to the western market loving to slurp up hot garbage.

Thanks sony.

Was never a fan in the first place so it;s no great loss.

people like to nitpick the dumbest things like the color of the boxes, his spin animation, etc.

>Buying an Xbone
Why not just get a PC, at least the PS4 has some weeb/Asia only exclusives.

>you will never get a new crash game
I don't really care. The remastered trilogy is enough to make me happy.


It's a business. If people eat up cinematic experiences like hot cakes then there's no reason to stop making it.

The fact is, they make games for money.

Don't worry. I'll buy it and then proceed to shit on everyone who didn't

>a new Crash game
>made by Activision

No, thanks

Is this a remake of the original PlayStation games or is this a whole new adventure?

Only millennials need remakes

crash isn't even that good t b h desu

Remaster "+"

>you will never get a new crash game
I already accepted that fate a long time ago, fuck ND


I'll pick it up. Never played the originals.

You could just get them on PSN or emulate

i have the original ones on my PS ONE

I only have the disks for 2 and 3.

Naughty Dog hasn't had the rights to Crash Bandicoot for over 15 years you literal fucking retard


That would actually be great hily shit

Good. I only want a new Crash game if it's good, which it won't be because Activision.

I can easily see this being the highest selling crash game, just like the ratchet and clank game, $40 price point and the ps4 install base does wonders

Liking Spyro is no reason to not have played Crash you baboon. Most people who played one of them also played the other.

Thank god, Crash was bad enough when it came out.

bad bait

All I want is a new Spyro game.

He gets new games all the time, bro.