Things that make you instantly drop a game

What are some absolute dealbreakers for you?

>game isn't moddable
>shitty matchmaking system instead of private servers

>locked 30 fps
>QTE's up the ass
>heavily marketed

When devs brag about irrelevant shit

>Gritty realistic Dark Souls artstyle in an RPG game
>Can't pause the game
>If we can't make it good, let's make it hard

>locked 30 fps on PC
Fuck this bullshit

>only matchmaking and no lobby system (fuck you DOOM16)
>"indie" games for the sake of being "indie" games
>most single player games

Looks like you're not playing any game released past 2007 then, kiddo.

>Unskippable cutscenes/dialogue.
>It´s very story focused but the story is trash.

I am looking at you Pokemon SM.

>he fell for the modern games meme

I can deal with everything except shit gameplay

>anime artstyle
>non orchestral soundtrack
>game is divided into missions instead of being open world

>get MW2 on Steam during one of the sales
>find out it only has the base matchmaking
Fuck, how do I get custom server lists?

>X is a "must have" mod.

Fuckign dropped. If I like a game I'll mod it, but I'm not modding a game just to make it fucking playable in the first place.

>RPG that advertises 50 hours of gameplay
>10 hours is boring cringeworthy cutscenes
>39 hours is unskippable dialogue and voice acting
>1 hour is actually gameplay

>no window mode
>WHOA COLD START IN THE ACTION beginning so i cant alter settings or controls until after first opening level/tutorial
>game just copies one or two other games in the genre but worse
>you need x amount of thing to proceed to the next levels! play the last 10 levels over and over ;-)

Too hard to play without walkthrough
I'm bad at playing game ;_;

>can't play as a girl
desu, a game has to be really good for me to play it if I can't play as a girl, Nioh is the first time in years I've played a game where I can't be a girl
I don't wanna be a boy in real life why would I do it in my vidya

Because you're a faggot?

>ugly/edgy artstyle
>multiplayer focus
>limited graphics settings
>inmortal NPCs
>difficulty just affects the damage you deal and recieve

>anime artstyle
>turn based combat

uhh~ not exactly, unless you consider wanting to be a girl like the gayest thing

>game isn't moddable
You must not play a lot of games then

A game having multiplayer is a deal breaker. Having local co-op is ok, but anything more than that is GG. Being a AAA release is a huge red flag and almost but not always a deal breaker. If Sup Forums likes it, it's a bad sign too.

>What are some absolute dealbreakers for you?

a bad company is behind the game.
Ninja Theory

will not even touch it

>action combat
>rpg elements

>Intro is too slow
>''its good if you play with friends!''
>''its an experience, not a game!'' ie walking simulators

>its good if you play with friends
overwatch is a legit example of this tho, everyone who plays games has it so it's FOR playing with friends
like if you meet someone who plays games, you both have overwatch and can play that, cause everyone does

>shitty walking Sims
>shotguns are only effective at less than ten feet
>excessive QTEs

Yea I mean if it genuinely requires playing with friends to be its best I have no interest.
I only like playing multi with randoms. Playing with friends tends to be a hassle since they want to talk and shit and I just want to play

>it gets good at x hours

Fuck you, if it's shit from the start but you keep forcing yourself to play, it's not a good game, it's Stockholm syndrome

Option to use money earned in the game to learn a new move or to unlock concept art instead.

>selling point is gay protagonist
>selling point is pixel shit
>selling point is OH SO PROGRESSIVE
>selling point is it has memes
>made by EA
>made by Ubisoft
>made by Bioware after Mass Effect 1

I don't have Overwatch and never will, what now faggot?

I mostly play multiplayer games to have fun with other people / socialize so I guess that's where we differ senpai

>Multiplayer affects single player
Fuck that

>smash bros
>It's not melee

Only good ones

>it gets good 12 hours in (dragons dogma)
>don't like the setting
>bad aesthetic, i'm fine with bad graphics, but i'm not going to play something that has a horrific artstyle (see unmodded FONV)
>first person walking sim horror game that's not amnesia
>walking sims in general
>microtransactions that influence gameplay (COD IW, HW2)
>paid map/weapon packs (singleplayer content is fine)
>>selling point is gay protagonist
>>selling point is pixel shit
>>selling point is OH SO PROGRESSIVE
>>selling point is it has memes
name a game that has any of these things as its main selling point

>selling point is it has memes
metal gear rising (music and gameplay is still solid tho)

i don't even remember memes being referenced in MGRR, and even if they were they weren't a selling point by any stretch

>shotguns are only effective at less than ten feet
I can accept this because they would be undoubtedly the best weapon for every single scenario, so they must nerf for balance.
Much like how battle rifles like the M1 Garand, G3A3, Scar H, etc. would dominate every single firefight, so they nerf them.

The entire plot is driven by memes
They are the DNA of the game.

>Dragon Age: Inquisition? (never played it)
>Gone Home I guess
>Borderlands 2 & Pre-Sequel

Jeez. No wonder you guys hate games.
Your standards are insane.

>Movementspeed is very slow
>No way to sprint/speed up

I'm not asking for much desu, like just add one more playable character model into the game

>>game isn't moddable

So, does that mean you're not buying video games anymore?

>when the marketing campaign had a higher budget then the development team

>>Dragon Age: Inquisition? (never played it)
(never played it)
>>Gone Home I guess
a gay character is in it, that doesn't mean that the game's main selling point is that theres a gay character
>>Borderlands 2 & Pre-Sequel
memes being referenced in the game does not make memes its selling point