Optical discs and cartridges cost a few cents

>optical discs and cartridges cost a few cents
>we pay 60 dollars

explain this fucking bullshit

the high price of games is to offset the console itself being sold for less than it costs to manufacture

how did the PS3 even survive then?

A third party studio sees 3-5 dollars of each game sold.

you're paying for the software.

>we pay 60 dollars for a group of 1's and 0's

Actually you're only paying for the license to play it.

Like MS doesn't give a shit about the actual software in Office, all you pay for is that little string of characters used to activate it.

>digital copy costs no money
>we pay 60 dollars

explain this fucking bullshit

>glass costs cents
>a bottle of champaign costs around 100 dollars
>explain this bullshit

>game is entirely digital and costs nothing to distribute
>we pay 60 dollars*

explain this fucking bullshit

* Just kidding we pay like 15 dollars during a steam sale.

shit is triggering my ocd. straighten that shit out

>paints and brushes cost a few dollars
>we pay $100m

explain this fucking bullshit

if this were a digital download only yeah, but with discs you actually own the software. no law can come and take it away.

It takes time and effort to create, market and distribute a complex video game like you see in stores. People expect to be compensated for this

>with discs you actually own the software
no you don't. read the EULA
protip: the L stands for License.

There's liquid in the fucking bottle you mongoloid. CDs just have labels.

>not a single restaurant/food analogy in the thread
Fucking come on now

literally software sales, PS3's were sold at a pretty substantial loss

you're paying for plastic

>living in europe

ive literally never noticed that the mona lisa has a veil around her head

Do you really want to know why paintings and art costs so much?

It's money laundering and tax dodging.

That's literally it. Buy a 150 million dollar painting so you don't have 150 million dollars in the bank you have to pay taxes on.

EULA means jack shit in court when country laws surpass it.

>its literawlly just a label!
>no game or data or anything!
what are bits and bytes

>59.99 retail
>59.99 digital download

>Some young punk breaks the window to your mansion and runs off with a $150,000,000 painting to sell to a private collector.
The taxes are worth it.

can you imagine that you pay an lawyer just for neurological connections in his brain? Practically some kilowatt of electricity costs you thousand of dollars.

No I play physical Nintendo games.
I actually own my games

>the only thing protecting a 150 million painting is a glass window
I doubt it.

>cartridges cost a few cents
>comparing the production of a disc to a cart

You sure are fucking stupid OP.