Dark Souls 1

How do you beat them without the drake sword I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack if I don't beat this boss

shit bait

Its not


Summon Solaire and Lautrec to the fight.

gold pine resin you shitter

Lighting Resin + Any Weapon

Use the Blakc Knight Halberd

These, or you can join sunbros and get the Lightning spear. It kills them in 2-3 shots each if I remember correctly


I don't see anything in my inventory just white sign soapstone

Hit them with something that isn't the Drake Sword.

2hand ur weapon and land 2 hits making the gargoyle staggered
rinse and repeat

literally dodge their shit and hit them with anything.
git gud

Take off your armor and use your strongest 2 hander.

I'm not shitting you.

Drake Sword is shit you mong

Get a +3 Zweihander and kill them in 5 hits

By gitting gud.

If you're lucky enough for it to drop

I'm not good though

weapons with big hitboxes

>drake sword
>can't beat gargoyles

weak bait senpai

Farm titanite shards from the Balder Knights and upgrade your weapon to +5. They should go down in no time.

>blacksmith is right next to the boss
>people still can't figure out how to win a DPS race

Just back up your save before killing the black knight and reload it until you get the bkh.
I can't believe people still don't abuse save file backups.

that is why you git good

>knowing about the Drake Sword on your first playthrough
>not knowing that they're weak to the lightning resin in the Burg

user just keep reading whatever guide it is you're using.

Grind around a bit until you are leveled up to around level 22 (upgrade some useful stats). Get to the bossfight in human form and summon a helper right before the boss gate - the summon sign will only be there if you are human and not hollow, you'll need to sacrifice one humanity at a bonfire for that.

Don't bother blocking, you'll need to dodge their attacks. So unequip your shield and any armor that keeps you from properly rolling. And hold your weapon with both hands.

That's how I did it.

And you can search for this: Dark Souls 09_005

Because I got banned from DaSII for doing this

>people using drake sword
Anyway I just restarted this game a couple days ago, which is better, bastard sword or claymore?


DS2 is the only DS game with aggressive anti-cheat. You can do this in DS1 and 3 and no one will give a shit.

Which one lets you kill things the best? Pick that one.

If you have trouble, maybe you're not being aggressive enough.

If you can manage to get the first gargoyle low before the 2nd one shows up, it might make your life easier. Also remember to cut its tail to stagger it.

Summon if you are a shitter
Git gud otherwise

Claymore is really good. But if it is PvE, you really can beat PvE with any weapon.



Am I a scrub for using the Claymore on my first run? I rolled Deprivied.

Upgrade literaly any weapon you have to +5 and win

Post weaponfu

Honestly you can only be a scrub in PvP in PvE it really doesn't matter

Use fire in any form
They're incredibly weak to it
I spent most of my time in ds1 getting summoned for these guys and using great combustion/fire surge until they dropped

Oh shit that's right, I used a +5 battle axe. You should too.

I'm a super turboautist and only play as a mage in RPGs
Will Dark Souls be fun for me if I play as a pure mage and restrict myself only to staves, daggers and spells?

I don't understand how people have this much trouble with any dark souls fight where you can summon npc's if you're that much of a shitter.

Solaire literally solos this boss for you, same with almost all other bosses and their respective summons.

Magic is broken in every dark souls so yes

If you consider killing bosses in less than 15 seconds "fun", then yes.

magic in DS1 is FUCKING busted so yes
You will have progressively less fun as you play later entries in the series and magic gets nerfed more and more

Actually, yes! Dark Souls is extremely flexible in that regard, you can spec for and be successful with anything!

Gargoyles aren't even real DPS race

>People always complaining about this shit
>did the whole game with the basic Longsword
Only weapon you will ever need.

>fighting Gwyn
>he charges at me
>dodge it
>he flies through me, dashes around the arena like a fighter jet and then hits me in the back

>not dual wielding 2 broken sword hilts +10

>be mage
>fire my pew pew pew
>boss dead

>be buff mclargehuge barbarian with greataxe
>swing it two or three times
>boss dead

DEX builds or bust

upgrade your weapon

Wasn't that godlike for stun locking? Or was that DS2 I am thinking of.

