It's kinda funny that even PC bargain bin hunting games look better than anything found on consoles.
It's kinda funny that even PC bargain bin hunting games look better than anything found on consoles
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30 cents have been added to your account
I can afford a gaming PC. Do you honestly think I'd work for 30 cents?
I think your parents paid for that PC.
Keep crying
My argument offended you so you insult me personally. Nice.
>he really thinks anyone wants shitty movies
any device that can access youtube can "play" ps4 "games"
Whatever makes you sleep at night consolecuck :^)
oh hes back
when is update? game crashes constantly.
and tell ur guys to fix movement for keyboard users. there needs to be a speed modifier so i don't constantly walk/crouchwalk at max speed and spook 900 animals i can't even see. put the modifier on mousewheel like splinter cell or something
you know whats kinda gay that literal faggots here are ass fucking gay people
No crashes here. Maybe your PC isn't up to snuff
>Total war
Can't be gay with graphics like this.
What game is this at least?
The Hunter?
>such grafix in such a bad game
Thehunter: Call of the Wild. Be wary of buying it, the game is buggy as fuck right now
huh, the console kiddies haven't already overrun this topic with their pre-release bullshots?
It's like they finally conceded the point. I've never seen anything like this.
>PC bargain bin hunting games
Platform war shit aside, got any recs other that theHunter?
Hunting sims are something I've never dabbled in.
F-fuck off PCucks! W-we have UC4!
It actually looks better than anything found on PC.
Uncharted 4 looks p good
Until Dawn also looks p good
>i enjoy 30 fps caps on my games
lol go get you a ps4 pro kiddo, turn on boost mode and enjoy that 30 fps cap on bloodborn. lol i heard it is smoooooth
Can anyone recommend a decent hunting game for PC?
I remember playing one on PC like 12 years ago that was fucking awesome. It was open world, open ended, you chose your weapon (shotguns, bows, rifles, etc), equipment (tree stands, calls, scents, etc), and location, and even got a vehicle like an ATV if you so chose.
You have to track your target across the map by its footprints and droppings and shit, and if you find it and land a hit you have to track it if it doesn't die outright.
I can't remember the name but I haven't been able to find anything similar or even remotely as good. Surely something like that has to have been released by now, right?
>no one in those replies talked about FPS or PS4
I can't even begin to fathom on how many levels of falseflagging the people ITT are
I haven't played a gud huntin game since Deer Hunter 2002 or 3
fuck I want a good hunting game.
Texas country fag needs his fill
lol enjoy your 30 fps cap kid. I could never in my life go back to playing bidya at 30fps. I honestly don't get how shit eaters eat it up, they will tho.
heh...nice try...pcucks...THIS is the power...of the ps4...
Average PC game right here
No. Stop. Shut up.
30fps is NON-PLAYABLE.
If you play games at 30fps, the graphics don't matter. You could have the best looking game ever but 30fps is unplayable.
If you play in 30fps you are unfit for this discussion.
>get ps4 pro
>turn on boost mode
>get blooborn
>still have 30 fps cap and shit filtering
lol that looks like shit.
ya goofed m8. only two of those were me. stay triggered 30 fps kiddo.
remember that boost mode does nothing lol
I don't even own a PS4, I just don't understand why people shill this game
That's because 60F will break the game just like dark souls 1 on PC
Same reason why Nioh and BB get shilled 100 times a day. Platform flamewar
>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money
But in those games I don't need to walk 5 hours in a empty grass field only to lay in the middle of it for 30 minutes making deer noises and waiting for some animal to come out only to later realize you shot it in a non-lethal area so you have to track it for another 2 hours but then your game crashes because the devs are lazy cucks that only care about your money
>the average pc kickstarted literally who indie shit looks better than AAA games funded by Sony
And people still think consoles are relevant lmao
>Calling PC gamers immature yet still pirates games.
Too bad that's where they'll always be, in the bin.
>Calling PC gamers immature yet still pirates games.
and also buys literally the same game as console version so there are less PC copies sold
fuck PCfags, you brought it on yourselves
>simulates hunting
>AAA graphics
>PEECEE exclusive
Too bad it's a shitty fucking game.
Well shit.
These games did not age well.
Best hunting game mission coming through