Upgrade your resistance a lot. Since everything hits so hard it's probably one of the most important stats no matter what build you're using.

It will be a different experience, you'll have an easier time than most players. Overall, very enjoyable.

>need miracles from sunbro covenant and ladyboy covenant for all miracles achievement

>Dark souls
>Thinking PvP is worth it
My sides

cut off the tail then equip it then kill them with it.

Op here thanks for the help im gonna try grinding till I'm 25 or 30 then ill get some lighting for my long sword for my warrior class he is lol now 19

When did I say that? Also
I don't know man, I was just memeing on you but I kind of want to try it now

I rarely practiced parrying when I started the fight. By the time it was over, I had gotten it down.

Everybody in this thread is a retard.

The fact is, there is no real reason to absolutely have to fight the Gargoyles immediately. You ring one of the bells that opens Sen's Fortress, but you can go right the other bell first if you want to.

The real advice I have for OP if you're having this much trouble with them. Fight them later, go explore and do other things and come back later when you're stronger.


Its 3+ with the longsword

Swing at them until they die.

>teleports behind me

>absolutely have
Sure, you don't HAVE to. But that's a shitty argument that doesn't frame the entire context of why you SHOULD anyways. They gives lots of souls that is very beneficial to a new player, and they give a new NPC that is also helpful.

Claymore is almost entirely superior. The thrust onehand R2 hits harder than the bastard sword's overhead cleave, and it has a twohand rolling thrust as well that the bastard sword also lacks. Claymore is substantially longer, too. All the bastard sword has going for it is slightly higher damage on the moves it shares with the claymore, which really doesn't offset all the downsides.

I do prefer the bastard sword's looks to the claymore, though.

>forgot to buy master key before going to NG+

If OP can't beat Gargoyles, what makes you think he stands a chance against Capra Demon, Gaping Dragon, or Quelaag?

Loving the Silver Knight Straight Sword. Pretty much all of the Silver Knight stuff, actually. Replaced the Balder's Side Sword that replaced my Black Knight Sword.

>buying the master key
>not just starting with it
Everyone point and laugh

Just run through New Londo.

>play as knight
>upgrade shield to at least 3
>block instead of roll
Stop playing faggot dex and go full STR.

>not starting as a pyromancer

I actually have died a lot more to gargoyles than gaping and quelaag.
Capra is fucked though.

>everyone complains about Capra
>literally killed him and his bitch ass dogs in two hits with a zweihander

First time against Capra was easy. Had BKS, just ran in and started swinging. Tanked his hits because poise actually works and he died faster than me.

>building poise
it's like you don't even want to play the game


>muh zweihander
literally more a crutch than drake sword

Cleric will serve you in the long run.


Disregard the others, magic is strong but it's not really fun and you'll have to whip out your weapon eventually because there are not enough charges to kill all fodder

>DEX builds or bust

>be dexfag
>swing 8 times in one combo leaving enough stamina to roll away
>bleed procs twice
>boss dead

Seriously though I had no idea how fucking insane bleed is in these games until I started putting some serious time in using the Bandit Knife. Then Bleed Resins in 3 just add to the insanity.

Balder's is the best DEX weapon in the game though, so keep it

I still have it. I just have more fun with the SKSS for fighting monsters right now, plus it's still only +10 while my SKSS is maxed.

>all these plebeian, melee-focused builds
Sigh, it's like you people WANT to be boring!

>not using him before you kick his ass off the ledge

>Joe Musashi build
>DEX/Pyro build using Chaos Blade and throwing knifes
>tfw Shadow Set isn't white
oh well

Any +5 weapon will melt them.

>First time against Capra was easy. Had BKS

"This boss was easy on easy mode"

I'm probably going to do a magic run next.
Is it just spamming various versions of soul arrow or is there a reason to use any of the fancier spells too?

Weapon buffs are the early game

Get lightning resin and shieeet

DaS magicplay is shit-tier
DaSII really shines with how creative you can get, especially with black witch staff

It's ok PvP isn't for everyone! :^)

Good ol' times

Pure sorcery is just that with the occasional Homing soulmass and Magic weapon if you feel like it. Utility spells are not very good for PvE. Mix it with Pyromancy and it will be a lot more fun